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Has Anyone Heard From Brandee?


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I just wondered if anyone had heard anything from Brandee about whether she will be entering immediately following her live in and if thats happened at all? I only ask as her name popped uo as online on facebook the otherday briefly which very much suprised me, but she had gone again before I could message her. I hope its all going well for her - I am still full of holy envy!

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Actually, it says on her profile that she signed in on August 26th. Her live-in started on August 20th. I wonder if they allowed her to go online one last time before she entered?

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I don`t think so, but she got there and got to the place alright. I got a call from a friend that we both know. I will do my best to update you all, which is only once a month.

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1314823379' post='2298252']
Actually, it says on her profile that she signed in on August 26th. Her live-in started on August 20th. I wonder if they allowed her to go online one last time before she entered?

I think her mom has her password to post updates, maybe it was her mom or sister

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I actually was in contact with a religous I know in the area who is close to the order. Sister said that Brandee has gone from a visit in the guest house to a live-in situation within the cloister. She will remain there for a period of time to determine whether she will enter as a postulant at a later date. Pls don't quote me but if I understood correctly she will most likely complete the live in and return home to prepare for her postulancy if that is what discerned.

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[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1314830245' post='2298321']
I actually was in contact with a religous I know in the area who is close to the order. Sister said that Brandee has gone from a visit in the guest house to a live-in situation within the cloister. She will remain there for a period of time to determine whether she will enter as a postulant at a later date. Pls don't quote me but if I understood correctly she will most likely complete the live in and return home to prepare for her postulancy if that is what discerned.

Thanks for posting. If what you wrote is correct, then the situation must have changed. From what I remember, she was going straight into the postulancy from the live-in if she still wanted to proceed.

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Yes from what my friend said it is customary for a live in in the cloister of an indiviudalized time more than a week or two stay in the guest house.

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[quote name='1catholic' timestamp='1314825000' post='2298272']

I think her mom has her password to post updates, maybe it was her mom or sister

Yes, her mom was taking over her Facebook she said .. [url="http://thecarmeliteblogger.blogspot.com/2011/08/i-have-one-week-to-go.html"]http://thecarmeliteb...week-to-go.html[/url]

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[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1314852657' post='2298508']

Yes, her mom was taking over her Facebook she said .. [url="http://thecarmeliteblogger.blogspot.com/2011/08/i-have-one-week-to-go.html"]http://thecarmeliteb...week-to-go.html[/url]

I actually meant her Phatmass profile. Did her mom take over that as well?

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1314831420' post='2298327']

Thanks for posting. If what you wrote is correct, then the situation must have changed. From what I remember, she was going straight into the postulancy from the live-in if she still wanted to proceed.

I have no idea -- but maybe there was some miscommunication before, as this (live-in, then go home and think about it, then return as a postulant) does seem to be a MUCH more common pattern. Maybe the nuns always were offering a visit-potentially-turning-into-a-live-in and through some combination of crossed wires that got understood as visit-potentially-turning-into-immediate-postulancy.

Or maybe the nun friend is misinformed as to this particular situation, or well all sorts of things!

Regardless, I hope and pray that she is following God's path and is very happy.

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[quote name='ceciliatherese' timestamp='1314929639' post='2298957']
which order is she entering?

The Carmelite Nuns of Cristo Rey in San Francisco, CA :)

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Chiara Francesco

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1314931436' post='2298998']

The Carmelite Nuns of Cristo Rey in San Francisco, CA :)

A friend visited them a while back. Here's some pictures of their monastery and community from her Photobucket album: [url="http://s569.photobucket.com/albums/ss140/jmjtcarmelite/Cristo%20Rey%20Carmel/"]http://s569.photobuc...20Rey%20Carmel/[/url]

They are a fantastic community. Valapraiso (sorry spelling!) was founded from them.

Edited by Chiara Francesco
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