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Would You Cross An Ocean And Become A Nun?

Kevin J Banet

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Kevin J Banet

[b]Long Way From Home[/b]
[b][i][color=Blue]"We found a Carmelite family"[/color][/i][/b]


Would you travel to the other side of the world and learn a new language and customs to live for the rest of your life? Two Carmelite sisters from Vietnam crossed the Pacific Ocean to come to Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A. to become fully professed in the community of the Monastery of the Mother of Grace.

[b]Sr. Marie Camille of Jesus[/b] (Hoang Thi Thuong) and [b]Sr. Marie Joseph of the Eucharist[/b] (Pham Thi Lan) made their professions of their Solemn Vows in the presence of their former prioress from Hue, Vietnam, Mother Marie Ange, on July 16, the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.

[b]Sacrifice Made with Love and Surrender[/b]

During the ceremony, the sisters thanked the members of their community in Vietnam for the training they received, and their families for supporting the decision to come to the United States. “It was truly a sacrifice made with much love and surrender to God,” they said.

“We also thank Mother Regina and all the Sisters here for receiving us so lovingly and for helping us as we endeavored to incorporate ourselves into a new Community and culture. We left behind a Community which we cherished, but we have found here in Lafayette, a Carmelite family which has become as dear to us as the Carmel in Hue.”

Read the complete story at the website of the [url="http://lafayettecarmelites.org"][b]Lafayette Carmelites[/b][/url].

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If I was called to do so, yes. I had actually started looking at Carmels in Ireland and websites of some in the US, but I feel called to be a Carmelite here in the UK. Actually, after my 2nd visit to Notting Hill I had a very strong calling to there in particular, to be an invisible, silent, praying presence in the heard of the noise and bustle of the city of my birth and the country I am proud to belong to.

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I think I would now. Before, I was worried that with my medication needs that it wouldn't be possible to enter outside the US. I thought I would have to stay here to receive the treatment I need to control my depressive episodes. Now that I know that other countries provide good healthcare, I'd be more open to the idea, however, I don't think God is calling me to an order overseas. The closest I've come is contacting the Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate in Canada and I almost contacted the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph in England.

The funny thing is, if I do enter the Religious Sisters of Mercy (God-willing), I might be able to get to go overseas because they have 2 Sisters studying Theology in Rome right now. They have a convent there and in Breuberg, Germany. They also have a new convent in Sydney, Australia! :)

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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Been there, done that :rolleyes: just joking around :proud:

But seriously, yes I would again if it were [u]God's will[/u][i].[/i] I don't think He's asking that now, but if He does I'm ready!

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[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1315625855' post='2302797']
Been there, done that :rolleyes:


[quote] But seriously, yes I would again if it were [u]God's will[/u]. [/quote]

And ditto again.... :love:

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Well my friend came from England to teach in Canada, was recommended to enter old Brooklyn Carmel, professed there for about 25-30 years, and crossed back to England to Lanherne, and then all of Lanherne, amalgamated with/to the marvelous 1990 St. Helens Carmel, where they continue a traditional Carmelite life. So I guess, if it is God's will, the world is very small indeed- even to find a true Carmelite life in tiny St. Helens UK!

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