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Will Obama Destroy Franciscan University Of Steubenville?


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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1317587046' post='2314058']

...like play golf?

...because they haven't done much for this country since last I checked...

I find the constant conservative comments about Obama's vacations and golf a little disengenuous, as the previous conservative president took nearly 3 times as much time off in the same time period

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1317587652' post='2314065']

I find the constant conservative comments about Obama's vacations and golf a little disengenuous, as the previous conservative president took nearly 3 times as much time off in the same time period

i don't really care, its my personal opinion that he has done absolutely nothing since he's been president but take this country down to ruin..

i wish he would play more golf, actually...

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='add' timestamp='1317583641' post='2314022']

STEUBENVILLE, OH—On September 22, Father Terence Henry, TOR, president of Franciscan University of Steubenville, submitted a public statement protesting new guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services that force Catholic institutions to choose between faith and health care. These guidelines, slated to take effect August 1, 2012, require all individual and group health insurance plans, including self-insured plans, to cover all FDA-approved contraception and sterilization procedures (76 Fed. Reg. 46621, August 3, 2011).
[b]read story here: [/b][url="http://www.franciscan.edu/News/2011/FUS_Stands_Against_HHS_Mandate_Undermining_Religious_Liberty/"]http://www.francisca...igious_Liberty/[/url]

[b]and here:[/b] [url="http://www.hsconnect.com/page/content.detail/id/564818/University-opposes-new-law.html?nav=5010"]http://www.hsconnect...w.html?nav=5010[/url]

Exactly. HEALTH INSURANCE. Just because Steubenville is one of many faithful Catholic institutions affected doesn't mean it's personally under attack, and to paint the picture as such is what I was calling inflammatory rhetoric.

[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1317587046' post='2314058']

...like play golf?

...because they haven't done much for this country since last I checked...

Oh really? Maybe not for you, but the Obama administration has done plenty of things other than play golf. Obama is the reason why I can stay on my parents' health insurance until I'm 26 because I'm a full-time grad student. If it weren't for that and the generosity of my parents, I would be living below the poverty line and would not have any health insurance. Obama signed an act that increases the scope of hate crimes to include crimes against someone because of their gender, sexual orientation and disability. He increased Pell Grants so more students can afford to go to college. He negotiated an agreement with Russia to reduce the number of nuclear weapons both of our countries have by 1/3. He expanded the Children's Health Insurance Program to cover millions of more uninsured children and pregnant women.

Yes, he isn't pro-life, but you honestly can't say that he hasn't done [i]anything [/i]for America. I'll probably get stoned for saying this, but I believe that abortion issues are not the only issues in politics. Yes, it [i]is[/i] incredibly important for us to be concerned with life issues. But at the same time what are we doing to help people once they're born? I don't agree with everything he's done or what he stands for, but someone would have to be blind to think that he hasn't done a single thing for the betterment of this country.

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omigosh, nice to think only of yourself... nice that you get to stay on your parents insurance while a baby gets shredded in their mother's womb...

sorry, but life liberty the pursuit of happiness... you can't have any of it without LIFE

he's the worst.president.ever

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1317589459' post='2314076']
omigosh, nice to think only of yourself... nice that you get to stay on your parents insurance while a baby gets shredded in their mother's womb...

sorry, but life liberty the pursuit of happiness... you can't have any of it without LIFE

he's the worst.president.ever
Right...I'm only thinking of myself. :huh:

Well then, I guess we'll agree that you can keep only thinking about the rights of the unborn, and I'll think about those while also clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless and educating the ignorant. All I meant was that even if people think he's the worst president ever, you can't deny that he has done SOME THINGS for this country.

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Without the right to life from the moment of conception to natural death nothing else matters. If that isnt protected and respected first then all else is in vain.

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Our rights come from God not a government and it is the government's responsibility to protect all of its citizens, even those in the womb. If this is not done then they are not doing their job properly.

