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Debating Fundamentalist Christians...


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[quote name='Mr.Cat' timestamp='1317174882' post='2311312']
Unfortunately because my experience with fundamentalists, ideologues, fanatics, extremists, and anyone of the same kin I tend to automatically assume to be a troll till reason dictates otherwise. This is because they meet the classic definition of a troll when entering a discussion. Someone who doesn't really care what you think, won't actually engage in the discussion, will make mocking comments at you, will throw out inflammatory language to spark arguments, will almost never explain themselves, are the true victims somehow ([i]because everyone else who doesn't agree with them are trolls[/i]), and of course they are always right. It makes me believe they are guilty of groupthink, if you are unfamiliar with the term, I suggest looking it up.

So I usually end up just offering quips like [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0"]this[/url].


One of them went into the typical, Catholics killed loads of Protestants argument and when I mentioned the Protestant groups that killed Catholics, they defended them.

Amazing what a little misconstrued Gospel can do to some people.

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Amazing what a little misconstrued Gospel can do to some people

Galatians 1:8 "But if though we, or an angel from heaven, preach another Gospel unto you other than the one we have preached...let him be accursed"

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[quote name='mortify' timestamp='1317175768' post='2311340']
You have to learn to pick your battles

This. I learned that the hard way after debating a staunch calvinist. Oh my gosh, I had to do so much research, dig up quotes from early Church Fathers I didn't even know existed...never...again...EVER.

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[quote name='mortify' timestamp='1317175768' post='2311340']
You have to learn to pick your battles

Completely agreed. But I enjoy defending the faith against the blatant lies of Evangelicals and others.

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Completely agreed. But I enjoy defending the faith against the blatant lies of Evangelicals and others.

Oh, you'll get sick of it, trust me.

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[quote name='Drew-Memphis' timestamp='1317176367' post='2311358']

Completely agreed. But I enjoy defending the faith against the blatant lies of Evangelicals and others.

Well brother, maybe you ought to do some more reading and meditating, and less debating?

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[quote name='mortify' timestamp='1317181101' post='2311413']

Well brother, maybe you ought to do some more reading and meditating, and less debating?

Also true. Our Catholic faith is a forever growing journey. We all have learning to do.

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I see what you're doing over there. You're flame-baiting. It can be kind of fun (said the non-Catholic on the forum for hardcore Catholics), but it can also be kind of trollish. If it's more than a passing phase for you, I encourage you to find your way to other types of forums where you can try to engage in something that's more constructive and mutually beneficial. At least you're starting out on an open forum that's unmoderated- you won't get banned, suspended, or censored for what you're doing, and the worst that can happen is you get flamed. Which is what you want anyway, so congrats to you. It's a normal phase to go through, and it does make you feel superior to the people that you're baiting. But most people find reasons to move past that if they wind up sticking with it long term.

This is a new one for me, though- I haven't ever run across a Catholic who used his real account to advertise his flame-baiting on a different forum. Thank you for this experience, kind sir. And thanks for leaving all the cards on the table. You made that really easy.

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Honestly Drew, I think you're being mean and disrespectful. Your passion for the Church shouldn't be an excuse to denigrate Christians who haven't had the same experience or opportunities as you have.


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i have a hard enuff time debating with lukewarm liberal cafeteria Catholics... i have no time for fundamentalists!!! We have a Church to heal... :hehe2:

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Guys, he'll snap out of it. I used to be the same way. Just let time be his teacher, lol

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[quote name='Drew-Memphis' timestamp='1317174113' post='2311289']
They've resorted to calling the Eucharist, cannibalism.

Sure no one wants to join in the fun? lol
By calling it cannibalism they are agreeing that the Eucharist is human flesh. Ask them who's flesh is it.

I find it funny that one of their ads is Catholic Match.

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