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Spiritual Direction


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This doesn't really need its own thread, but it's so exciting! :nun2:

So today I had my first meeting with my spiritual director! We just talked, mostly, about what spiritual direction was, my prayer life, what I hope to do in life. It was kind of funny when I told him about the religious sister bit! He was very helpful, and I'm sure spiritual direction will help me loads.

Anyone else have a great spiritual director?

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For the first time in my life, I'm looking for one. I'm wondering whether to approach a priest or to write to the prioress of a nearby Carmel, asking if any nun there might be prepared to meet with me once every three months or so.

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I have an AMAZING spiritual director!!!! He is a priest in our diocese and shares the job of vocation director to boot! :nun2: (there are two priests that handle the job in our diocese).

I have been his directee :| for a little over a year now and I have just loved it. God uses him in a beautiful way in my life.

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[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1317939577' post='2316797']
This doesn't really need its own thread, but it's so exciting! :nun2:

So today I had my first meeting with my spiritual director! We just talked, mostly, about what spiritual direction was, my prayer life, what I hope to do in life. It was kind of funny when I told him about the religious sister bit! He was very helpful, and I'm sure spiritual direction will help me loads.

Anyone else have a great spiritual director?

Congratulations! :nun2: I am looking for one. :detective:

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[quote name='brandelynmarie' timestamp='1318021099' post='2317622']

Congratulations! :nun2: I am looking for one. :detective:

It was quite a search, let me tell you. But this SD is PERFECT for where I am now.

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Kevin J Banet

[quote name='beatitude' timestamp='1317940673' post='2316847']
For the first time in my life, I'm looking for one. I'm wondering whether to approach a priest or to write to the prioress of a nearby Carmel, asking if any nun there might be prepared to meet with me once every three months or so.
Anyone wanting to "chat" online with a Visitation sister about vocations, or any spiritual journey, go to the [url="http://visitationspirit.org/living-jesus-chat-room/"]Living Jesus Chat Room[/url] this Sunday between 7:30 - 8:30 pm, Eastern Time. The Visitation sister there has a lot of insight about one's journey in life. The visitation spirituality finds its roots in St. Matthew’s Gospel when Our Lord tells us to learn of him for he is “gentle and humble of heart.”

Check it out!

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[quote name='Kevin J Banet' timestamp='1318026608' post='2317688']
Anyone wanting to "chat" online with a Visitation sister about vocations, or any spiritual journey, go to the [url="http://visitationspirit.org/living-jesus-chat-room/"]Living Jesus Chat Room[/url] this Sunday between 7:30 - 8:30 pm, Eastern Time. The Visitation sister there has a lot of insight about one's journey in life. The visitation spirituality finds its roots in St. Matthew’s Gospel when Our Lord tells us to learn of him for he is “gentle and humble of heart.”

Check it out!

Hi Kevin ... welcome to the phorum!

One thing though ... realize that spiritual direction is very different than getting feedback in a chat room. Don't get me wrong ... a chat room can help in discernment, but I think spiritual direction goes further than this. Much further.

Blessings and again welcome!

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' timestamp='1318039953' post='2317746']

Hi Kevin ... welcome to the phorum!

One thing though ... realize that spiritual direction is very different than getting feedback in a chat room. Don't get me wrong ... a chat room can help in discernment, but I think spiritual direction goes further than this. Much further.

Blessings and again welcome!

Once again cmaria, I second your post. No amount of online reading or chatting can take the place of a one to one chat with a spiritual director. The Internet is a resource, but not a replacement for personal contact.

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1318043601' post='2317773']

Once again cmaria, I second your post. No amount of online reading or chatting can take the place of a one to one chat with a spiritual director. The Internet is a resource, but not a replacement for personal contact.
There's something wonderful about sitting down with Fr. B and just talking....about [i]everything[/i]. I love having a companion!

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Me too. Sitting down and talking is all that. There's a chemistry involved (well, more like a Holy Spirit guided chemistry) that isn't present over the phone.

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[quote name='Kevin J Banet' timestamp='1318026608' post='2317688']
Anyone wanting to "chat" online with a Visitation sister about vocations, or any spiritual journey, go to the [url="http://visitationspirit.org/living-jesus-chat-room/"]Living Jesus Chat Room[/url] this Sunday between 7:30 - 8:30 pm, Eastern Time. The Visitation sister there has a lot of insight about one's journey in life. The visitation spirituality finds its roots in St. Matthew’s Gospel when Our Lord tells us to learn of him for he is “gentle and humble of heart.”

Check it out!

Spam isn't c.ool, not even vocational spam. <_< I do love the spirituality of St Francis de Sales, but you can have too much of a good thing, especially when it keeps popping up all over the board like this. Why don't you ask dUSt to put the link to the chatroom in the site's directory?

Edited by beatitude
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I concur! As a spiritual director, if I couldn't see my directees -- the way their posture is, their facial expressions vs. tone of voice, periods of silence (fidgeting vs. contemplative), etc. it wouldn't do me or them any good. You need to be attuned to the whole person to be a good director. You also have to be comfortable with silence, with not "barging in" with comments, good with tears, etc. Chatting is one thing, directing (I really don't like that word as it seems too dictatorial, but we're stuck with it for now!) is something else. I went for my training at the Institute for Spiritual Companionship and I believe that's a much better name for the relationship, being a companion to another seeker on the journey, that being the tour director :think:

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[quote name='Francis Clare' timestamp='1318080532' post='2317957']
I concur! As a spiritual director, if I couldn't see my directees -- the way their posture is, their facial expressions vs. tone of voice, periods of silence (fidgeting vs. contemplative), etc. it wouldn't do me or them any good. You need to be attuned to the whole person to be a good director. You also have to be comfortable with silence, with not "barging in" with comments, good with tears, etc. Chatting is one thing, directing (I really don't like that word as it seems too dictatorial, but we're stuck with it for now!) is something else. I went for my training at the Institute for Spiritual Companionship and I believe that's a much better name for the relationship, being a companion to another seeker on the journey, that being the tour director :think:

Fr. B calls himself a Spiritual Companion, rather than a director. He said he's "been around the block before, and knows where I"m coming from!"

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Good for him :) A Spiritual Companion as a way to refer to a SD is so much more personal. I NEVER try to "direct" anyone, but help them to discern for themselves, using various methodologies, and support them in their choices. But....if I sense something is not "right" with a decision, I cannot stop someone from going ahead anyway. I only can try to help them think through, pray through, search the Scriptures, talk with, listen....but ultimately the choice is theirs. I'm glad you've got Fr. B. in your corner!

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