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My Video On Way I Am Back


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Here's my video of me telling people why I have to decided to wait. But I am going to post what I feel on here. First I want to get one thing straight It is not a failure or disappointment to God, my friends, and family or anyone for that matter. I don't know what is wrong with this one person telling me "I told you so". Who would tell someone that? I am your Carmelite sister. How do you think that makes me feel? Don't you think we need to act more like our spouse than the one our spouse banished from Heaven? But I am going to act like my spouse and forgive and pardon you because I know there is something in your mind that isn't right. Again I will say leaving is not a disappointment to me. My family, friends and even my parish priest said it was a VERY wise move to make. I will say this one thing before I go you need to work on your spiritual life instead of being so hypocritical of mine, but I am going to pray for you because that is what Carmelites do. And God wants us all to take the higher road. I am going to hold off on discernment for a year but its all in the hands of our Lord. So I can't determine how long he wants me to wait I put it all in his hands and I have given myself to the Virgin who is my mother. Amen

Edited by carmelite15
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I am so proud of you for taking the steps that you did, and for deciding that this is not the time necessarily for you to be in Carmel. You sound like you are at peace with the decision, and peace is the greatest sign that this is of God.

Be patient, and you will see how the Lord will guide you and bless you mightily.

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Brandee, you are such a beautiful young woman! I am so proud of you and proud to know you! The step you took was like a [b][i]bazillion[/i][/b] times bigger than the average "just turned 18" year old out there! That was so brave of you to fly out there all by yourself too!! It's so easy to tell you have already grown and learned so much. I am sure the Lord has big plans for you this year, and a very good reason for you to wait. "I'm sure He has a reason" is what one of my friends used to say who entered Valparaiso Carmel at 27. And the same goes for me! You are not alone.

And this is so wonderful that if and when God does want you to enter, you found the right Carmel for you and are in love with the community!!! That is a huge success!! Many young women take a long while to find the right community and visit several places. You visited one and are totally at home with them. I am sure God had His Hand in this.

I will keep you in prayer over the next year as you discern, and please keep me in prayer too! :pray: God bless you, dear Sister in Christ!

p.s. I [i]love[/i] that black hat/cap you're wearing!! :love: makes you look even more like St. Bakhita! :saint:


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Why would I say I told you so? Because I knew you were gonna come back, when you acted like you were gonna enter right away. You got too many admirers coddling you, treating you like you're on the way to sainthood already. Well of course, who doesn't want to be praised? But there are people out there who see it differently, other than evil old me. Those people just don't have the guts to say it here on the forum. They PM'ed me about how immature and smug you are, with your holier-than-thou attitude. You can get off your high horse now, honestly. You know what people really have a problem with? How you advertise yourself like you've been accepted into the community, when you haven't even gone for a visit. How you proclaim God wants you with sooo much urgency....yet now you have a feeling like He wants you to wait? Experience life more? Grow up a little? Sounds oddly familiar like what I said before. I'm not proud of my attitude but I stand by my opinion. The point is not about failure at your discernment but getting way ahead of yourself and shoving it in people's faces.

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Brandee, you have really got to the heart of vocation and faith - Carmelite or not, whether you eventually enter religious life or not - and thats when you said you saw 'the cross that you are to die on'. That realisation was a massive one for me, it was the moment I realised in a new and much deeper way that I had to put God's will ahead of anything and everything else - above my desire to stay in Carmel even. The surrender to this is painful but also very freeing, and I am sure if you continue to do it (I have also discovered its a daily , or even hourly surrender, not a one off!) you will find yourself drawing even closer to him. Allowing God to completely control your will, allowing Him to carry you so you don't even need to plan where to put your feet, will I am sure be something you will never regret. I have found myself that I no longer worry about small things in life, or even the big ones! Although I am much older than you, I too had felt the urgent desire to get to Carmel as soon as I could and while I was there 18mths I can now see looking back that yes, there were things that needed sorting before I could give myself absolutely. Now I have handed my free will back to God, I no longer have that desperate, urgent desire as I know all I have to do is repeat my 'Yes' and God will arrange the rest.

God bless you Brandee. I am sorry you had to go through this difficult time but your faith and wisdom shines through in your video, and I hope others will be blessed by watching it as well. You remain in my prayers xx

Edited by faithcecelia
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Brandee, how amazing! You are so wise at such a young age! Your patience with God is so inspiring. I don't know if I would have the courage to takes the steps you did. When you are up to it, you must tell us more about Carmel. I know that Jesus is not calling me there, but I have a HUGE respect for our lovely carmelite sisters. You are in my daily prayers. I love you too. God bless you abundantly!

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Brandee, how amazing! You are so wise at such a young age! Your patience with God is so inspiring. I don't know if I would have the courage to takes the steps you did. When you are up to it, you must tell us more about Carmel. I know that Jesus is not calling me there, but I have a HUGE respect for our lovely carmelite sisters. You are in my daily prayers. I love you too. God bless you abundantly!

