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How I Would Do It Differently Than Ron Paul


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I like it, but here's what I would do differently. You're going to hear a lot of boo-hooing over the lost federal benefits he's talking about cutting, but constitutionally, the federal government MUST cut those benefits because they violate the Tenth Ammendment.

Here's how I would do it: I would create a transitional period in which all of these Federal Programs were completely transferred to the State. In the first year, Federal taxes would remain the same, but the running of each program would be transferred from Federal to state control, so that each program was divided up into 50 different programs. The tax money that funded those programs before would be divied up between the states based upon statistics for how much of those benefits had previously been used in that state (also with consideration to how much of that tax money came from each state).

Some transitional period of time would be given, either 2 or 3 years, wherein each states' program would be weened off of the Federal government. After that period of time, Federal taxation would be largely elliminated, at least insofar as that taxation is used to fund those particular programs. Each state would then have the option to either institute its own taxes to replace the federal taxes and keep those programs running, or shut them down. So some states would continue providing those programs, while other states would no longer provide those programs. Some might provide less, some might provide more; the point is that the people's democratic power over those programs would be greatly enhanced because it's a lot easier to be a voice in State politics than it is to be a voice in Federal politics.

effectively, the Federal government would be dealt with largely the same way Ron Paul proposes dealing with it. We would drastically reduce the income tax if not altogether eliminate it (eventually), and we would cut all the federal government programs that are not explicitly called for in the Constitution. It would follow the avenue of the 10th ammendment: those powers not given congress by the Constitution are relegated to the States or to individuals. Divvy up the Dept. of Education (all Student loans and grants) to the 50 states to deal with as they wish, divvy up the Dept of the Interior and require each state to fund its own parks (there are State run Parks out there that haven't been sold off to big evil corporations, we should trust state governments to protect these things because the citizens of the states want them to), divvy up all of these things and let the states run them.

This solution, IMO, should satisfy the doom-and-gloom Keynsians that think cutting the Fderal Gov't' this drastically would hurt our economy. I really wish Ron Paul or some other candidate would propose something like this :cyclops:

so, what do you think of my idea? Aloysius for President (of more than just Phatmass) in 2024 (the first election year I'm eligible lol)

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this isn't anarchy by a long shot though, this is giving control over all these Federal programs to the states to do with them as they wish (make them bigger or smaller or cancel them altogether or continue running them about the same as they had been before), leaving the Federal government to only do what the Constitution specifically calls it to do.

how my proposal above could turn into a discussion about anarchy is beyond me, but there's nothing whatsoever anarchist about this. it is about giving states power that the federal government currently has.

ahhh well, I guess no one's interested in my proposal.

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