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[quote name='regina_coeli' timestamp='1318362105' post='2319780']
TB is a tease!

Rename her TeaserBenedicta??? rotfl

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1318362279' post='2319783']

Rename her TeaserBenedicta??? rotfl


I sent her a PM. The suspense is driving me mad! :bounce:

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Mary's Margaret

Oh my goodness, such curiosity!! However, I don't know you (nor do I know how to PM someone) so I shall pray for God's will to be done ... ... ...and learn to let curiosity pass by.

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[quote name='Mary's Margaret' timestamp='1318362885' post='2319789']
Oh my goodness, such curiosity!! However, I don't know you (nor do I know how to PM someone) so I shall pray for God's will to be done ... ... ...and learn to let curiosity pass by.

Must agree, but will add that I hope your "news" is a Blessing of one sort or another.

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Oh it's certainly "good" news :) Just that there are a few factors that might make it take more or less time, so until those get solidified, I don't want to make any official, public announcement. :D

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Mary's Margaret

[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' timestamp='1318432897' post='2320142']
Oh it's certainly "good" news :) Just that there are a few factors that might make it take more or less time, so until those get solidified, I don't want to make any official, public announcement. :D

I'm so very happy it's good news. My prayers are with you that everything falls into place in God's perfect will and timing.

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[quote name='MessorCarus' timestamp='1318463376' post='2320355']
I will wait in suspense. :|

Or you could send her a PM.... :hehe2:

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1318463687' post='2320357']

Or you could send her a PM.... :hehe2:

this is true. :|

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