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Is It A Sin If...


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If we boycotted everything that came from companies that mistreated its workers or supported immoral causes or organizations, we'd all starve or have to go around naked!

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I think the point is if you know it, we as Christians have a duty to look after it and try. You can't just say it's to big of a problem forget about it!

You have to start at some point to start healing the issues!

In the love of Christ

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i agree.....but for the most part, it would be inefficiently laborious (yea you know you like the terminology hehe) to do "background checks" on all the stuff we buy

yes there are certain obvious products that could be avoided more easily than others...ill grant that

edit: back to diamonds....what if in that certain area, "conflict diamonds" are the only thing available?....what would happen then?

Edited by lankyswimmer
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[quote name='lankyswimmer' date='Apr 30 2004, 12:42 AM'] i agree.....but for the most part, it would be inefficiently laborious (yea you know you like the terminology hehe) to do "background checks" on all the stuff we buy

yes there are certain obvious products that could be avoided more easily than others...ill grant that

edit: back to diamonds....what if in that certain area, "conflict diamonds" are the only thing available?....what would happen then? [/quote]
One step at a time ;) goes a long ways in the long run.

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Maybe we deserve to starve to death. Should we force others to starve to death so that we can live in a way we are accustomed to?

On the internet there are TONS of lists of companies which are good to buy from and those which are not. It is irresponsible to ignore these lists.

Take Mother Theresa for example. She worked with the poor of Calcutta. When she is made a Saint, do you really want her looking down on you as you support these industries? Textiles, etc?

As for coal miners, I am not sorry for them. I will NOT be sorry for them, until they are making 25 cents an hour. Getting beaten, etc. Sure, it is not a desireable job, but it sure beats starving to death in Ethiopia.

What sort of attitude is it to say that we should not sacrifice our lifestyle so that human rights can be upheld. What would Jesus have to say? Probably he would be disappointed. The Bible is filled with him telling us to be generous of ourselves both mentally, spiritually, and financially.

How selfish must you be, that you would rather have the third world starve so that you can eat out on weekends, buy diamonds for your girlfriend, and wear fancy clothes???

I'm seriously beginning to question all of your Agape (Christian Love).

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If conflict diamonds were the only things available, I wouldnt buy any diamonds. I pray for your soul, because when you meet St. Peter I hope he is as interested in diamonds as all you people tend to be. For some reason I don't think He will buy into the thought that pleasing your girlfriends need for BLING is a worthy cause for slavery and poverty.

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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Apr 29 2004, 11:36 PM'] Amen Jason.

Sigga, don't you think that we should try now, more than ever, to change our ways? The US was built on slavery (i'm from Canada) and your using the fact that you once had slavery as an excuse to continue to promote it? This seems like a questionable thought process to me. Excuses are never good, especially when you are saying 'Well we did this back then so ther'es no point in changing!' [/quote]
The U.S. is built on rules that the strong survive and the wise excell, the rest fall as they may to stabilize the rest of our framework. This ain't Canada, but I'm all about moral and ethical reforms if that is what you mean. I believe it can change, but not that much sadly if Americans still want to maintain the American/Western way of life. Note this is why the World hates America. Before finalizing your statement on illegal diamonds, check out Zales and Adlers, and their records in South Africa.

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hey now, i never said that i approve of the human rights abuses, please dont make assumptions on my character......i was merely suggesting some thoughts for discussion

since you seem to be a crusader for human rights.....what have you done recently to help the situation....sent food over there? gave money?

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I volunteer, I put money in those feed the children tins, I am a member of my school's amnesty international chapter, and as soon as I get a better job want to sponsor a kid and I'll most likely go do missionary work with MCC. Thanks for asking. I hope you start doing something too.

If you dont want to violate human rights, why dont you think that conflict diamonds are wrong?

M.SIGGA, regardless of your country's standards, dont you have personal moral standards? Personal faith standards? How can you be Christian and still say that conflict diamonds arent a sin. I get that your country isnt exactly righteous when it comes to human rights outside of itself, but does that make it ok for you to go along? Yeah it is sad that they arent righteous. so DO something!

