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Would You Cross An Ocean And Become A Nun?

Kevin J Banet

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[quote name='i<3franciscans' timestamp='1315654094' post='2302870']
I hope you are not serious!!!! :lol:

Max wouldn't be a nun in any country or on any planet even....he's a boy! :hehe:

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Id be terrible at being a missionary overseas when I can hardly be a decent Christian to those around me now. Besides my own supposedly Christian homeland needs to be re-evangelized.

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I'm willing to cross an ocean...but I recognize that there are extra challenges in adapting to a religious community of a different culture. It's not that it isn't a beautiful experience, it's that...there's that extra dimension of being a 'foreigner' in the new culture. So, as long as folks are aware of that, I think it's great for the universal church to have multi-national convents :).

And to add to the 'been there, done that,' list, we have our very own Sadora! She should be coming back for a home visit soon, so hopefully we'll get to hear what she thinks of following your vocation across an ocean.


Edited by MithLuin
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