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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='Archaeology cat' timestamp='1315635044' post='2302836']
wait - is it a Klingon bird of prey or a Romulan warbird?

Trekkers FTW!

ya got me...props fer ya

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The words 'tattoo' and 'piercing' do not appear in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Clearly the morality of such things is not a central question in our faith.

The question of whether or not the verse in Leviticus applies to decorative tattoos on Christians is, I suppose, up for interpretation. One could take the prohibition as dealing with all tattoos, or see it as specifically dealing with a prohibition of pagan-related tattos. Again, one could see the prohibition as no longer applying to Christians, just as the prohibition against eating shellfish no longer applies.

Basically, if you are uneasy about the morality of getting a tattoo...don't.

It's a good idea to keep this verse in mind, too - the externals are less important than the internals they are supposed to represent.

[b]Romans 3:26-29[/b][i]
So if the uncircumcised man keeps the requirements of the Law, will not his uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision? And he who is physically uncircumcised, if he keeps the Law, will he not judge you who though having the letter of the law and circumcision are a transgressor of the Law? For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.[/i]

Edited by MithLuin
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I might get a tattoo at some point. b/c i'm cool like that. I'm thinking something like this (edit, I'll just describe it):

A rosary on my arm, w/ the Hail Mary written inside it.

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Not OK,

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[quote name='Amppax' timestamp='1315835744' post='2303772']
I might get a tattoo at some point. b/c i'm cool like that. I'm thinking something like this (edit, I'll just describe it):

A rosary on my arm, w/ the Hail Mary written inside it.

That sounds like an amazing idea :)

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To the concept of getting a tattoo ... I'm going to quote a (I think a) taxi driver. This is what the person said to my niece when she mentioned the idea of getting a tattoo.

"Putting a tattoo on you is like putting a bumper sticker on a Ferrari. You're a Ferrari. Don't do it." (I don't remember what high end car it was ... but it was a really high end car).

:) That nixed my niece's idea of getting a tattoo on her 18th birthday.

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' timestamp='1315870834' post='2303968']
To the concept of getting a tattoo ... I'm going to quote a (I think a) taxi driver. This is what the person said to my niece when she mentioned the idea of getting a tattoo.

"Putting a tattoo on you is like putting a bumper sticker on a Ferrari. You're a Ferrari. Don't do it." (I don't remember what high end car it was ... but it was a really high end car).

:) That nixed my niece's idea of getting a tattoo on her 18th birthday.
so, he was trying to pick her up? :|

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[quote name='got2luvjc' timestamp='1315869633' post='2303960']

That sounds like an amazing idea :)

gotta admit, it's not original, but i do like it.

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I have considered a dragon on a sword holding the vatican flag. We were bored one night and my friend had a sharpie. It was pretty epic. :|

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[quote name='missionseeker' timestamp='1315877650' post='2304018']
If a dude had called me a Ferrari.... He'd have totally picked me up. :|

A fast, red, boys' toy?????

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1315657334' post='2302877']

there is an old testament verse that states us to not get tattoos like the pagans, i have 2 tatts from before i read this passage, unsure on the churches standing as the graveness of tattoos and piercing, iz possibly in the chatechism. to be totally honest i am seeking an answer for this in prayer as to whether it is like when saint paul states it is holyer for men to have hair above there shoulders and women to have it below there shoulders.But in that doesn't state that it is un holy the otherway around.
god bless you all

on this note i guess it depends on what level of holyness you would like to attain for in accordance with the will of god for your life without saying i would be grateful to just be dust on jesus sandels in the kingdom of heaven, this sounds nice enough but one should be i believe in a higher state of hope without trying to sit in the place of standing so to speak like in the parable of jesus where the man sits in the place of honour and is cast down and jesus states would you rather be lifted up to a place of honour/hope or would you rather be cast down/pride... figure it out.
God bless
P.S. never automaticaly trust anyones discernment of the word without carefully examining/meditating and praying about it, cept the pope on matters of faith and morals.
P.S.S. especially me :)
P.S.S.S. Saint paul " hope in the highers gifts of the spirit" (i assume without renouncing ones place of servant)

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1315907429' post='2304145']

A fast, red, boys' toy?????


More like a beautiful, well built, top of the line model with amesome curves that a person would buy without test driving because, well... it's a Ferrari. :|

Besides, they aren't all red... <_< and they are not toys!


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[quote name='missionseeker' timestamp='1315877650' post='2304018']
If a dude had called me a Ferrari.... He'd have totally picked me up. :|
What if he picked you up in a Ferrari?

Edited by Papist
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