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United Nations Moratorium On The Death Penalty


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

pax domine bretheran and others...
And what of the grey bit where peru iz sposed ta be? And whom iz voting ,has there been a census of any nations? Somehow i feel like i am being jibbed,hoodwinked,hornswabbled. Lets have a census of each nation than shall we or buzz off. Hey anyway i think that capital punishment iz frowned upon by jesus with the prostitute whatsama face, but yet iz smiled upon when you are defending anothers life, ie: moses and the slave driver,moses bopped that guy a real good one with his golden sceptre,unsure if he intended to kill the man or just trying to stop him from killing the other man. Possibly in the heat of the momment defending anothers life would be man slaughter, and death penalty when you have already caught and subdued the crook possibly murder no ? Though i understand in the old testament somethings warrented the death penalty but please remember possibly they didn't have jails neither and that after jesus came the holy spirit revealed to us the concept of jails,of course this does not nulify the gravety of this sins or the O.T... aight bless figure it out, worthy fervant participation of the eucharist helps you see in the dark and even more so combined with offering the rosary for intentions and meditating on the mysteries,and/or reading/praying the holy bible and/or other prayer, and possibly moderate alcohol consumption when allowed to drink alcohol combined with sharing your faith with other christians and life issues(of course can be done without alcohol too,but remembering saint paul said please have a LITTLE bit for what ails you,possibly helps some to not bury the treasure/talents aye?) and/or speaking in jesus name,and last but not least the works of the saint's and other works(but be careful of other works if dem don't ave tha nihil obstat,the imprimatur or the impripotest). aight this post has just become a ramble and i forgot what i was getting at soooo the holy spirit iz tellin me to bail haha lol.

Aight Bless.
God iz good,God iz love,God saves.
JC "seek and ye shall find,knock and the door will be opened"

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1316974475' post='2309809']
There are some people that should be put to death rather than back out onto the streets to rape and kill innocents again and again. What is the point locking them up until they die, is that just to satisfy your own belief that people shouldn't be put to death? The cost spent on a lifer in prison would be best put into health care, the cost of one bullet is money well spent.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

something weird just happened, lucky i copied what i was actually saying and it isn't aimed at you stevil was writing something directly to you than decided against it... but anyhow i was thinking like this peeps...
I kinda feel like putting you to death right now?do some judges though men they are, get that feeling sometimes too and act irrationally?Or possibly one believes in some perfect race like tha NAZIS gustapoe alert,are we just like the nazis commiting another hollaucost on people we don't care much for,under the banner of capital punishment, I say life in prison with a bible and chained walks through the yards when the ordinary population iz in bed,and the poor man or women can sit down with the guards at a table outside in the fresh air and have a few ciggerettes,and if the pschitrist and priest/or religious coincide and decide the man or women can walk around without the chains(but still at night when the ordinary population iz in bed) than over time maybe 10-20 years possible release into the jails genral population,but with the threat that the chains and night time walks could be slapped back on at anytime.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

and yeah i live at eutopia in my head and heart in a sense,but don't let me fool you as to that my eutopia iz absolute perfection,but aye i just hope we get tha place pretty well cleaned up before the second coming,me personaly i wan't my house to be relatively clean for his majesties second coming,not for brownie points just coz i love him, and that doesn't include mass extermination. I may be wrong but aye prove it.

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[quote name='Mr.Cat' timestamp='1317083581' post='2310690']
Winchester, you have difficulty staying on task don't you? The topic is about a United Nations non-binding resolution to minimize the death penalty and protect the dignity and rights of those to be executed.

I miss your pedantic rants...
You have a low threshold for qualifying something as a rant.

You're not in my chain of command and thus cannot assign me a task.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1317117064' post='2310875']You have a low threshold for qualifying something as a rant.[/quote]Rant as defined by a dictionary. "[i]To speak or write in an angry or violent manner. To utter or express with violence or extravagance. Violent or extravagant speech or writing.[/i]" You frequently decide to pick at someone for some small and trivial issue of grammar or spelling, on an Internet message board, in your free time. Normally in a mocking and belittling tone. Which doesn't contribute to the discussion at all. In fact it has the tendency to subtract from the discussion and distract from it. So yes, I would qualify all these quips you have been throwing out over the past... at least three to four years... as one long pedantic rant.

