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I Am Back From Carmel


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One step at a time Brandee. This is just the first step in life's journey. God has other plans for you at this time, and only He knows where the future will lead you. May all God's Blessings be yours.

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Whenever we were told to do something unpleasant in nursing school, we were told to "think of this as a learning experience". It takes considerable maturity to realize that you are not quite ready to take the step you so badly want, but "think of it as a learning experience". The wider your horizons before making such a life-changing committment, the better you will be able to cope with the adjustments such a committment requires. Nothing a person learns is ever wasted -- although it may not seem a useful bit of education at the time.
I know a rabbi who discovered, after coming to live in Israel, that Israel already has a sufficient number of rabbis. But it doesn't have enough washing machine repairmen. As it happens, this fellow had been a DIY mechanic, as a hobby, for years. He has now parlayed this talent into a successful appliance repair business, something he would never have imagined for a minute some years ago. So, during this period, widen your horizons! Use the time constructively -- you can't know what you will harvest in future and it might well not only be for your own benefit but that of the community you ultimately join.

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If you don't already, then one day you will look on this whole experience as a great blessing. You will always feel an affinity for this first community, no matter where your life takes you in the future. The human side may feel a little sore or sad, but your soul rests in God and every time you pass through an experience where your trust in God is put to the test, you get a little stronger in faith - and that is the greatest gift we can offer Him for all His mercies to us.

We are glad to have you back here anyway! :love:

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Welcome back! It's tough to listen to God's will sometimes, but I assure, it's [i]always[/i] better than ignoring Him! So congrats on your determination to follow His will for your life right now, and good luck figuring out what that might be.

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Prayers for you as you continue to navigate toward living out God's will. You have been such a great example of faith in the Lord.


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My dear Carmelite 15: while you wait on God to tell you or let you know what His will is for you, Praise Him constantly and let your life become a open prayer. How? Well, just pour out your heart to Him, and let Him know (even though He already knows it He likes to hear it), that you love Him and that He is all you desire and need. Jesus our beloved. Always have the right attitude while you wait on His divine will. God bless you sweetie.

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[quote name='carmelite15' timestamp='1315590619' post='2302587']
Yes I am back from Carmel I am happy but I am still willing to do God's will. I mean thats why I left becasue I was feeling God dose not want me right now. I mean when I was there I had time to think and see what God wanted for me right now.

Why am I not surprised? I knew it. I knew it wouldn't be so easy. It serves you right, with all your smug talk about entering right away, acting like you were gonna be accepted and you were gonna stay there for sure. You've wanted it for "so long", you said? Well little girl, you're not the only one. Now you know what it feels like to be denied and played with....at least to a small degree.

Yeah I know I will get attacked for what I'm saying....just like last time when I felt skeptical about your absolute confidence in you vocation. You're the beloved princess around here and I'm the evil troll. I really don't care. Say what you will, all of you. I'm numbed by all the pain and suffering I go through for my own calling anyway. I'm sick and tired, and I've just about had enough.

Gotta say, I told you so. You were always saying how God wants you so much and He can't wait and wants you now??? Now you're saying you left because you feel God does not want you right now? Have fun eating your own words. You were so certain you were gonna make it weren't you? Heavens forbid anyone should say anything to the contrary! You and your supporters alike, you were so quick to dismiss me and my stupid doubts. Well, welcome to the harsh reality I occupy now: the only thing you know is that you don't know anything at all.

Edited by teresitacarmel
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Teresita, that is absolutely out of order, so unkind! Yes, there were a good number of us who were concerned about Brandee going so young, whether we said so publicly or not, but there is absolutely no reason at all to gloat and be so cruel to her!

I have spoken to her privately and it seems to me that she has a good head on her shoulders. She seems to have accepted this disappointment with a level of maturity that belies her age, and is already using the experience and the insights she has gained to work on gaining the maturity and spiritual 'solidity' that she has now seen first hand that she needs before she can actually enter and give her life to God more fully. I actually think and hope that her experience will be of help to others who read it and see that actually, yes, you can feel sure and yet still have it not work out.

Brandee, I continue to pray for you as you settle back into life and look for work. I pray that God will surround you in His love and continue to guide your steps as you continue your discernment. Much love to you, you are doing so well.

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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1315811720' post='2303704']

Why am I not surprised? I knew it. I knew it wouldn't be so easy. It serves you right, with all your smug talk about entering right away, acting like you were gonna be accepted and you were gonna stay there for sure. You've wanted it for "so long", you said? Well little girl, you're not the only one. Now you know what it feels like to be denied and played with....at least to a small degree.

