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I'm going for a live-in with a Carmelite monastery at the end of October. And the Novice Mistress has promised I won't be asked to climb any ladders. I'm so excited. But the issue about debt came up again. All I can do is tell them that I'm doing my best to pay it off. Sigh!

Maybe I could get a new identity and enter as a different person.

I'm going to have the conversation with my parents when I go home in two weeks. That's if I don't chicken out.

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A live-in without ladders? Surely that wouldn't be a proper experience??? :hehe2: Actually, it was Carmel that cured me of my fear of ladders when on a live-in the sister I was working with asked me if I was okay with them and I was just too nervous to say no! They haven't bothered me since.

I know its hard, but try not to worry about your debt. Be honest about it, yes, but just see what happens. I know I've told you before but I somehow managed to pay off over twice my annual salary in under 18mths - God really does provide!

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I know, and most of the time lately I feel at peace about it. Its just when it keeps being brought up its frustrating. I don't mean to bore people by going on about it. I've an interview for a new post in a few weeks. Its a promotion and if I get it I'll be involved in staff education. I may end up on less money though as I won't be working nights or weekends anymore but I'm hoping to get some agency shifts.

Actually, when I did my live-in in St. Cecilia's abbey I climbed several ladders when I was asked to dust the novitiate library and when I washed down the walls in the room where they make the altar breads. I don't like heights but I can make myself climb up. I know we all want to be closer to the heavens but I prefer to keep my feet on something solid.

The Novice Mistress had asked me if there was anything I couldn't do because of health reasons. I said no, but that I'm a bit wobbly on ladders. She emailed me back and said don't worry, no ladders. With my luck I'd end up stuck up a tree or something.

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Strickly I feel your pain. you are definitely in my prayers along with all the others who are struggling to pay off debt in order to enter.

Hope your live in goes well without any ladders or trees :)

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[quote name='krissylou' timestamp='1316143805' post='2305288']
But but but ... you were looking at all the colorful orders!

Have you at least considered the purple Carmelites???

Purple [b][i]and[/i] [/b]carmelites!!!!! Sign me up!

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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1316144757' post='2305301']

Purple [b][i]and[/i] [/b]carmelites!!!!! Sign me up!


What would your Sisters say?!?

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[quote name='krissylou' timestamp='1316143805' post='2305288']
But but but ... you were looking at all the colorful orders!

Have you at least considered the purple Carmelites???

Are there such a thing? I've seen pink nuns and red nuns and even green nuns but purple?

My colour preference would be red as I'm secretly a scarlet woman although I definitely have my pink side. Where God will lead me? Who knows. Hey, I could be married with triplets in five years time (doubtful but hey)

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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1316160071' post='2305342']

Are there such a thing? I've seen pink nuns and red nuns and even green nuns but purple?

My colour preference would be red as I'm secretly a scarlet woman although I definitely have my pink side. Where God will lead me? Who knows. Hey, I could be married with triplets in five years time (doubtful but hey)

Have you ever considered the Children of Mary? They have purple scapulars and veils over a white tunic. They are very much Carmelite and St. Therese of Lisieux is one of their patrons:


They are semi-contemplative -- meaning they are not cloistered like most Carmels. But they have more prayer times than active/contemplative orders do.


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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1316161349' post='2305343']

Have you ever considered the Children of Mary? They have purple scapulars and veils over a white tunic. They are very much Carmelite and St. Therese of Lisieux is one of their patrons:


They are semi-contemplative -- meaning they are not cloistered like most Carmels. But they have more prayer times than active/contemplative orders do.

Oh. my. gosh. I LOVE those habits!!!! The postulant bandannas are so cute! And I love the fact that they are called [color=#4b0082]Children[/color] of Mary. :nun2:

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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1315946225' post='2304386']
I'm going for a live-in with a Carmelite monastery at the end of October. And the Novice Mistress has promised I won't be asked to climb any ladders. [/quote]

At first I thought you were going to say, the novice mistress sang to you, "climb every mountain."

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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1316160071' post='2305342']

Are there such a thing? I've seen pink nuns and red nuns and even green nuns but purple?


Yes, the [url="http://www.carmelitas.de/mnazarenas.htm"]Nazarene Discalced Carmelites[/url].

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1316161349' post='2305343']

Have you ever considered the Children of Mary? They have purple scapulars and veils over a white tunic. They are very much Carmelite and St. Therese of Lisieux is one of their patrons:


They are semi-contemplative -- meaning they are not cloistered like most Carmels. But they have more prayer times than active/contemplative orders do.


Oh wow! I love the habit. From their website they sound wonderful. Unfortunately as I live in Ireland they're out of the running for me for the moment at least.

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1316178569' post='2305381']

At first I thought you were going to say, the novice mistress sang to you, "climb every mountain."

Haha! I'll have to tell them that one when I visit. I don't climb anything without very good reason. I'm a coward when it comes to heights.

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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1316193902' post='2305488']

Haha! I'll have to tell them that one when I visit. I don't climb anything without very good reason. I'm a coward when it comes to heights.

Don't worry, I know a NM with an extreme fear of heights!

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