You are on the Internet Winchester, the place where the English language is so horribly abused, most of the time it's barely even recognizable. But this is the place, in your free time, in arguments you are having, that has nothing to do with the actual topic, you decide to bring up some pedantic point... which usually ignores the entire discussion.[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1317117064' post='2310875']You're not in my chain of command and thus cannot assign me a task.[/quote]No... but you came to a topic on [b]limiting the death penalty [/b]and decided to throw in a vague and unreferenced jab at the United Nations. Forgive me Winchester, how is this relevant? I have also noticed you haven't polled yet, is there a reason why you have decided to not give us your opinion?

But yeah... [b]I miss your pedantic rants[/b]. At least then you were amusing to watch.

Edited by Mr.Cat
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[quote name='Mr.Cat' timestamp='1317119521' post='2310891']
Rant as defined by a dictionary. "[i]To speak or write in an angry or violent manner. To utter or express with violence or extravagance. Violent or extravagant speech or writing.[/i]" You frequently decide to pick at someone for some small and trivial issue of grammar or spelling, on an Internet message board, in your free time. Normally in a mocking and belittling tone. Which doesn't contribute to the discussion at all. In fact it has the tendency to subtract from the discussion and distract from it. So yes, I would qualify all these quips you have been throwing out over the past... at least three to four years... as one long pedantic rant.

You are on the Internet Winchester, the place where the English language is so horribly abused, most of the time it's barely even recognizable. But this is the place, in your free time, in arguments you are having, that has nothing to do with the actual topic, you decide to bring up some pedantic point... which usually ignores the entire discussion.No... but you came to a topic on [b]limiting the death penalty [/b]and decided to throw in a vague and unreferenced jab at the United Nations. Forgive me Winchester, how is this relevant? I have also noticed you haven't polled yet, is there a reason why you have decided to not give us your opinion?

But yeah... [b]I miss your pedantic rants[/b]. At least then you were amusing to watch.

It is really odd that opposed as I usually am to Mr. Cath's ideas and behaviours I completely agree with him in this post.
At the end of my second year as a Phatmass member I'm still trying to understand the sense of Winchester's posts here.
Not that I don't sleep during the night for this anyway...

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[quote name='Mr.Cat' timestamp='1317119521' post='2310891']
Rant as defined by a dictionary.[/quote]
Sentence fragment.
[quote]Normally in a mocking and belittling tone.[/quote]
Sentence fragment.
[quote]Which doesn't contribute to the discussion at all.[/quote]
Sentence fragment.
You are on the [/quote]i[quote]nternet [/quote]^[sup],[/sup][quote] Winchester, the place where the English language is so horribly abused, most of the time it's barely even recognizable. But this is the place, in your free time, in arguments you are having, that [/quote][s]has[/s] have[quote] nothing to do with the actual topic, you decide to bring up some pedantic point... which usually ignores the entire discussion.No... but you came to a topic on [b]limiting the death penalty [/b]and decided to throw in a vague and unreferenced jab at the United Nations. Forgive me Winchester, how is this relevant?

Also, for the record, the thread is about the United Nations limiting the death penalty. Perhaps this will aid you in making the connection between his jab at the United Nations and the thread topic.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1317125183' post='2310916']
pedanticers gonna pedant pedantically

Well, this is exactly what I was talking about...
You gives the idea perfectly...thanks!

Edited by organwerke
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[quote name='organwerke' timestamp='1317125075' post='2310913']It is really odd that opposed as I usually am to Mr. Cath's ideas and behaviours[/quote]No one is perfect.
[quote name='organwerke' timestamp='1317125075' post='2310913']I completely agree with him in this post.
At the end of my second year as a Phatmass member I'm still trying to understand the sense of Winchester's posts here.
Not that I don't sleep during the night for this anyway...[/quote]Wow.
[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1317125089' post='2310914']
Sentence fragment.

Sentence fragment.

