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God Is Not A Moral Monster


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[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1316714582' post='2308579']Selah and HSM, the question was posed on the other thread:

"If God told you to kill someone, would you do everything in your power to obey?"

DeliveryBoy's impassioned plea here acknowledges that he [i]does[/i] obey God, but what God tells him to do is to pray for people, not kill them.

I agree that that was not the best way of demonstrating his point, but feel the need to point out that he's not actually threatening to kill Mr. Cat.[/quote] Thank you MithLuin for making that point. In the other thread Mr. Cat attacks God and says he is nothing but a serial killer and uses the old testement to back his point. I think the killings in the old testement are just because God is just. It was a time of war back then and things needed to be taken care of. Also MithLuin makes a good point in that thread that when it comes down to it God kills everybody at the end of the day. We all die. My only warning to Mr. Cat is if he wishes to live a long life he should be carefull how he attacks God. God cannot protect Him if he has no faith and views God as evil. I will pray for mr. Cat but if God told me to kill him I would. Although things have changed now since the times of the old testement so that likely won't be happening.

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Also I was on no drugs when I wrote the original post. I had just got off an 18 hour shift of work though and had been up for over 24 hours. I don't do drugs but this harmonica drug sounds good. Winchester I would be willing to try it with you and go on a trip. I would hope you could be my guide and it would be fun and enjoyable and filled with razzle dazzle lights and hopefully unicorns and good laughs. Mr cat could come too but also he should be carefull. Under the influence of drugs I may lose my razzle dazzle and take his head off and he would never be heard of again.

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' timestamp='1316745433' post='2308767']
Also I was on no drugs when I wrote the original post. I had just got off an 18 hour shift of work though and had been up for over 24 hours. I don't do drugs but this harmonica drug sounds good. Winchester I would be willing to try it with you and go on a trip. I would hope you could be my guide and it would be fun and enjoyable and filled with razzle dazzle lights and hopefully unicorns and good laughs. Mr cat could come too but also he should be carefull. Under the influence of drugs I may lose my razzle dazzle and take his head off and he would never be heard of again.

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I hope you realize that if you killed me because your "[i]god[/i]" wanted you to, that it wouldn't save you from prosecution, and might result with you medicated in a penal psychiatric facility. In fact in most jurisdictions this kind of threatening language is provocative and questionable enough to have you held on an emergency mental health protective order. ([i]Since this could be classified as a hate crime, this could aggravate either situation.[/i])

I understand your frustration with the topic that was taken from the theology section, that I put in a relevant topic to receive appropriate attention, because of someone's tantrum was moved to the debate section as a debate topic ([i]I might of been warned for this?[/i]). Initially and generally I didn't respond to it, but because people decided they wanted to play in the topic I replied back. Also through the topic I have tried to not make conclusions...

But I also propose that it is your religious liberty and freedom to believe what you choose... These aspects of the Bible being brought up are not apart of mainline Christianity or the central tenants of anyone's faith I hope. I have no desire to change your beliefs or opinions, but it appears with these idle threats the tolerance and understanding I have for you is not mutually shared.

I hope moderation will appropriately handle you Delivery Boy, this topic, and these idle threats ([i]regardless of your motivation behind them[/i]) and that it will cease. An apology would be warranted and very "[i]Christian[/i]" of you, but I doubt I would get it so I won't ask. But I do think that moderation should compel you to make an apology if you are to keep the "[i]Church Militant[/i]" tag.

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Haha Come on bro don't dish it out if you can't take it. Read everything I wrote I never threatened to kill you. I simply said if God told me to I would listen. I said this since you are impling thats all God is about. You are painting God as evil and a serial killer from stories in the old testement. You are taking these stories and actions of christians back then out of context. Further you are using that as a method to attack God and His goodness. I take huge offence to this. As a catholic christian though I would not lay a hand on you. The only thing I will do is pray for you. Although if you sum up my beliefs the way you do and paint God as a monster then don't be offended when I give you what you expect from me. If you reread my post though you will see I never threatned to kill you. And further God would never tell me to kill you. I'm postive of that. Godbless.

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