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What Is Odd About This Photo?


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This photo is of the then Sr Mary of Jesus (who later as Mother Mary of Jesus founded most the UK Carmels). The photo was taken on the day of her canonical examination where she, as was the norm at the time, would leave enclosure for a day to demonstrate that she was free to do so, and have her vocation tested by the bishop or his representative before the prioress was permitted to accept the novice for profession. It was also the norm to spend time with the family that day, when they could hug, kiss, take photos etc.

Even so, there is something odd!!! Can anyone work it out? There is actually an almost identical one of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity somewhere.


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Totally Franciscan

In my previous community, when novices left the motherhouse for any outside business, appointments, etc., they changed into a black veil and then back to their white veil upon their return. I don't know for sure, but I presume that is what is happening in this photo so nicely presented by faithcecelia.

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Yes its the veil. I had seen the one of Elizabeth of the Trinity a few times and never really noticed it, but I actually asked about it when I saw this one. It was aparantly for no other reason than that, in those days, this was likely to be the only photo a sister would have taken with her family, and it was decided it was nice for the family to have her in her black veil! It amused me a little - we hear so much about how strict things used to be, but there were [i]always[/i] little nicities like this!

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I thought about the black veil but then I thought about the strictness and figured "they wouldn't have her wear one if it wasn't time, but I was sure Faith explained she hadn't professed final vows yet" lol.

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Isn't there a similar picture of Teresa of Jesus? (of the Andes -- there are no photos of Teresa of Jesus of Avila. Obviously. Duh. Moving on.)

The story I heard about that (since she took her vows on her deathbed) was that upon entrance photos were taken in street clothes and in full habit and given to the families. And the expectation was that there'd be no more photos, ever, so full habit was preferable to postulant garb. So even though she hasn't even really entered yet, here she is in full habit, with black veil.

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[quote name='krissylou' timestamp='1314802647' post='2298053']
Isn't there a similar picture of Teresa of Jesus? (of the Andes -- there are no photos of Teresa of Jesus of Avila. Obviously. Duh. Moving on.)

The story I heard about that (since she took her vows on her deathbed) was that upon entrance photos were taken in street clothes and in full habit and given to the families. And the expectation was that there'd be no more photos, ever, so full habit was preferable to postulant garb. So even though she hasn't even really entered yet, here she is in full habit, with black veil.

Ooooh I had never heard the story, but yes there are most definately photos of her in full habit and black veil (looking far from her death bed!). It does make me smile how they did it! There is also a family photo of Terese etc with at least one of the later one (not sure if it was Celene or one of the cousins) in the habit taken well before her Clothing.

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[quote name='krissylou' timestamp='1314802647' post='2298053']
Isn't there a similar picture of Teresa of Jesus? (of the Andes -- there are no photos of Teresa of Jesus of Avila. Obviously. Duh. Moving on.)

The story I heard about that (since she took her vows on her deathbed) was that upon entrance photos were taken in street clothes and in full habit and given to the families. And the expectation was that there'd be no more photos, ever, so full habit was preferable to postulant garb. So even though she hasn't even really entered yet, here she is in full habit, with black veil.

Yes, exactly! I watched clips of the movie this weekend and then read her biography online. The picture that accompanied it was one of her in the black veil which she wouldn't receive until she professed final vows.


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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1314758122' post='2297868']
This photo is of the then Sr Mary of Jesus (who later as Mother Mary of Jesus founded most the UK Carmels). The photo was taken on the day of her canonical examination where she, as was the norm at the time, would leave enclosure for a day to demonstrate that she was free to do so, and have her vocation tested by the bishop or his representative before the prioress was permitted to accept the novice for profession. It was also the norm to spend time with the family that day, when they could hug, kiss, take photos etc.


I suspect a few of my visitors would attempt to kidnap me, that is if I wasnt kicked out after two days.

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1314808731' post='2298103']

I suspect a few of my visitors would attempt to kidnap me, that is if I wasnt kicked out after two days.

You wouldn't have been the first! I have just read about one whose profession was delayed by 4yrs because her father had said the moment she stepped out of the enclosure he would take her home. She prayed that if told undder obedience to leave, that she would die before she went over the threshold, and when it was suggested she go to another convent to illustrate her freedom rather than spend the day with her family, she did indeed collapse the evening before she was due to go, with the illness that did finally take her life.

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Here is a photo of a book cover showing Teresa of Jesus of the Andes in street clothes and in a black veil.


...And a full length view:


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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1314809032' post='2298105']

You wouldn't have been the first! I have just read about one whose profession was delayed by 4yrs because her father had said the moment she stepped out of the enclosure he would take her home. She prayed that if told undder obedience to leave, that she would die before she went over the threshold, and when it was suggested she go to another convent to illustrate her freedom rather than spend the day with her family, she did indeed collapse the evening before she was due to go, with the illness that did finally take her life.

Wow! That's incredible. God would have rather protected her life than let her be kidnapped by her father. :)

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1314809032' post='2298105']

You wouldn't have been the first! I have just read about one whose profession was delayed by 4yrs because her father had said the moment she stepped out of the enclosure he would take her home. She prayed that if told undder obedience to leave, that she would die before she went over the threshold, and when it was suggested she go to another convent to illustrate her freedom rather than spend the day with her family, she did indeed collapse the evening before she was due to go, with the illness that did finally take her life.

Carmelites, always wanting to die young, intense deaths. Drama queens :hehe2:

ETA: but admittedly, beautiful story.

Edited by Lisa
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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1314809871' post='2298114']

Carmelites, always wanting to die young, intense deaths. Drama queens :hehe2:

ETA: but admittedly, beautiful story.


Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1314803150' post='2298057']Ooooh I had never heard the story, but yes there are most definately photos of her in full habit and black veil (looking far from her death bed!). It does make me smile how they did it! There is also a family photo of Terese etc with at least one of the later one (not sure if it was Celene or one of the cousins) in the habit taken well before her Clothing.

Neat, I'd never heard of that photo of St. Therese! Which was is it? Also, this is evidence you haven't seen only the best movie created in the history of mankind .. [i]¡¡¡Teresa de Los Andes!!![/i] You're not entering Carmel again until you see it!! Sorry, I'm a little obsessed :hehe:

[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1314809032' post='2298105']You wouldn't have been the first! I have just read about one whose profession was delayed by 4yrs because her father had said the moment she stepped out of the enclosure he would take her home. She prayed that if told undder obedience to leave, that she would die before she went over the threshold, and when it was suggested she go to another convent to illustrate her freedom rather than spend the day with her family, she did indeed collapse the evening before she was due to go, with the illness that did finally take her life.

Super cool!!! Who was that?!!

[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1314809871' post='2298114']

Carmelites, always wanting to die young, intense deaths. Drama queens :hehe2:

ETA: but admittedly, beautiful story.

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