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Brandee it's so good to see your smiling face again! I'm glad you'll have the chance to experience the beautiful world God made a little more before possibly entering Carmel one day. So many orders have higher minimum ages just for this purpose :) Anyone who rejoices in your suffering or talks behind your back is in a difficult place spiritually and I am sure will feel very bad about it eventually. And then they will be forgiven instantly by Jesus. Keep your eyes and heart on your Savior and He will take care of you.

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I'm glad you're here again Brandee. I missed you and you're going to be in Carmel again in the future. I know it. Now you can wait and discern more like me!

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Listening to your video, I notice the peace in your voice and a thoughtfulness that feels (to me) like a new level of maturing in you. I think it is very wise to do a live-in and then return home for some time to contemplate one's call before entering postulancy. I think for a woman whose call has come at a relatively young age (which is no way makes me question the call), it allows some time for "ripening" and that the result will be that you bring even more gifts with you to the community you enter and offer them all to the Lord.

be assured of my prayers! (You also have made me consider contacting them myself for possible extern vocation discernment.)
Blessings and peace-

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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1315898399' post='2304124']
Why would I say I told you so? Because I knew you were gonna come back, when you acted like you were gonna enter right away. You got too many admirers coddling you, treating you like you're on the way to sainthood already. Well of course, who doesn't want to be praised? But there are people out there who see it differently, other than evil old me. Those people just don't have the guts to say it here on the forum. They PM'ed me about how immature and smug you are, with your holier-than-thou attitude. You can get off your high horse now, honestly. You know what people really have a problem with? How you advertise yourself like you've been accepted into the community, when you haven't even gone for a visit. How you proclaim God wants you with sooo much urgency....yet now you have a feeling like He wants you to wait? Experience life more? Grow up a little? Sounds oddly familiar like what I said before. I'm not proud of my attitude but I stand by my opinion. The point is not about failure at your discernment but getting way ahead of yourself and shoving it in people's faces.

If you dont like what im doing stop posting becasue what you are saying is not getting to me so just STOP! and dont post on anything else of mine. Thank you have a nice LIFE :)

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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1315898399' post='2304124']
Why would I say I told you so? Because I knew you were gonna come back, when you acted like you were gonna enter right away. You got too many admirers coddling you, treating you like you're on the way to sainthood already. Well of course, who doesn't want to be praised? But there are people out there who see it differently, other than evil old me. Those people just don't have the guts to say it here on the forum. They PM'ed me about how immature and smug you are, with your holier-than-thou attitude. You can get off your high horse now, honestly. You know what people really have a problem with? How you advertise yourself like you've been accepted into the community, when you haven't even gone for a visit. How you proclaim God wants you with sooo much urgency....yet now you have a feeling like He wants you to wait? Experience life more? Grow up a little? Sounds oddly familiar like what I said before. I'm not proud of my attitude but I stand by my opinion. The point is not about failure at your discernment but getting way ahead of yourself and shoving it in people's faces.


There are ways to say things in a prudent and charitable manner. I don't know what is going on with you. But when I am in a state where I cannot be charitable I refrain from posting.

Vocation Station is an area where we all support one another while we discern what God's will is in our lives. Some of us have been through the wringer in the process. Some of us are just beginning. Some of us are old. Some of us are very young. But regardless all of us have two goals (I would dare say) in common: a) to strive to be a saint even when we may horribly fail in doing so, and b) to seek God's will in our lives.

Please consider what your words are before you post. If you can't say things in a charitable manner maybe consider praying before posting? VS usually isn't a war zone (that's debate table). I for one would like it to stay that way.

Blessings and peace,

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Please be advised that this thread has been closed to prevent any further undue stress to those involved. Please also note this is the second thread we have had to close this week; and quite honestly, the lack of charity (especially for this section of the site) is rather disheartening.

The moderating team suggests a few opportunities to grow in holiness:[list]
[*]“If your brother sins [against you], go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother.” – Matt 18:15. Please utilize the Private Message System to bring your ‘grievance’ to your brother or sister directly.
[*]“If he refuses to listen…. then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.” Matt 18:17. It may also be prudent to utilize the “Ignore” feature as well. You can do this by first clicking your username at the very top right of the screen. Then, click “Manage Ignore Prefs”. You can then type in the username of the person you wish to ignore and then you can choose to ignore their Posts, Signature, Messages, and Chats. You can ignore one or all of the aforementioned by simply clicking the radio button next to each word. When fully utilized, you will not be able to see any of the ignored person’s posts, nor will they be able to private message you, nor will you ‘see’ them in chat, nor will you be able to see their signature.
If you require guidance in either of these two functions, any moderator will be happy to assist.

There is also the colloquial saying, “If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” We urge proper and full resonation of this statement wholeheartedly.

It is our sincere hope that the lack of charity and animosity which has been on display lately will cease. Immediately....Without further permenant action being needed.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving and gratitude for all our brothers and sisters in Christ whose vocation journey has been smooth and without incident. We further offer prayers of strength and perseverance for those brothers and sisters in Christ whose vocation journey has been difficult, tumultuous, and frustrating. Most of all, we pray for compassion, understanding, and forgiveness; for our trespasses are forgiven as we forgive those who trespass against us.


The Moderating Team

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