Yeah I know I will get attacked for what I'm saying....just like last time when I felt skeptical about your absolute confidence in you vocation. You're the beloved princess around here and I'm the evil troll. I really don't care. Say what you will, all of you. I'm numbed by all the pain and suffering I go through for my own calling anyway. I'm sick and tired, and I've just about had enough.

Gotta say, I told you so. You were always saying how God wants you so much and He can't wait and wants you now??? Now you're saying you left because you feel God does not want you right now? Have fun eating your own words. You were so certain you were gonna make it weren't you? Heavens forbid anyone should say anything to the contrary! You and your supporters alike, you were so quick to dismiss me and my stupid doubts. Well, welcome to the harsh reality I occupy now: the only thing you know is that you don't know anything at all.

You seriously need prayers. That is the worst and most hateful thing to say to someone. Have you learned nothing from the last time you posted? Seriously, grow up and start learning that what you say has an effect on people and when you go around blabbing how you were right and everyone else was wrong instead of offering support, it just makes people think you have no heart at all.

I will be reporting your post to the moderators and ask that you do not try to turn this into an argument like you did last time. Learn some manners, for crying out loud! :(

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Don't worry about it. I know I'm being unkind. And I'm sure more of you will reprimand me. Yes, I'm a cruel evil bitter beesh OK? You all can join together and stone me to death. I don't care anymore. If you knew any measure of the anger, despair, pain....that I feel, you'll realize that I'm already suffering to no end OK???? So take comfort in that.

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1315814470' post='2303716']

You seriously need prayers. That is the worst and most hateful thing to say to someone. Have you learned nothing from the last time you posted? Seriously, grow up and start learning that what you say has an effect on people and when you go around blabbing how you were right and everyone else was wrong instead of offering support, it just makes people think you have no heart at all.

I will be reporting your post to the moderators and ask that you do not try to turn this into an argument like you did last time. Learn some manners, for crying out loud! :(
Yes, you're right. I'm in need of a lot of things....I have a desire to self-destruct right now. Is that enough for you? No problem, yell at me, I want you all to scream at me and hate me and despise me. I can't sink any lower anyway. It's just sooooo good and encouraging to hear all these tales of woe regarding religious life. Makes me wonder why I choose to pursue this at all. I'm getting pushed around and played with, and there's no end in sight. So yeah, I'm so done. I feel hopeless. It's taking every ounce of my will to not give in to taking my own life!!!! So please! By all means unite and loathe me....there's nothing left inside of me to take....

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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1315814629' post='2303717']
Don't worry about it. I know I'm being unkind. And I'm sure more of you will reprimand me. Yes, I'm a cruel evil bitter beesh OK? You all can join together and stone me to death. I don't care anymore. If you knew any measure of the anger, despair, pain....that I feel, you'll realize that I'm already suffering to no end OK???? So take comfort in that.

Doesn't it bother you to walk around with so much anger and hatred in your heart? I've spoken to people who have born so much hate towards others that they became physically ill! It doesn't do you or anyone else any good to hold that inside.

I know you may think that I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to pray for you. You need to let go of this and try to be a more tolerant, compassionate person. You will find that you will get farther in life by forming your heart like Jesus' than talking about how you were right and everyone else was wrong. That is not what discernment is about, anyway. It's about learning, personally, what God wants of you. Some of us along the way have had to retrace our steps and re-evaluate our discernment, but it is never easy.

[size=4][sup]25[/sup] Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. [sup]26[/sup] “In your anger do not sin”[sup][[url="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+4&version=NIV#fen-NIV-29299d"]d[/url]][/sup]: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, [sup]27[/sup] and do not give the devil a foothold. [sup]28[/sup] Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need. [/size]
[size=4][sup]29[/sup] Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. [sup]30[/sup] And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. [sup]31[/sup] Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. [sup]32[/sup] Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. [/size]-- Ephesians 4:25-32[/quote]

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1315814629' post='2303717']
Don't worry about it. I know I'm being unkind. And I'm sure more of you will reprimand me. Yes, I'm a cruel evil bitter beesh OK? You all can join together and stone me to death. I don't care anymore. If you knew any measure of the anger, despair, pain....that I feel, you'll realize that I'm already suffering to no end OK???? So take comfort in that.

This is the worst thing. You know you are being unkind but you do it anyway. You seem [i]pleased[/i] that it didn't work out for her and that you can now smugly say 'I told you so' thats very cruel.

I understand that you are suffering, but that is absolutely no excuse to take it out on this young girl who is readjusting to life (a very hard thing t do) and continuing to discern her future.

If you cannot deal with your own problems, then please get professional help, but don't reflect your feelings about yourself onto others, thats just not on.

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