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I Am Back From Carmel


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Yes I am back from Carmel I am happy but I am still willing to do God's will. I mean thats why I left becasue I was feeling God dose not want me right now. I mean when I was there I had time to think and see what God wanted for me right now.

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Love and prayers for you my sweet. Be gentle with yourself, and use this time to discern fully where and what God wills you to be. God bless xx

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You are so courageous to have done what you did. It takes a lot to accept God's grace and do a live-in. It's not an easy thing! You are blessed to have had your experience and your future is filled with HOPE! You are a beautiful soul. Never forget our prayers are with you!!

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I'm glad that you are at peace with the decision to remain in the world a little bit longer. You will learn much from this time of spiritual growth and be able to experience more that will prepare you for the life of a religious. I know how difficult it can be to return from a live-in and hear that God is calling you to wait. I experienced the same thing with my former religious order in 2009. Now that I've been in the world for a little more than 2 years, I wouldn't have traded it for anything.

I pray that you have an open heart to hearing God's will and will be prepared when it is truly your time. God bless you, Brandee. :)

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You took such an enormous step in faith traveling across the country and embarking on a journey that will unfold for you as you grow in your new experiences. I wish you much joy and peace as you continue to discern God's will for you.

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Welcome back!

One quibble. I'm pretty sure this is what you meant, but when you said "God does not want me right now" -- that's TOTALLY wrong.

God TOTALLY wants you. God may not want you IN CARMEL quite yet. But that doesn't mean God doesn't want you. It means God wants you somewhere else!

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We've all been thinking about you! Still praying though! I'm sure God DOES want you but you should try other things in the meantime and keep discerning and I'm sure you'll be there soon!

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