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Debating Fundamentalist Christians...


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Hey all!

I've been sort of absent lately and I'm sorry!!!

LOL. However, I could use some help defending our Catholic faith on another forum.


In the last two days, I've made over 50 posts in this single thread I've started. They're quite active.

Any support from the Phamily would be appreciated!! :)

My name on there is "CatholicDrew"

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Arguing with a fundamentalist is futile. Once they identify you as a threat they will expel you. They are like the borg in that sense, they let you walk around their ship aimlessly till they think you've done something wrong.

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[quote name='Mr.Cat' timestamp='1317167336' post='2311230']
Arguing with a fundamentalist is futile. Once they identify you as a threat they will expel you. They are like the borg in that sense, they let you walk around their ship aimlessly till they think you've done something wrong.

Sad to say this was also true at a Christian miniistry I was a part of. We're brethren until you say something Catholic, then you're censored. :unsure:

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lol. I used to do this for fun. They base their beliefs on emotion and how they feel, and they are easily angered.

"Your appeal to emotion is no match for my cold hard logic!"

Ah, good times. Good times.

You're brave for going on the Fundamental Forums. That place is a bastion of heresy and hatred that would make Fred Phelps blush.

Revoke the Council of Trent, fire the Pope and the Coredemptrix, burn all idolatrous images and anathematize the blasphemous Mass and we can start to talk.[/quote]

"Master of Fundamentalism" indeed. People like this make me really question whether or not we can call fundamentalists Christians. I'm sorry, I know that's harsh, but...come on. That's why I went off about the Whosoevers. Can we really call people who spread hatred and false witness against other Christians, who hold books like "A Woman Rides The Beast" and "The Two Babylons" and go to other countries to apostasize them from the Church...a Christian?

/end tangent.

Edited by Selah
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[quote name='Selah' timestamp='1317174076' post='2311287']
lol. I used to do this for fun. They base their beliefs on emotion and how they feel, and they are easily angered.

"Your appeal to emotion is no match for my cold hard logic!"

Ah, good times. Good times.

You're brave for going on the Fundamental Forums. That place is a bastion of heresy and hatred that would make Fred Phelps blush.

"Master of Fundamentalism" indeed. People like this make me really question whether or not we can call fundamentalists Christians. I'm sorry, I know that's harsh, but...come on. That's why I went off about the Whosoevers. Can we really call people who spread hatred and false witness against other Christians, who hold books like "A Woman Rides The Beast" and "The Two Babylons" and go to other countries to apostasize them from the Church...a Christian?

/end tangent.

The only downside is if I make it to that many posts, they'll start giving me those same titles. Wouldn't it be ironic to have a Catholic with the title of "Master of Fundamentalism"? lol

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[quote name='Drew-Memphis' timestamp='1317174113' post='2311289']
They've resorted to calling the Eucharist, cannibalism.

Sure no one wants to join in the fun? lol

Exactly my point. Would a true Christian talk like that?

I'm not in the business of casting my pearls before swine. So, good luck my friend, I will surely pray for you...and them.

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[quote name='Selah' timestamp='1317174242' post='2311293']

Exactly my point. Would a true Christian talk like that?

I'm not in the business of casting my pearls before swine. So, good luck my friend, I will surely pray for you...and them.

Oh yeah. It's interesting to say the least.

It'd be helpful to have at least a couple more people to counteract their b.s.

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Tell them that the early Christians were called canniballs as well, and that the Eucharist goes back, way back, to the point of the early church hiding in the catacombs to receive it. It's drawn upon the walls for goodness sake.

Ask them what Christ meant when he said "My flesh is real food, my blood is true drink." Ask them why this was considered a hard saying. Ask them why St. Paul told us we drink damnation to ourselves...over a symbol?


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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1317167697' post='2311237']

Sad to say this was also true at a Christian miniistry I was a part of. We're brethren until you say something Catholic, then you're censored. :unsure:
Would that be the same one where my assigned Accountability Partner on the staff stopped talking to me at all after I converted?

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[quote name='Selah' timestamp='1317174548' post='2311300']
Tell them that the early Christians were called canniballs as well, and that the Eucharist goes back, way back, to the point of the early church hiding in the catacombs to receive it. It's drawn upon the walls for goodness sake.

Ask them what Christ meant when he said "My flesh is real food, my blood is true drink." Ask them why this was considered a hard saying. Ask them why St. Paul told us we drink damnation to ourselves...over a symbol?


I might use that verbatim.

That's more than likely the exact response I'd get!

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[quote name='Selah' timestamp='1317174548' post='2311300']
Tell them that the early Christians were called canniballs as well, and that the Eucharist goes back, way back, to the point of the early church hiding in the catacombs to receive it. It's drawn upon the walls for goodness sake.

Ask them what Christ meant when he said "My flesh is real food, my blood is true drink." Ask them why this was considered a hard saying. Ask them why St. Paul told us we drink damnation to ourselves...over a symbol?

Or prepare to be banned from their forum...

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Unfortunately because my experience with fundamentalists, ideologues, fanatics, extremists, and anyone of the same kin I tend to automatically assume to be a troll till reason dictates otherwise. This is because they meet the classic definition of a troll when entering a discussion. Someone who doesn't really care what you think, won't actually engage in the discussion, will make mocking comments at you, will throw out inflammatory language to spark arguments, will almost never explain themselves, are the true victims somehow ([i]because everyone else who doesn't agree with them are trolls[/i]), and of course they are always right. It makes me believe they are guilty of groupthink, if you are unfamiliar with the term, I suggest looking it up.

So I usually end up just offering quips like [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0"]this[/url].

Edited by Mr.Cat
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Ask them if they know what the Didache is :P

No, of course they don't. Their pastor doesn't teach that, so therefore it's not important! sigh. What has Christianity become?

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