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Is The Old Testement Really Gods Word ?


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Ok just looked at the links Mr. Cat provided. Looked over them briefly. I'm actually suprised mods haven't removed them. The links he provides are going to attack your faith. I only brushed over it but I'm just wondering what is the Churches teaching on the old testament ? What does it say about the stories of Moses leading armies to kill even women and babies ? And the rape ? Are we supposed to believe all these stories in the old testament ? Are we required to ? After looking at that website I can see where Mr. Cat is coming from. It doesn't change my faith in God or that He is good. But it makes me question if the Bible is 100 percent true and really if one should even read parts of it.

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I can't spell...Thread title should read old testament not testement...I always got knocked out spelling bees in the first round ...I smell of elderberries....

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I always knew about the stories in the o.t. I guess my thing is I can't see how Jesus from the new testament and God from the old testament could be the same person. It really doesn't seem logical to me. They are complete opposite. Which leads me to the question how credibile is the old testament ?

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If as a catholic abortion is such an issue ( which I believe it should be) how could it be even be plausible God would instruct an army to kill even babies when they invaded ? This question needs answered. Or did mabey that command really not come from God?

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Making me feel guilty... I wish I had an answer for you. Fortunately there are plenty of people here who felt my concerns were nonsense and incoherent, maybe they can help you better than I can.

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No need to feel guilty. My faith is really strong. You cannot tell me there is no God or we are here by chanch. You can also not tell me love is not real. Love can be seen and felt everyday all around you. God is love. My faith is not shaken. Although you do bring up legitment concerns with the old testament. I always knew those concerns were there I just never gave them much thought and did not really know specific details.

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The only part I have trouble with would be the slaying of young children and babies and the rape. I have no problem with God killing through plauges and diseases and whatever else. I also have no problem with people dying from war. War and killing can be just and we all die. Ok just wanted to make that clear.

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So I guess my question is do I have to believe all of the old testament. I mean I'm a catholic not a protestant. I'm a little confused about this and when I came back to christianity it was via protestant teaching and sola scripture. Beliving literally everything in the bible is word for word. Was jonas really in a whale ? Was he ?

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Well, without the Old Testament, we wouldn't have what was needed to be fulfilled with the coming of Jesus. To understand the New Testament to is know the Old Testament in context. Although we may not be able to prove specific details, we are able to see certain events taking place or people living at a certain time through historical and geographical study. But we must remember that at the time of the Old Testament, the scientific advancements we have today did not exist, so many things pertaining to historical and scientific details are a little off. Many details of the Old Testament, including those that pertain to destruction were probably exaggerated to get a point across to the people the books were addressing.

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Didn't god directly kill a bunch of first born Egyptian babies, in an attempt to prove god's own existence.
Couldn't the almighty have thought of a better way to prove existence, one that doesn't involve killing innocent babies?

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1316974852' post='2309815']Didn't god directly kill a bunch of first born Egyptian babies, in an attempt to prove god's own existence.
Couldn't the almighty have thought of a better way to prove existence, one that doesn't involve killing innocent babies?[/quote] I don't know this story mabey someone else could chime in. But if its in the old testament I don't think I believe it. It seems the Jewish God and the Christian God are not the same.

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' timestamp='1316975202' post='2309821']
I don't know this story mabey someone else could chime in. But if its in the old testament I don't think I believe it. It seems the Jewish God and the Christian God are not the same.
As a Jew, Jesus worshipped the Jewish god.

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1316976022' post='2309838']
As a Jew, Jesus worshipped the Jewish god.[/quote] Jesus was God and spoke nothing but peace and forgivness.

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