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Is Social Security A Ponzi Scheme?

Lil Red

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I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
-Thomas Jefferson

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Coming from a man who socialized fire services, mail delivery services, and library services... That is a bit surprising. I suspect the key word in that quote is "[i]wasting[/i]".

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1316922685' post='2309481']
All government service is socialist.

But aren't you yourself a government servant (firefighter/EMT)?

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I am mocking an over simplified definition of socialism.

Although I think EMS as it is currently set up is arguably socialist.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Social security does not secure welfare,one still needs family,friends,church and other charities... we particularily need to support the elderly and disabled(whether natural,self induced or accident.) and the unemployed. I would like to see electricity,water and rent direct debited from bank account or social security account,and food stamps in accordance with person ratio, and whatever iz left of given cash. Of course there are people whom will always abuse the system and we have to pay for them but to say don't give those in the elderly or disabled category any cash would be unfair,unemployed different because you wan't them to aspire to find work, also food stamps need to be enough to cover ameneties like razors,diapers,deodarant,soap,dish washing liquid.toilet paper etc. This iz all just an opinion though, i assume that some people will trade there foodstamps for drugs but than a drug dealer can accept only a certain amount of food stamps. Before he or she has to say no more. Some People don't like social security because there under the impression that it is there fault there there so F*** em. This attitude i believe iz anti christian, in india a one armed boy makes more money begging than a two armed boy, think about it,he needs to help feed his parents, a bottle of alcohol or hash or opium and an axe... i don't think so "HOMIE DON'T PLAY THAT."


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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1317077107' post='2310645']I am mocking an over simplified definition of socialism.

Although I think EMS as it is currently set up is arguably socialist.[/quote]Oh... I thought you were being floopy like you always are.[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1317081919' post='2310668']Social security does not secure welfare,one still needs family,friends,church and other charities... we particularily need to support the elderly and disabled(whether natural,self induced or accident.) and the unemployed. I would like to see electricity,water and rent direct debited from bank account or social security account,and food stamps in accordance with person ratio, and whatever iz left of given cash. Of course there are people whom will always abuse the system and we have to pay for them but to say don't give those in the elderly or disabled category any cash would be unfair,unemployed different because you wan't them to aspire to find work, also food stamps need to be enough to cover ameneties like razors,diapers,deodarant,soap,dish washing liquid.toilet paper etc. This iz all just an opinion though, i assume that some people will trade there foodstamps for drugs but than a drug dealer can accept only a certain amount of food stamps. Before he or she has to say no more. Some People don't like social security because there under the impression that it is there fault there there so F*** em. This attitude i believe iz anti christian, in india a one armed boy makes more money begging than a two armed boy, think about it,he needs to help feed his parents, a bottle of alcohol or hash or opium and an axe... i don't think so "HOMIE DON'T PLAY THAT."

GOD BLESS YOU ALL[/quote]Technically the Constitution of the United States doesn't mandate securing individual welfare, but it does mandate promoting the general welfare.
[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1317076933' post='2310641']

But aren't you yourself a government servant (firefighter/EMT)?[/quote][quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1283766697' post='2168712']Today I will go to work. I will see first hand the poor, starving masses in their government housing and the products bought with welfare checks. I will probably have to ask someone in the home to turn down the television, which will be tuned to a cable channel. Or ask some poor welfare and housing recipient to get off their cell phone. I will point out to the ambulance crew the poor person's bag of medicine. The poor person's family will possibly follow the ambulance to the hospital in their car.

There are some people out there who are truly poor, but the vast majority of welfare recipients I have encountered in my life have had homes (which are usually filthy and abused. Apparently unemployment leaves one with no time to clean), cable and a great [i]many [/i]luxuries. They are usually healthy enough to work--they choose not to. It's amazing how far those tiny wages go when you do not waste money on things like cable television, cigarettes and beer, prepackaged foods, cell phones... I've done those low-paying jobs and I've lived without AC, mowed my own lawn! (unlike the poor, destitute people living across the street in a 160,000 dollar home paid for by Section 8). I actually still mow my own lawn.

It is real. I see it every time I go to work.[/quote]This doesn't sound like a firefighter or emt job. It actually sounds contemptuous of the poor and needy in the United States.

Edited by Mr.Cat
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Ok, plus i need to add possible random drug testing for all welfare recipients and a three strike system,re-started every 12 months, 1st strike compulsary drug counselling to recieve welfare(if not showing up to counselling 2nd drug test implimented with possible stike 2), 2nd strike hot water removed + ongoing counselling+counselling (or something i don't know) 3rd strike court ordered re-hab, we can do better. And also on re-habs australia iz trialing new 24 month re-habs, without christ to re-programme the brains buses takes longer than 12 months paticularily if the drug or alcohol abuse has been sustained for a number of years.

aight BLESS

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[quote name='Mr.Cat' timestamp='1317083457' post='2310687']

This doesn't sound like a firefighter or emt job. It actually sounds contemptuous of the poor and needy in the United States.
I think viewing people as helpless and needy is contemptuous. You kind of missed the point of that paragraph. You define people with cellphones, cars, medication, health care, cable television, internet, enough food to eat and new electronic devices as poor.

