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Will Obama Destroy Franciscan University Of Steubenville?


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Deus te Amat

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1317668527' post='2314720']
they prolly couldn't understand your sign! LOL get it? reading comprehension and they couldn't understand your sign! HA!

QED. :|

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it...



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Deus te Amat

I find it odd that both nunsense and I agree with your main premise 100 percent, and yet you have yet to respond to the point of our objections.
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Deus te Amat

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1317669157' post='2314734']
YAAC. :|

The Young Arnolfini Artist Collective? :huh:

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[quote name='Deus_te_Amat' timestamp='1317669161' post='2314735']

I find it odd that both nunsense and I agree with your main premise 100 percent, and yet you have yet to respond to the point of our objections.

i find you odd :hehe2:

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[quote name='missionseeker' timestamp='1317664878' post='2314685']

BasillisaMarie is NOT pro-abortion, nor is she a radical feminist. She is not saying those are only blobs of tissue, nor is she in denial about the horrors of abortion. So for those pictures to be directed to her is kind of insulting, I would think, because essentially, it does seem to be equating her with that. It definitely would have turned me away from engaging in anymore conversation with you guys if I HAD been arguing about that. Some forms are "preaching" can be very poor taste.


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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1317664406' post='2314682']
Source? I've heard otherwise, but I generally find such comparisons irrelevant.
and calling G.W. "conservative" is rather a joke.

[url="http://www.factcheck.org/2010/01/president-obamas-vacation-days/"]http://www.factcheck...-vacation-days/[/url] My earlier post was regarding a larger time period than this article(first year), and the numbers are a bit different but that should do.
for the longer time period, "
[i]So far, President [b]Obama has taken 61 vacation days[/b] after 31 months in office. At this point in their presidencies, [b]George W. Bush had spent 180 days[/b] at his ranch where his staff often joined him for meetings. And Ronald [b]Reagan had taken 112 vacation days[/b] at his ranch. [/i]
[i]Among recent presidents, [b]Bill Clinton took the least time off — 28 days[/b]."[/i]

[quote name='missionseeker' timestamp='1317664878' post='2314685']

BasillisaMarie is NOT pro-abortion, nor is she a radical feminist. She is not saying those are only blobs of tissue, nor is she in denial about the horrors of abortion. So for those pictures to be directed to her is kind of insulting, I would think, because essentially, it does seem to be equating her with that. It definitely would have turned me away from engaging in anymore conversation with you guys if I HAD been arguing about that. Some forms are "preaching" can be very poor taste.

This. This is the type of bullheaded preaching that will forever turn people away. when the prolife side can decide it doesnt have enough opposition and turn and attack their own... it really doesnt look good at all.

[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1317665611' post='2314690']
I think, when speaking of abortion it helps to keep in mind the reality of what abortion is. Those pics show what we are talking about.

Everyone knows exactly what you are talking about, you have been exceedingly blunt about it.

[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1317667102' post='2314706']
it's the debate table, reading comprehension not required. :P

Its been a while since ive seen a thread showcase that as much as this one :P

Edited by Jesus_lol
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

If ya'll remember, something similar was attempted a few years ago. A law suit was brought against Belmont Abbey College, a Catholic College in North Carolina run by Benedictine Monks, which claimed the College/Monastery that ran it discriminated against its female employs by not covering oral contraceptives, sterilizations, and abortions. The law suit was eventually thrown out and then brought back by a higher governing body and then thrown out again. I doubt much will come of this skirmish with Franciscan either.

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam' timestamp='1317680048' post='2314800']
If ya'll remember, something similar was attempted a few years ago. A law suit was brought against Belmont Abbey College, a Catholic College in North Carolina run by Benedictine Monks, which claimed the College/Monastery that ran it discriminated against its female employs by not covering oral contraceptives, sterilizations, and abortions. The law suit was eventually thrown out and then brought back by a higher governing body and then thrown out again. I doubt much will come of this skirmish with Franciscan either.

See, I'd be inclined to agree with you, but this is about Catholic insurance organizations in general, not just Franciscan. Now that the public comment window has closed on this proposal, I don't know if there's much more we can do than write our representatives. Covering contraceptives and sterilizations under "preventative care" as this proposal would have it be is crazy - pregnancy isn't some kind of disease or constitutes a health risk, especially with the state of modern medicine. Furthermore the exception the proposal provides for religious groups is so narrow only parishes can really fit it, leaving loads of Catholic hospitals, schools, universities and other businesses in the lurch.

Edited by Basilisa Marie
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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1317654377' post='2314608']

Lol, I'm guilty of taking things personally for sure. :P

Considering you were being personally attacked, I think you had reason to take it personally. This entire thread reminds me of Abby Johnson's book [u]Unplanned[/u]. During her time as a Planned Parenthood Clinic Director, she watched the dueling pro-life protesters who did nothing but bash one another and such and was only convinced of the rightness of her cause by it. Things only changed when the pro-life demonstrators and sidewalk counselors were united in compassion and Christian charity, and the shock tactics were left elsewhere. The most effective witnesses were those who silently prayed and treated the abortion workers with humanity; the crying nun that came every day, the pro-life sidewalk counselor who gave them flowers and cards saying she was praying for them, and the men and women who spoke to the women on the way in and tried to make them reconsider without screaming they were murderers or radicals.

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After reading through this entire thread, the only thing I can think of is "WOOHOO! LOGICAL FALLACIES!"

I can't take you guys seriously when you resort to fallacies in order to "win" your arguments.

And the fact that you're all on the same side in the abortion debate makes it all the worse.

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='GeorgiiMichael' timestamp='1317686973' post='2314860']
After reading through this entire thread, the only thing I can think of is "WOOHOO! LOGICAL FALLACIES!"

I can't take you guys seriously when you resort to fallacies in order to "win" your arguments.

And the fact that you're all on the same side in the abortion debate makes it all the worse.

Welcome to the Debate Board.

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