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This May Be A Very, Very Dumb Question


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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1317070605' post='2310597']

Oh come ON, man. I'm not that bad!

It may be a minor miracle, but miracles never will cease! :saint2:

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i would encourage you. (moreso than you are being encouraged now)
it'd be hard for me to say you're a christian if you don't beleive in the ressurection, given it's so monumnetal of a belief to me, and chrisitanity. it's like 'did you hear? jesus rose from the dead' is at the heart of the good news. there's this guy, jesus, who preached of eternal life, and love, and he rose from the dead as a spit in the face to death and sin.
im not sure if you believe other things, that you couldnt be christian, or saved.

as i like to do with protestants a lot, mostly to play with their heads, but also there's much truth to it. what must i believe, regardless of the whole faith and works debate, to be saved? some say resurrection, some that jesus died for your sins, that he is God, in his message etc. we're talkin a minimal belief. if they start making a list, then it becomes dogmatic, something they dont like to be. plus, what is the magic formula, even if it could be made concrete? if it's not concrete, then how does one guage this? i'd say, as some argue, granted, that it's mostly a persnoal relationship with Jesus. i dont think if you believed everyone but one thing, that you're not a christian, like you struggle with him being God (as I do sometimes, though I struggle more with him not being God. to me, it's all the same as why they call the trinity a paradox,,, it's not exactly 'sensical') doesn't mean you're a chrisitan. is teh resurrection so monumnetal a blief that it's required? im not sure, but i wouldnt put money on it.
course, you could make a list that is required. but at least for those who are new to it, not everything on it would be required, as they know no better. i dont know how many catholics and chrisitans who dont know the first thing about jesus dying or the atonement than vague sentiment that 'he died for them' or that it's a big deal him dying or something that erally has no meaning as superfial as it is. im not sure something so superficial is any better than nothing at all.
you seem like an honest individual seeking the truth. let it come, pray on it, and im sure it will come. God wishes the salvation of everyone, so if you're honest, I bet he'll meet you half way. i wont deny that i could be wrong, as GOd also grants saving faith etc to those who he will... but i'd mostly, read mostlyu, guess this would be applicable if you didnt even care that you're not in line with standard christian beliefs. in any case, i think you are atl east on the right path, and that surely counts for something.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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There are saints that raised people from the dead, so the fact that God can raise Himself from the dead doesn't seem so absured. That's what the ressurection means. Christ conquered death.

There was no epic huge explosion of divine light where the cave door blew open and shattered into millions of pieces, the earth hit 9.8 on the richter scale, tsunami's and hurricans everywhere, and then Jesus stepped out of a cave was was like "I AM GOD!" Although... I admit that'd be pretty epic if he did that.

It means a human body devoid of life was restored to life through a miracle, and the "soul" that incarnated that body was not so much a "soul" as it was the divine essence of God.

St. Paul raised someone from the dead in Acts of the Apostles after the person fell asleep and fell out of a window while St. Paul was preaching.

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[quote name='Slappo' timestamp='1317751998' post='2315251']
St. Paul raised someone from the dead in Acts of the Apostles after the person fell asleep and fell out of a window while St. Paul was preaching.

THAT story reminds me of some sermons I've [s]heard [/s]tried not to fall asleep in, as chances of resurrection by the priest seemed to be minimal. :unsure:

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[quote name='Blessed_Irmengard' timestamp='1316979651' post='2309917']
But I do not believe in the resurrection of Christ. I just don't believe in it. I just don't. And can't.

What is it exactly that is withholding you? I see no way of explaining the existence of Christianity without it.

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