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Entering The Convent, The Orthodox Way


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Definitely good wow. Actually it's awe[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]so[/font]me wow.

Edited by HopefulBride
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I wanted to say that my overall thought about religious formation in the Orthodox Church is that it is one of gentleness. Not that there are not difficulties & what-not, but that it is very gentle in & of itself. :)

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[quote name='brandelynmarie' timestamp='1319751632' post='2327921']
I wanted to say that my overall thought about religious formation in the Orthodox Church is that it is one of gentleness. Not that there are not difficulties & what-not, but that it is very gentle in & of itself. :)

Yes I think I would agree. Certainly - from my experience - there is an emphasis on not getting ahead of yourself :) I am so in awe of the Church's wisdom and discretion about the human person; it really recognises that we love huge commitments and heroic acts, but it's better to only do small things and do them consistently. But it can be frustrating for those of us not blessed with patience! But you know how the saying goes, if you ask for patience, you'll get situations to practice it.

Last night I realised it's 14 weeks until I enter. Eeep.

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1319666515' post='2327453']
I haven't posted here yet as we have talked privately, but just wanted to add my best wishes.

Do you have a picture of the first habit you will be given at all? Just so I can imagine what you will look like! Thanks

Oh, and thanks for the best wishes :) :)

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Have nun shoes, will sing for supper!


and winter.

Just don't ask me what my actual opinion is of them ;)

[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1319836395' post='2328301']
Those 14 weeks will fly. Whats the actual date?

February 13th!

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Received 3 pairs of PERFECT Monastery Socks for b-day: thick wool, reach all the way to knees and [u]*DO NOT SLIDE DOWN*[/u]! 2 pairs cream, one pair grey, will last forever. Just... perfect. Didn't ask for them; my sister just 'knew I needed socks'.

Things like this really just make me feel loved and looked after. Why does the Lord provide for his silly and faithless servant... :idontknow:? :notworthy2:

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[quote name='mme_hardy' timestamp='1319900875' post='2328598']
That is wonderful and so perceptive and thoughtful of your sister. Did you happen to save the brand?

No, she'd taken the packaging off... Means I can't get any more, or recommend them... but still grateful for them! :P

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Sisters and brothers, please put in a heavenly word for me. Right now I'm feeling the weight of how lonely this path is. Can't really describe it, it's like a combination of wanting desperately to be at the monastery (they're eating supper as I write :() and not at all wanting to enter and embark on a lifetime of what seems like just losing everything. Perhaps it's imprudent to post these thoughts but I would really appreciate a prayer.

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Prayers. Everyone I've talked to says the moment when it becomes "real" is the moment when the devil starts working really hard to keep you from going. Remember that God is stronger than this struggle. I will be praying for you!

Edited by Lisa
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