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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1316194396' post='2305494']

Don't worry, I know a NM with an extreme fear of heights!

I'm terrified of escalators too but that at least is one thing I'm fairly certain I won't have to deal with too often in the cloister

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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1316194635' post='2305497']

I'm terrified of escalators too but that at least is one thing I'm fairly certain I won't have to deal with too often in the cloister

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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1316194635' post='2305497']

I'm terrified of escalators too but that at least is one thing I'm fairly certain I won't have to deal with too often in the cloister

LOL You know what's going to happen now? Somehow, some way you are going to have to deal with escalators. At least for me, life always seems to work that way.

For example, I have an intense dislike/fear of blood. I got a job as a research consultant with a human resources consulting firm. Not too much blood there, I thought. And, what did one of my first consulting assignments turn out to be? Helping a blood bank do a salary survey. And, the client wanted a meeting at their facility. To get to the human resources offices, we had to walk past the facilities where they take and store blood. I was a professional and didn't faint or get sick, but it has made me more wary of ever saying "never." Granted, this kind of thing may not happen to other people. But, personally, I think God has a very ironic sense of humor where I am concerned.

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1316194635' post='2305497']

I'm terrified of escalators too but that at least is one thing I'm fairly certain I won't have to deal with too often in the cloister


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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1316219121' post='2305640']


I'm glad I've given you so much amusement. :sad2: :cry4:

What can I say, I'm a coward. Obv my only reason to enter a cloistered order is to avoid escalators. I might avoid telling the novice mistress that though

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[quote name='i<3franciscans' timestamp='1316172875' post='2305351']
Oh. my. gosh. I LOVE those habits!!!! The postulant bandannas are so cute! And I love the fact that they are called [color=#4B0082]Children[/color] of Mary. :nun2:

I read their website a bit and their joy seems really obvious.

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[quote name='Clare~Therese' timestamp='1316291282' post='2305935']

I read their website a bit and their joy seems really obvious.

I agree. I'd be tempted to discern with them if they had a foundation in Ireland or UK. My budget doesn't quite stretch to visiting America at the moment

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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1316290319' post='2305931']

I'm glad I've given you so much amusement. :sad2: :cry4:

What can I say, I'm a coward. Obv my only reason to enter a cloistered order is to avoid escalators. I might avoid telling the novice mistress that though

Don't worry! I have a fear of heights and of rats, so I know what phobias are like. I just thought it was funny about you saying that you would not have to deal with escalators in the cloister. I got this visual image in my head, so that is why I was laughing. :blush:

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1316294304' post='2305945']

Don't worry! I have a fear of heights and of rats, so I know what phobias are like. I just thought it was funny about you saying that you would not have to deal with escalators in the cloister. I got this visual image in my head, so that is why I was laughing. :blush:

I know, I'm just teasing.It would be funny to come across a cloister with an escalator though.

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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1316335259' post='2306178']

I know, I'm just teasing.It would be funny to come across a cloister with an escalator though.

Kirk Edge has one of those lift chairs that is attached to the side of a staircase... one sits on it and it slides up the stairs - for the elderly and those who can't climb. Not an escalator, and no one had to use it, but stil... you never know! lol :)

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1316430237' post='2306824']

Kirk Edge has one of those lift chairs that is attached to the side of a staircase... one sits on it and it slides up the stairs - for the elderly and those who can't climb. Not an escalator, and no one had to use it, but stil... you never know! lol :)

They have a lift chair at the public entrance to the chapel in Notting Hill too. No escalators though, unless its tucked away in the back.

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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1316430860' post='2306831']

They have a lift chair at the public entrance to the chapel in Notting Hill too. No escalators though, unless its tucked away in the back.

I didn't see an escalator - a creaky lift but no escalator!

As a small child, I used to call them alligators :hehe2:

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They can be scary, those pesky escalators, but I still prefer them to stairs - especially when carrying heavy things like books or bags.

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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1316335259' post='2306178']

I know, I'm just teasing.It would be funny to come across a cloister with an escalator though.
[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1316430237' post='2306824']

Kirk Edge has one of those lift chairs that is attached to the side of a staircase... one sits on it and it slides up the stairs - for the elderly and those who can't climb. Not an escalator, and no one had to use it, but stil... you never know! lol :)


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