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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1317589329' post='2314075']
He negotiated an agreement with Russia to reduce the number of nuclear weapons both of our countries have by 1/3.


rotfl rotfl rotfl :lol4: :lol4: :lol4:

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1317590064' post='2314080']
Right...I'm only thinking of myself. :huh:

Well then, I guess we'll agree that you can keep only thinking about the rights of the unborn, and I'll think about those while also clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless and educating the ignorant. All I meant was that even if people think he's the worst president ever, you can't deny that he has done SOME THINGS for this country.
Because the ends justify the means, right? :)

Edited by USAirwaysIHS
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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1317557442' post='2313844']
Isn't FUS a private university? I thought private institutions were not government mandated, and therefore immune to their control. It's ridiculous how bad Obama's administration has gotten. They are out of control. I really cannot wait until he is out of office. :frown:

The new rules coming out in the next few months really narrow the definition of private institutions that exempts them. They pretty much have to be all Catholic employees serving all catholic clients.

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1317591381' post='2314108']
Because the ends justify the means, right? :)
Lol, I'm confused as to what you mean. :)

I don't know...I guess I just don't like it when people seem to ignore the entirety of Catholic Social Teaching in favor of fighting abortion. I mean, that's all God cares about, right? If God only cares about the unborn, then why should we care about anyone else?

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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1317589329' post='2314075']

Exactly. HEALTH INSURANCE. Just because Steubenville is one of many faithful Catholic institutions affected doesn't mean it's personally under attack, and to paint the picture as such is what I was calling inflammatory rhetoric.

[quote]require all individual and group health insurance plans, including self-insured plans, to cover all FDA-approved contraception and sterilization procedures[/quote]

Being required to provide "all FDA-approved contraception and sterilization procedures" is hardly rhetoric. Besides abortion is not healthcare, by all definition this contraceptive procedure is [b][u]MURDER[/u]. [/b]

You mentioned getting your health insurance due to the generosity of my parents, this extra coverage does have a cost, nothings free, your Mom and Dads premiums will go up.
Also: In theory then, some (generous) parents could be paying for the abortion of there own grandchildren (with or without there knowledge or consent).

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I had this image of a giant, rampaging Obama destroying the campus and a bunch of St. Francis look-a-likes running in terror.

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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1317591633' post='2314117']
Lol, I'm confused as to what you mean. :)

I don't know...I guess I just don't like it when people seem to ignore the entirety of Catholic Social Teaching in favor of fighting abortion. I mean, that's all God cares about, right? If God only cares about the unborn, then why should we care about anyone else?

THOU SHALL NOT KILL ([mod]warning: graphic picture beneath the spoiler tags.[/mod]



[font=VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA]Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign." Mother Theresa [/font]

Whatever you did to the least of them you did to me

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='add' timestamp='1317594859' post='2314145']

Being required to provide "all FDA-approved contraception and sterilization procedures" is hardly rhetoric. Besides abortion is not healthcare, by all definition this contraceptive procedure is [b][u]MURDER[/u]. [/b]

You mentioned getting your health insurance due to the generosity of my parents, this extra coverage does have a cost, nothings free, your Mom and Dads premiums will go up.
Also: In theory then, some (generous) parents could be paying for the abortion of there own grandchildren (with or without there knowledge or consent).

1. I said that stating that Franciscan is personally under attack is rhetoric, not that the attacks on insurance companies were rhetoric. Hence my original reply about how we should focus less on how terrible this is for Franciscan and more on all Catholic insurance agencies. Because the original post made it sound (at least to me) like Obama was personally attacking Franciscan, which isn't true.

2. I want to make it clear that I never said I wasn't pro-life. I am pro-life. I believe abortion is murder. I get frustrated when people refuse to recognize the (what may be seen as little) good Obama HAS done, despite the fact that he's not pro-life and for these rather terrible insurance demands. You can't say he hasn't done ANYTHING. That is just a lazy statement and ignoring the facts. Abortion is not my personal political cause. I believe that I can be pro-life while not devoting my entire political energy to it. I also believe that if we ignore the full picture of what every politicians does, we make ill-informed decisions as voters.

3. Premiums may go up, but it'll still be far less expensive then me having to get my own health insurance at the moment. They're generous to keep declaring me as a dependent in that sense, until I can get a real job after I get my degree. I'm just saying this as an example of one good thing Obama has done to help Americans, when others were proposing that he hadn't done a single thing to help America.

4. Paying for the aborting of their own grandchildren? Isn't this why we need to focus on this problem affecting insurance companies in general? Then I agree with you. :)

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