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I Am Back From Carmel


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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1315815319' post='2303718']
Yes, you're right. I'm in need of a lot of things....I have a desire to self-destruct right now. Is that enough for you? No problem, yell at me, I want you all to scream at me and hate me and despise me. I can't sink any lower anyway. It's just sooooo good and encouraging to hear all these tales of woe regarding religious life. Makes me wonder why I choose to pursue this at all. I'm getting pushed around and played with, and there's no end in sight. So yeah, I'm so done. I feel hopeless. It's taking every ounce of my will to not give in to taking my own life!!!! So please! By all means unite and loathe me....there's nothing left inside of me to take....

Why do you think that it makes me happy that you are hurting? Do you think that I do not have any compassion at all? Give me a chance. I want to become a social worker because I want to help people, so that should say something.

When you talk about ending your life, you really need to talk to someone. These thoughts swirling in your head are not from God, they are from the evil one -- the deceiver and father of lies. He wants nothing more than to make you feel worthless and unloved. DON'T BELIEVE HIM!! If you give the devil an inch, he will take a mile, and before you know it, he has eaten up all the love in your heart.

Teresita, you may think no one cares, but I care. I hold no hatred or anger towards you. I understand that when you say such things, you are saying them because you are hurting. Talk to someone. Let it out. Go to a priest if you must. Go to the emergency room if necessary. Do not let these feelings fester within you. I know what it is like because I have been there myself. Please talk to someone.

[url="http://suicidehotlines.com/"]Help Hotline Phone Numbers[/url]

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People lash out at others when they are in pain and despair themselves.......I compassionate you teresita, and I pray for you and for your pain. I don't condemn you.
If I am really honest once I saw Brandee's blog I was doubtful as I felt there was a real want of maturity, but it was not my place to say and one reading of a blog does not make me know her - you Brandee. I know that you will learn from this....just what, is not my concern but His.
I have long puzzled over how one speaks one's truth without causing pain to the other.......
Sometimes, lessons are painful and they can be made using our voice as His instrument. We know some will discern and will be found not to have a vocation after all. That does not make them any less His.
We know some are not yet mature enough.......when it is plain to us, is it beholden that we speak this or do we let the person go on thinking they have our all out support and encouragement?
One thing I have noticed on my short sojourn on these pages is the number of times and people who are clear they are saying they pray for God's Will to be done. Of course we all want that, but are we sometime's using it as a get out clause for not saying what we really think? Finding a way to be honest and open with each other would be really usefull especially to those heading into a community.....
What I have learned, I hope, is to couch my comments always in compassion........

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teresitacarmel is obviously suffering extreme pain and suffering right now, and like a wounded animal, is lashing out. So please, show her the same compassion you want her to show to carmelite15. Perhaps, instead of saying anything personal about her, it would be best to just offer love and support to both of these women. It is a very sad situation.

teresitacarmel, please feel free to contact me personally if you need to vent. Carmlite15, I think you are probably going to be alright, but the same offer applies to you.

And TC - I know exactly how you feel, even if I wouldn't express myself the same way - I have felt the same pain... honestly. Prayers for both of you.....

I don't know the emoticon for tears, but I feel a great sadness in my heart right now for all wounded hearts.....

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This thread is being closed to prevent any further distress to those involved. It's fine to have reservations, concerns, and worries, but please temper them with love and prayer rather than criticism. Let us [i]all [/i]offer prayers and compassion to discerners--in all stages of their discernment--especially those who have entered and left and are still seeking His will.

God bless you all.

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