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Accounts Merged ^_^


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[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1314600208' post='2296797']
Hey all! So some of you know, but I am the old member here Margaret Clare, if you remember me. Hello! :wave:

I was being all hidden ...


..and got a new account last year! :o Shame on me, I know! :rules:

I let the mods know a couple weeks ago though after a thread was started on me asking where I was and all .. and they decided merging my accounts would be best. So that was nifty and I'm not suspended! Thank you mods, especially Lil Red, and dUSt! :notworthy2:

Absolutely no hard feelings [i]in the slightest[/i] about the thread. Thanks for remembering me and for wondering how I am! (if we still had that care bear emoticon I would post it here :j) :heart:

So yes, I am still discerning .. though I'm not sure I would word it as that now, though I guess so. But in short, I have to wait now even longer to enter - if you're wondering, you can PM me :like: And I've been just generally not wanting to post as much about my discernment and all online and everything :ninja: Though at the same time, it is really great having this community here on PM!! I've met some pretty amazing friends on here. Very thankful for that!

So anyway, just letting you all know. I'm happy now to have my old account and posts and all back as me :proud: And I see a number of you, old and new, struggle with waiting too, so I'm in good company.

Okay, see you all around as usual! God bless!

p.s. Oh and they're letting me change my screen name too. I do [i]love[/i] my name Chiquitunga :smile3:(after the wonderful new Carmelite venerable! [url="http://chiquitunga.jimdo.com/"]http://chiquitunga.jimdo.com/[/url]) But I think I like this other name better after a hymn to Our Lady .. you'll see :proud:<-- and why does this cute smiley have to be called "proud" now, lol Before it was just ^_^ Oh well :P

I'm sorry that I almost got you suspended. I had no idea that you were under a different pseudonym. :blush:

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1314756456' post='2297855']

I'm sorry that I almost got you suspended. I had no idea that you were under a different pseudonym. :blush:
No worries, Mater!! None at all! It was me who almost got my own self suspended and all creating another account. And I chose to let them know.

I'm really happy now having the accounts merged .. seriously :) I was wanting to have my old name changed way back also, but didn't get to, so that was another reason I created a new account. But now they're one, so that was a great solution. But yeah, I thought it best to tell the whole story in the thread, just to let everyone know how it happened and all. I was worried I might make you feel bad. Please don't though!

Now I'm just trying to figure out if I should stick with Chiquitunga or go with O gloriosa Virginum. They're very graciously giving me the opportunity just now. Not sure .. Chiqui is pretty out of the ordinary and Carmelite at the same time, though I love O gloriosa (and that tune gets repeated a lot in the Teresa of the Andes movie .. like the night before she enters! love it!) [url="http://romaaeterna.jp/liber1/lu1314.html"]http://romaaeterna.j...er1/lu1314.html[/url]

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1314756206' post='2297845']
I didn't know you in your former incarnation, but Im pleased you felt able and ready to let everyone know. God bless you and your journey.

Thanks, faith! :like:

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Since I've been here, you've always been Chiqui, so I echo Faith's sentiments. Thank you for all you have shared about your discernment over the years. Speaking for myself at lest, your persistence and fidelity is truly inspiring.

Edited by Lisa
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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1314759475' post='2297879']
Since I've been here, you've always been Chiqui, so I echo Faith's sentiments. Thank you for all you have shared about your discernment over the years. Speaking for myself at lest, your persistence and fidelity is truly inspiring.

Thanks Lisa!! That is very kind! :heart: Perhaps I will stick with it .. or her! My little Paraguian Sister in Carmel! :love: She entered a little later too and still is among those to have died young and all! :saint:

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Dear Chiquitunga, last night I tried to send you a PM and your account stopped it. Do you not receive PMs or was your account filled to capacity?

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[quote name='sistersintigo' timestamp='1314893879' post='2298671']
Dear Chiquitunga, last night I tried to send you a PM and your account stopped it. Do you not receive PMs or was your account filled to capacity?

Someone else told me this too, but then I've received PMs from others (one just now) so I don't know what's happening. I'll have to ask one of the mods. In the meantime you can always email me. That option is there, right? If not I'll try to put it there ^_^

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