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New Pmer Checking In...


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I've been lurking around Phatmass for a while now, and figured that I might as well introduce myself. So, hello! I'm a 25 year old medical student, and have been discerning religious life for about 2 years now. It's been a kind of off and on discernment...there's still so much of my own will that I'm clinging to. But the Lord is so good and so patient with me. I just pray that He will give me the grace to follow His will.

I want to tell you all that this forum has been such an encouragement to me over the past few months. Your love and trust in the Lord is so inspirational, and it's been wonderful to watch you all support each other through the ups and downs of discernment. I feel like I'm ready to take the plunge into becoming an active PMer...so here I am. I'm looking forward to getting to "know" you all a little bit better :)

In Christ,

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Hi Sophia! :welcome: I'm pretty new myself, only I didn't introduce myself the proper way like you. I'm more of a coward :paperbag:

I too am an 'on and off' discerner (and 2nd year theology student) who has a long way to go yet, so hopefully we'll see each oher round here lots!


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Greetings and welcome, Sophia (like your name ... :)) I never introduced myself either - just started up with the posting (oftenly lamely, I might add, like a good PM'er!) but according to the mysterious PM logic am [u]still[/u] a lurker!

I wish you courage and joy. May you listen undistractedly to the voice of the Lord speaking within you, inviting you to live only for Him..


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[quote name='Aya Sophia' timestamp='1315738240' post='2303237']
Greetings and welcome, Sophia (like your name ... :)) I never introduced myself either - just started up with the posting (oftenly lamely, I might add, like a good PM'er!) but according to the mysterious PM logic am [u]still[/u] a lurker!

I wish you courage and joy. May you listen undistractedly to the voice of the Lord speaking within you, inviting you to live only for Him..


You lurk no longer - hit the 50 and became a Newbie!

Welcome to all out VS newbies :bounce:

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Hehe, and welcome to Vocation Station, the coolest part of Phatmass ;).

I think the community here is very supportive, so hopefully we'll be a great resource for you in the future...and you'll be a great resource for us! :)

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1315740866' post='2303250']

You lurk no longer - hit the 50 and became a Newbie!

Welcome to all out VS newbies :bounce:

Golly! So I did! Ain't it grand! :bananarap:

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