Of course, you also feel "*you're" is a pedantic rant, so we're not dealing with normal human tolerances.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1317117377' post='2310877']I think viewing people as helpless and needy is contemptuous. You kind of missed the point of that paragraph. You define people with cellphones, cars, medication, health care, cable television, internet,[b] enough food to eat[/b] and new electronic devices as poor.[/quote]Winchester, you remind me of a "[i]Fox News[/i]" special that looked at who the poor in our country are. That attracted the attention of the political comedian Jon Stewart with the Daily Show, in a segment they called "[url="http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-august-18-2011/world-of-class-warfare---the-poor-s-free-ride-is-over"]World of Class Warfare - The Poor's Free Ride Is Over[/url]".

According to "[i]Fox News[/i]" about 50% of the poor population in the United States, as defined by the census, have cellphones. Which isn't surprising since more people are dropping land lines in favor of cellphones. But really? The poor shouldn't have [b]enough food to eat[/b]? WHAT should the poor have? DO you need to be reminded the destitute and poor are two different categories... and extremes?

But Winchester MOWS HIS LAWN... that makes it all okay. But out of idle curiosity Winchester, when did I classify anyone as "[i]helpless[/i]"?
[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1317117377' post='2310877']Of course, you also feel "*you're" is a pedantic rant, so we're not dealing with normal human tolerances.[/quote]Winchester, a super majority of the time I see you commenting on someone's typos, spelling, grammar, or some other trivial aspect of the discussion. While someone is trying to explain their position you feel the need to highlight that they forgot an apostrophe.

BUT you posted this in the wrong topic. Recently you have been loosing your calm. You mad?

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[quote name='Mr.Cat' timestamp='1317083457' post='2310687']Oh... I thought you were being floopy like you always are.Technically the Constitution of the United States doesn't mandate securing individual welfare, but it does mandate promoting the general welfare.
This doesn't sound like a firefighter or emt job. It actually sounds contemptuous of the poor and needy in the United States.[/quote]not sure where you got that post of winnie's, but I would like to award him +50 internets for it

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[quote name='Mr.Cat' timestamp='1317118811' post='2310890']
Winchester, you remind me of a "[i]Fox News[/i]" special that looked at who the poor in our country are. That attracted the attention of the political comedian Jon Stewart with the Daily Show, in a segment they called "[url="http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-august-18-2011/world-of-class-warfare---the-poor-s-free-ride-is-over"]World of Class Warfare - The Poor's Free Ride Is Over[/url]".

According to "[i]Fox News[/i]" about 50% of the poor population in the United States, as defined by the census, have cellphones. Which isn't surprising since more people are dropping land lines in favor of cellphones. But really? The poor shouldn't have [b]enough food to eat[/b]? WHAT should the poor have? DO you need to be reminded the destitute and poor are two different categories... and extremes?

But Winchester MOWS HIS LAWN... that makes it all okay. But out of idle curiosity Winchester, when did I classify anyone as "[i]helpless[/i]"?[/quote]
I had never looked at my statement that way. When you put it that way, I completely understand why government housing should include luxuries and why the residents should not be required to keep the property clean and not litter. Good point.

[quote]Winchester, a super majority of the time I see you commenting on someone's typos, spelling, grammar, or some other trivial aspect of the discussion. While someone is trying to explain [s]their[/s] his position, you feel the need to highlight that [s]they[/s] he forgot an apostrophe.

BUT you posted this in the wrong topic. Recently you have been [s]loosing[/s] losing your calm. You mad?
I thought you were ambivalent about me. Or some other big word like that.

What makes a super majority, in posts? Is it 2/3rds?

I am not limited to topics. As a member of the elite Church Militant, I may post anywhere I like and it is up to heathens like you to find my wisdom. Your journey will purify you. So actually, [i]you [/i]posted in the wrong topic.

Also, I didn't say [i]you[/i] said people were needy and helpless. I merely described my view of contemptuousnesesesess. Not everything is about you.

Edited by Winchester
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Stlll waiting on Kamiller to lay out exactly what makes SS a ponzi scheme, as opposed to just a faulty government program.

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[size=3]"[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]the fraudsters focus on attracting new money to make promised payments to earlier-stage investors and to use for personal expenses, instead of engaging in any legitimate investment activity. "[/font][/size]

[size=3][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]"[/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]With little or no legitimate earnings, the schemes require a consistent flow of money from new investors to continue. Ponzi schemes tend to collapse when it becomes difficult to recruit new investors or when a large number of investors ask to cash out. "[/font][/size]


[size=3]There are definitely similarities.[/size]

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