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Colw - Final Vows


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On Saturday, Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham, Sr Gabi - one of the 2 remaining founding sisters of this little community - will make her final vows. This will take place in Walsingham at the midday Shrine Mass, as Walsingham concludes its celebrations of its 950th year as a shrine and place of pilgrimage.

I adore Gabi! She is the calm, quiet and practical one, who is and has been from the start a beautiful contrast to Sr Camilla (the foundress) who is 19 to the dozen all the time! I love this community so much, and while discernment showed me they were not where God wanted me, they have always been supportive and I love them dearly. Sr Camilla took her finals vows last year.

Here is Sr Gabi's story [url="http://www.walsinghamcommunity.org/story_gabi.html"]http://www.walsinghamcommunity.org/story_gabi.html[/url]

Please keep her in prayer.

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What's with the title of this thread? I thought it was about Colwich but you got tired of typing - lol :P

DOH! It just hit me - that stands for Congregation of Our Lady of Walsingham??

Silly me.

Edited by nunsense
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I really want to go to this community's vocation retreat this year as I've never been tn one before. (I figured that starting with a community whose apostolate was to healp discerners was probably a good one to start with!) But I don't yet know my university commitments until term starts on the 5th. I hope I can go!!! :pray: PAX

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Mary's Margaret

FaithCecelia, you seem to know this community - Could you tell me how large the community is? From the photos taken in March, It looks like there are three, but perhaps others were just not featured in the photos. Just curious about the growth of new communities. Thanks.

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1316784398' post='2308884']
What's with the title of this thread? I thought it was about Colwich but you got tired of typing - lol :P

DOH! It just hit me - that stands for Congregation of Our Lady of Walsingham??

Silly me.

I thought it was Colwich too... hahaha

Prayers for her Sr. Gabi

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Lovely - very special community and vocation . . . seems to me England is much in need of their charism. I pray the H.S. leads souls to them so their life and ministry continue to grow.

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They are 4 at present I believe - Camilla, Gabi, one novice (who wears the habit without hooded scapular) and a postulant. From day 1 Camilla has wanted slow growth, she intentionally does not want to suddenly have a community of 30 as she believes in solid, steady formation. Ideally, she prays for 1 vocation a year. They also take formation very slowly which makes perfect sense with a community where the charism and ci=onstitutions are still fluid. (Not all new communities make it public, but [i]every[/i] new community has to spend many,many years talking and negotiating with Rome before their constitutions are fully formalised).

They say COLW as 'colway' because Community of Our Lady of Walsingham is a tad longwinded!

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Mary's Margaret

Thanks, FaithCecelia. That was very helpful. Founding a community is a long road: may the Lord guide them and the Holy Spirit keep a steady fire in their hearts.

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1316784398' post='2308884']
What's with the title of this thread? I thought it was about Colwich but you got tired of typing - lol :P[/quote]

I was thinking that too. LOL, tired of typing :rotfl2:

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[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1316842383' post='2309167']

I was thinking that too. LOL, tired of typing :rotfl2:

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who saw it this way. I was starting to wonder about myself :P

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