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You Are Prolife, How Do You Feel About Adoption?


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With all of this red tape in adopting, is it any wonder that people look into in vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, and artificial insemination? Note that I am not advocating for doing such practices in any way, but maybe this plays a significant part in why people don't decide to adopt.

Edited by tinytherese
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[quote name='tinytherese' timestamp='1318705058' post='2321667']
With all of this red tape in adopting, is it any wonder that people look into in vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, and artificial insemination? Note that I am not advocating for doing such practices in any way, but maybe this plays a significant part in why people don't decide to adopt.
Another reason though, is that alot of people think it wouldn't be the same as having their "own" baby (and obviously there would be things that are different than having a child that was biologically yours, but it's not like it would be a little stranger running around your house, any more than a biological child would be). I was listening to a guy talk on Catholic radio a few years back about how he and his wife adopted a baby girl and someone (another Catholic) said to him something like, "Wow, I could never do that! I just couldn't raise a baby that wasn't mine!" And he said, "Well, she is ours. She is a gift from God just like any other baby, He just gave her to us in a different way."

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1318179844' post='2318551']
It is too bad, many prolife people i have talked to also said that they would never consider adopting a child, and others would refuse to allow tax money to help "aint my problem".

I understand the Catholic Church used to do alot of adoptions?
Still do. Catholic Charities does alot of work with this--actually, one of my best friends and his three siblings were adopted through CC!

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Little Flower

The government should just give all the money thats currently going to planned parenthood to adoptions. thats my idea!

and if i were to get married i would give birth to 10 kids and adopt 10 more.

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I've considered foster parenting and adopting, but not right now.

I'm single, for one thing, and I think that adoption is something that one should not walk into lightly as a single parent. I mean, on one level, a parent is better than no parents, so I'm sure I could provide a loving home to a kid who wouldn't have that chance otherwise....but....not lightly.

Secondly, one must have a home to be a foster parent. You need a seperate bedroom (no bunk beds) to put the kid(s) into. I do not have this at the moment, so I could not be approved to be a foster parent.

The state does provide money to foster parents, to go towards the upkeep of the child. That's part of the scandal of foster homes - sometimes the adults are asking to be foster parents for some ulterior reason, not to provide a loving home for needy kids. If the gov't pays for adoption...it can introduce some of this scandal into the situation, so one has to be very careful how that is done. Encouraging adoption without making adoption worse is the idea.

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