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What's In Your Breviary?


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[quote name='TheresaThoma' timestamp='1315793998' post='2303526']
A few prayer cards, sometimes I use them as book marks.
My bulletin board is much more interesting. Around the sides there are various prayer cards. In the center a crucifix given to me by a dear friend. Below it there is an image of the Blessed Mother. Also a Mary calendar (its amesome cause it has all the feasts and such). I have other little things from retreats that I have been on scattered all over it. Oh and I can't forget the picture of me and some Little Sisters of the Poor with a Llama!
Wait sorry to go off topic, but where did you find a llama with the Little Sisters of the Poor?????? I am with them all the time and I have never seen a llama.lol

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Okay so in the front of my Bible I have
A prayer card to St. Faustina (My confirmation saint)
A vocations prayer card
A prayer card to St. Anthony
A Prayer card to St. Joseph (I was born on his feast day)
A Prayer card to St. Gertrude
A Prayer card from my grandma's funeral with The Madonna of the Streets on the front of it
A Prayer card to St. Maximilian Kolbe
A Prayer booklet with prayers to St. Ann, St. Dominic, the morning offering, acts of faith, hope, and charity and such...
A picture of an angel
2 beaded book marks and about twenty pieces of paper used as book marks
2 quotes from our beloved Pope Benedict XVI

In My room I have:
A small picture of JPII next to my bed
A picture of the Madonna of the Streets given to me by the Sisters of Life
A gold crucifix I got for my confirmations
A picture of the BVM in a silver frame
And a picture of me in the old habit of the Little Sisters of the Poor standing next to their Mother General when she came to visit from France. (I am the residential "Old Little Sister" because I am the only one who knows how to put the habit on correctly. Go figure.)

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Let's see - in my breviary I have a small copy of the picture of Jesus (Hook's Head of Jesus), a copy of a poem that starts... 'To my spouse alone I have made my vows' (given to me in Carme)l, a copy of the Magnificat song 'Tell Out My Soul', which I sing on Sundays instead of the Magnificat in the breviary, a copy of the Benedictine Magnificat in Latin which I sing on Saturdays, a copy of the Solemn Salve Regina in Latin (also sung on Saturdays) with all the prayers in Latin afterwards,.a copy of the Te Deum Laudemus which I sing on solemnities, the Plan of the Divine Office (UK edition) and an Invitatory antiphon sheet given to me at one of the Carmels along with a few prayers to Our Lady for special occasions. I also keep the two insert sheets of alternate Invitatory Psalms and the Psalms for Sunday Week One.

I don't use holy cards for marking, but ribbons (extra ones added) and coloured tabs. I keep my holy cards in my Bible. I carry my breviary with me everywhere I go. Reciting the Office has kept me sane (if I truly am sane, which might be debatable!) :)

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A profession invitation, the St. Joseph's guide/2 other cheat sheets. I have lots of holy cards that need to go in there so I stop moving the ribbons for "common of martyr/virgin, etc." days.

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Not too exciting...a few profession cards, funeral cards (the "usual suspects" I would assume). What I do have is antique retablos from the 1700 and 1800's hanging all over my house. They are paintings on tin of various saints, Mary under her various titles, Jesus in his passion and resurrection, the Holy Family, etc. They were used in homes for devotional use and catechesis. I pass by several wherever I go in the house - upstairs, downstairs, my study, etc. They invoke a sense of the sacred where ever I go in the house and encourage me to say a short prayer or ejaculation when I go past. Holy reminders are a wonderful thing :amen:

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I have so much stuff and I left a lot of them at home unfortunately :cry: I've got prayers that I've printed out, lots of Holy cards, a pamphlet of my Franciscan Sisters, a pamphlet of the Children of Mary and some Carmelite pamphlets as well.

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I forgot the super secret folder.

In the depths of my desk at school, I have a folder FULL of nun stuff. Everything ever sent to me from any order is THERE. It goes home with me when I go home. Kind of like a nun security blanket. :)

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I'm totally rocking the nun bedroom right now. I have a crucifix above my bed and that's it for wall deco. Eventually, I want to make a wall rosary out of scrapbook paper (with space to write intentions on each bead) but haven't gotten around to it.

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1315848095' post='2303848']I'm totally rocking the nun bedroom right now. I have a crucifix above my bed and that's it for wall deco. Eventually, I want to make a wall rosary out of scrapbook paper (with space to write intentions on each bead) but haven't gotten around to it.[/quote]
That's a really cool idea....if only I had a Catholic roommate who'd understand..

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[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1315848912' post='2303853']
That's a really cool idea....if only I had a Catholic roommate who'd understand..

For later in your college career, one word: apartment :)

It also makes it less awkward when attempting to chant the LOTH. Closing the door has never been such a good thing. No one needs-or wants- to hear that except God.

Edited by Lisa
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Ooh! Here's what I have in my breviary:

A cheat-sheet to the Angelus/Benedictus/Magnificat, latin
A list of folks that I'm praying for
An ordination card
A novena to the Blessed Mother that my best friend and I wrote, consecrating our friendship to Mary
A picture of my grandmother from 1956
A postcard from Ars, sent by my priest friend
Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity's pray to the Holy Trinity
A novena to the Cross of Matara

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[quote name='BigJon16' timestamp='1315853551' post='2303878']
I dont have a Breviary.... :cry:

the cheap(er) version: http://www.amazon.com/Christian-Prayer-Catholic-Book-Publishing/dp/0899424066

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