Sentence fragment.
i^[sup],[/sup][s]has[/s] have

Also, for the record, the thread is about the United Nations limiting the death penalty. Perhaps this will aid you in making the connection between his jab at the United Nations and the thread topic.[/quote][b]Not that I was trying to use proper grammar[/b]... but...

The first objection, I admit, I should of used a colon. With the period I agree would make it fragmented.

I consider your second objection a "[i]stylistic fragment[/i]".

I have seen the word "internet" both in the uppercase and the lowercase. When I was in school and college, I was taught if you are using the word as a proper noun you capitalize it and if as an adjective you don't capitalize it. In this case I was using it as a proper noun.

I will admit, I do sometimes mix my tenses up. Forgive me. But since I was referencing something without a specific tense, thus being continuous, I thought it was appropriate.

But was there supposed to be a link at the end of that post? Was there a point to this other than to waste time? Wasn't most of your post fragmented anyways?
[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1317125183' post='2310916']pedanticers gonna pedant pedantically[/quote]heh.

Edited by Mr.Cat
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[quote name='Mr.Cat' timestamp='1317126321' post='2310926']
I consider your second objection a "[i]stylistic fragment[/i]".[/quote]
I'll allow it.[quote]

I have seen the word "internet" both in the uppercase and the lowercase. When I was in school and college, I was taught if you are using the word as a proper noun you capitalize it and if as an adjective you don't capitalize it. In this case I was using it as a proper noun.[/quote]
Perhaps in that day and age it would have been stylistically proper. The noun, however, has become so ubiquitous that it would almost certainly would fall under the conventions of the other proper-nouns-turned-common-nouns, like a "xerox" of a document or "to google" something.
I will admit, I do sometimes mix my tenses up. Forgive me. But since I was referencing something without a specific tense, thus being continuous, I thought it was appropriate.[/quote]
That wasn't a tense error, it was a conjugation error. The number of the subject (plural) didn't agree with that of the verb conjugation (singular).

But was there supposed to be a link at the end of that post? Was there a point to this other than to waste time?[/quote]
Not really. A happy byproduct was to point out how [edit][s]Socrates[/s] Winchester's post did in fact relate to the topic, though I see you've ignored that part of my post.
Wasn't most of your post fragmented anyways?
Pretend as though it was all in red pen.

Edited by USAirwaysIHS
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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1317127777' post='2310938']I'll allow it.[/quote][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4vf8N6GpdM"]This[/url] is for you.
[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1317127777' post='2310938']Perhaps in that day and age it would have been stylistically proper. The noun, however, has become so ubiquitous that it would almost certainly would fall under the conventions of the other proper-nouns-turned-common-nouns, like a "xerox" of a document or "to google" something.[/quote]How old do you think I am? I was taught this less than several years ago.
[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1317127777' post='2310938']That wasn't a tense error, it was a conjugation error. The number of the subject (plural) didn't agree with that of the verb conjugation (singular).[/quote]Err.
[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1317127777' post='2310938']Not really. A happy byproduct was to point out how [edit][s]Socrates[/s] Winchester's post did in fact relate to the topic, though I see you've ignored that part of my post.[/quote]No... it didn't. You said "[i]this[/i]" would clear up the ambiguity, but you didn't clarify what "[i]this[/i]" was. I had a professor when you made reference to something as factual but didn't source it, he tore your paper up. This is what I want to do with this right now.

And to prove you completely wrong, here is [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0"]this[/url].
[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1317127777' post='2310938']Pretend as though it was all in red pen.[/quote]You know there is a font tool right?

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[quote name='Mr.Cat' timestamp='1317128810' post='2310943']
No... it didn't. You said "[i]this[/i]" would clear up the ambiguity, but you didn't clarify what "[i]this[/i]" was. I had a professor when you made reference to something as factual but didn't source it, he tore your paper up. This is what I want to do with this right now.[/quote]
Sorry. "Perhaps this [i]fact [/i]will aid you. . ."
You know there is a font tool right?
I do know that. I also know that I am colorblind and cannot delineate between any of a number of shades of green/orange/brown/red which are available in the color palate.

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