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Help Finding A Book


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Since y'all on here know more about spiritual reading than I do, can you help me find a book? I would really like to read, "God, the Joy of My Life" by St. Teresa of the Andes, but I cannot find it under $10. I'm on a very strict budget right now and cannot go over $10. I've Googled the title and have come up with nothing -- I wouldn't even mind a used copy. Any help you can give is most appreciated! :)

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Carmelite Book Service UK [url="http://www.carmelite.org.uk/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_ST_TERESA_OF_THE_ANDES_33.html"]http://www.carmelite.org.uk/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_ST_TERESA_OF_THE_ANDES_33.html[/url] by far the cheapest I can find but still a little over your budget.

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I searched and I don't think you're going to find one for under $10, unless someone puts a used one up for that price. The cheapest I could find was $13.99, with free shipping - [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/God-Joy-My-Life-St-Teresa-Andes-S-/380344823889?pt=US_Nonfiction_Book&hash=item588e517051"]http://www.ebay.com/...=item588e517051[/url]

You may find one cheaper from a Carmel, but then you have to pay shipping. You could try emailing the Eugene, OR Carmel to see if they have it, [url="http://aquerofoundation.com/id13.html"]http://aquerofoundation.com/id13.html[/url] They have some wonderful rare Carmelite books for super low prices, [url="http://aquerofoundation.com/id19.html"]http://aquerofoundation.com/id19.html[/url] :like:

p.s. actually the Eugene Carmel doesn't have email, but here's their address and #:

Carmel of Maria Regina
87609 Green Hill Road
Eugene, OR 97402
Tel. (541) 345-8649

Edited by Chiquitunga
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Chiara Francesco

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1315064116' post='2299598']
Thanks gals! I may have to hold out a bit and save up for the book. :)

Mater, I was chatting with a friend, another PMer, who private messaged you who will send you her copy free. Check PM messages!

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I really wished I had requested to take home the copy that was in my guest room while I was staying with the Carmelite DCJ Sisters in 2009. I've been wanting to read that book for a while and had planned to read it while I was there. It was a brand new copy and the Sisters told me that I could have the books. Unfortunately, since I left only 3 days later, I felt guilty about taking it and left it on the desk where they put it. :(

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If you want to read the book rather than own it, check with your local library. They can generally borrow books through interlibrary loan. There may be a minimal charge for the service.

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[quote name='SuscipeMeDomine' timestamp='1315068173' post='2299630']
If you want to read the book rather than own it, check with your local library. They can generally borrow books through interlibrary loan. There may be a minimal charge for the service.

I might check there, but the libraries here are severely lacking in funds. I wish I could use the one Downtown but you have to be a resident of the area, so no-go there, unfortunately. :(

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[quote name='Chiara Francesco' timestamp='1315065076' post='2299602']

Mater, I was chatting with a friend, another PMer, who private messaged you who will send you her copy free. Check PM messages!

Mater, did you read this?

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[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1315087841' post='2299748']

Mater, did you read this?

Yep, I already got in touch. ;)

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1315174166' post='2300229']
Hmmmm, trying to help you has made me want this book myself! Get paid on Tuesday I think......


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