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[quote]I hope you start doing something too.[/quote]

thanks for judging

but before this gets bumped to the back alley.......

i think that if you knew full well that your purchase was going to a company that openly had human rights abuses (conflict diamonds for the purpose of discussion) then it could be considered sinful.....mortal even

however, if you did not know that the company supported human rights abuses, again using the diamonds as our example, then yes it would still be sinful but not mortal.....i think that everyone has sins that they commit that they dont realize they commit and that will come out in purgatory

hope this clears some confusion up

ok another situation.....there is a shirt that is 2 dollars that would go to a company that supports abuses.....there also a shirt that sells for 20 dollars but the money does not support abuses......it is justified to spend the extra money and suggest vanity than to give the 2 dollars???

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This is the way I feel.

God is Mercy and Love.

We are to love even or enemies pray for them, go the extra mile when we are PUSHED too.

I'm not big on judging so the thing to do is pray! I agree this is a problem, like instead of wasting money to go to mars and look at some red rocks could feed alot of people ;)

But God allows things to happen, I struggle with this myself, I'm not perfect, I'm a sinner, my job is to pray for salvation of souls. Some people don't know better and if they do know better I still pray! For as a Catholic Christian this is our duty!

"Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect." Jesus gave us a big job to do, but thats why He also said "apart from Me you can do nothing." We need Him were He is Truly Present in The Holy Eucharist, so we can show that divine love to others.

Pray for everyone no matter who, at all times, for the salvation of their soul and the salvation of the whole world.

Pray the Holy Rosary IT'S POWERFUL.
I shall pray for you my brothers, please do the same for me!
God Bless

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[quote]As for coal miners, I am not sorry for them.  I will NOT be sorry for them, until they are making 25 cents an hour.  Getting beaten, etc.  Sure, it is not a desireable job, but it sure beats starving to death in Ethiopia.[/quote]
What about miners who are thrust into the situation because of other social injustices being inflicted upon them such trying to afford family health care, tuition for their children to keep them out of public schools, to pay debt so they are not homeless, etc... It's not as clean-cut as you are making it and who is the person to judge what suffering really is other than God? It's totally different for everyone in every situation because everyone is different and is effected by different "isms" making human life a living hell.

[quote]What sort of attitude is it to say that we should not sacrifice our lifestyle so that human rights can be upheld.  What would Jesus have to say?  Probably he would be disappointed.  The Bible is filled with him telling us to be generous of ourselves both mentally, spiritually, and financially.[/quote]
Jesus asks so much more. The Apostles told the first Christians to literally sell EVERYTHING and "Come Follow" and the one who lied was struck dead. It's that serious... and you have to understand that people are at different levels of poverty and dispair depending on their personal situation. Socialism (like in Europe and Canada) tries very hard to uphold what you are talking about, but the gaps in Socialism, such as less than spectacular specializations in some medicine and technology, leads them to funding the "Capitalist Machine" in America which they despise so much. Generalizations are really harsh and every situation needs to be taken into consideration individually. Peace.

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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Apr 30 2004, 12:01 AM'] M.SIGGA, regardless of your country's standards, dont you have personal moral standards?  Personal faith standards?  How can you be Christian and still say that conflict diamonds arent a sin.  I get that your country isnt exactly righteous when it comes to human rights outside of itself, but does that make it ok for you to go along?  Yeah it is sad that they arent righteous.  so DO something! [/quote]
Dude why are you jumping on me personally? I am an American, you are not, and I was just being informative for someone who is not familiar with how stuff is done down here. I've never alluded to personal convictions, other than every situation should be judged individually.

I'm not going to broadcast Good Works, but if you are interested, I am a Student Volunteer Coordinator at my Parish, and please feel free to Message me anytime if you want some ideas or want any info. God Bless :D

Edited by M.SIGGA
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