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University Or Religious Life?


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I just found another listing for the same grocery store I applied to yesterday as a guest service team lead. This one is for the self-checkout cashier attendant. I used the same information as yesterday and filled out. So I now have two applications at the same grocery store chain but in two locations. The one I applied to tonight is actually closer to me. :)

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Just a job application tip: For the minimum wage jobs, apply in person. Always. It's a stressful process, but just literally walk down the main drag of your town (or drive from plaza to plaza), walk in to every place, and ask if they have any openings. Most managers of small businesses or franchises are too busy to post online and/or rarely read their email. This is how I've gotten every food service/retail job I've need to make ends meet in the summers.

Places like Target tell you to fill out applications in store, and I've known them to hire on the spot. Also, if you drive, consider doing delivery for somewhere like Domino's. Waiting tables is the best money in entry level food service usually, but hard to break into if you have no experience. Being a delivery driver though, is a close second, and doesn't typically take experience.

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If we're talking jobs that are usually easier to get, try getting work as a caregiver for an elderly person or at a nursing home. They often accept unqualified staff and will train on the job. It is hard, physical work, but also very satisfying because it is a helping and service job. I worked at several different Alzheimer's facilities in California, also as a private caregiver for different elderly people, and now I am back at a hostel for the elderly, which includes those on palliative care. Private work pays more, but facilities can be better in trying to fit around your schedule as they have shift work. Just an idea.

Since you say you can't enter until next year anyway, perhaps you don't need to focus too much on a decision right now, but take each day as God gives it to you? Finish off your current studies, look for work, and keep in contact with various convents, and then see what happens. Let's face it, there are no guarantees in life, and God writes straight with crooked lines. You could die tomorrow (and be with Our Lord) or you could live for many, many years, but the only moment that you really have to offer Him is the one that you are living right now. All the great plans in the world (either study or convent) could come to nothing, so really, live for now, and live for Him, and love Him through serving others the best you can with what you have. You are already very blessed in so many ways, and the greatest gift we can give back in return for all our blessings and to show our love, is our complete faith and trust in Him.

Remember that whatever you end up doing, He is there with you.

Edited by nunsense
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my opinion is just go right into Religious Life while you have the chance. Don't be like me. you'll end up regretting it like I do

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1315271289' post='2300770']

It's nice to know that I'm not going crazy and that others are thinking the same thing. If age or debt wasn't a factor, I'd continue my education and then enter later, but that's not what I feel called to at this stage. I think that is why I've had such a tough time trying to decide which college to go to next semester. I think what I'm going to do is finish up this class, graduate with my AA, and then take the two foreign language courses which are required by most upper level state universities. But I'm going to take them at the junior college. Hopefully, I can get enough financial aid in order to pay for them.

If it does happen where I enter soon, it won't be for another year since the postulants have a set entrance date of September 8th (unless it has changed recently). The candidates enter in August and then are initiated to the postulancy. So it wouldn't hurt to take some classes and boost my GPA in preparation for higher education. :)

Sounds like you have a good game plan.... prayers for you!

[quote name='FutureSister2009' timestamp='1315321369' post='2301088']
my opinion is just go right into Religious Life while you have the chance. Don't be like me. you'll end up regretting it like I do

:console: Don't worry.... I'm convinced you won't regret having to wait. It will be worth the sacrifice, you'll see. :nun:

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