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I Had To... So Exciting!


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I know you all probably get tired of my posts about them, but here are the DSMME postulants that entered on Aug. 28. Please pray that they may faithfully live this vocation! I can't wait to meet them all!!!!!! [url="http://jroselle.blogspot.com/2011/09/17-new-dominican-sisters.html"]http://jroselle.blogspot.com/2011/09/17-new-dominican-sisters.html[/url]


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YAY!!! That is very exciting! I have been praying for them but it is always nice to see the faces of who I am praying for.

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1315368545' post='2301446']
I cant wait for the picture where Lisa's face is in that group! :ninja:
I second that!

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[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1315371040' post='2301463']

Where did you find this picture? I have not seen anything on their website yet that I have found.

[url="http://jroselle.blogspot.com/2011/09/17-new-dominican-sisters.html"]http://jroselle.blogspot.com/2011/09/17-new-dominican-sisters.html[/url] There are some other before-and-after pictures, too.

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1315368545' post='2301446']
I cant wait for the picture where Lisa's face is in that group! :ninja:

It would be a miracle on so many levels! May any steps I take be all for the His glory, not mine!

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1315400836' post='2301544']

It would be a miracle on so many levels! May any steps I take be all for the His glory, not mine!

any Community would be blessed to have you..... like Carmel!! :smile2:

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[quote name='FutureSister2009' timestamp='1315407569' post='2301583']
How do they fit all these Sisters into the Monastery? I want to be with them though!

It's getting a little tight. They are around 120 in a convent built for 100 during the summer, but 30+ Sisters are now out on mission throughout the school year, so they are making do. They are currently fundraising to start a new foundation in California and/or Texas.

Edited by Lisa
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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1315409218' post='2301593']

It's getting a little tight. They are around 120 in a convent built for 100 during the summer, but 30+ Sisters are now out on mission throughout the school year, so they are making do. They are currently fundraising to start a new foundation in California and/or Texas.

Oh, that'd be nice if they went out to Los Angeles or the surrounding area! They are always in need of more religious. Of course, they will probably go somewhere else since there is already a Dominican monastery in Los Angeles.

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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It seems to me that after doing formation in Michigan winters they have generally Had It We Are Not Kidding!!! and go off on missions to the South (or California).


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