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Accounts Merged ^_^


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Hey all! So some of you know, but I am the old member here Margaret Clare, if you remember me. Hello! :wave:

I was being all hidden ...


..and got a new account last year! :o Shame on me, I know! :rules:

I let the mods know a couple weeks ago though after a thread was started on me asking where I was and all .. and they decided merging my accounts would be best. So that was nifty and I'm not suspended! Thank you mods, especially Lil Red, and dUSt! :notworthy2:

Absolutely no hard feelings [i]in the slightest[/i] about the thread. Thanks for remembering me and for wondering how I am! (if we still had that care bear emoticon I would post it here :j) :heart:

So yes, I am still discerning .. though I'm not sure I would word it as that now, though I guess so. But in short, I have to wait now even longer to enter - if you're wondering, you can PM me :like: And I've been just generally not wanting to post as much about my discernment and all online and everything :ninja: Though at the same time, it is really great having this community here on PM!! I've met some pretty amazing friends on here. Very thankful for that!

So anyway, just letting you all know. I'm happy now to have my old account and posts and all back as me :proud: And I see a number of you, old and new, struggle with waiting too, so I'm in good company.

Okay, see you all around as usual! God bless!

p.s. Oh and they're letting me change my screen name too. I do [i]love[/i] my name Chiquitunga :smile3:(after the wonderful new Carmelite venerable! [url="http://chiquitunga.jimdo.com/"]http://chiquitunga.jimdo.com/[/url]) But I think I like this other name better after a hymn to Our Lady .. you'll see :proud:<-- and why does this cute smiley have to be called "proud" now, lol Before it was just ^_^ Oh well :P

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Okay, I don't want to hijack this thread, but since you're discussing accounts, etc :))
How do you go about getting an avatar? I can't stand that little black and white thingy in the box!! I tried up loading a pic, but keep getting the message it's not in the correct format. I tried it in a PDF file, a GPEG file, no luck. I also tried following the instructions on Phatmass re: getting an avatar. No luck there as well. HELP!!!

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[quote name='Francis Clare' timestamp='1314629315' post='2296882']
Okay, I don't want to hijack this thread, but since you're discussing accounts, etc :))
How do you go about getting an avatar? I can't stand that little black and white thingy in the box!! I tried up loading a pic, but keep getting the message it's not in the correct format. I tried it in a PDF file, a GPEG file, no luck. I also tried following the instructions on Phatmass re: getting an avatar. No luck there as well. HELP!!!

Try a jpg or jpeg file - if you only have a bmp or tiff you can always convert these in MS Paint by opening in Paint and doing a Save As and changing the type of file. Make sure the file isn't too large (specificiations are on the Edit Profile pic page.

PDF files are not graphics - they are snapshots of documents and gpeg? never heard of it - do you mean jpeg? There are different kinds of jpg, jpeg files but really, I know for sure that a jpeg will work because that's what I used. Give it a go again!

Edited by nunsense
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Thanks so much! As soon as I'm finished browsing the VS this morning I'm going to try your advice. And yes, I meant jpeg...just finger slippage :)

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1314618086' post='2296829']
very happy to hear it! :proud:
Thanks for being happy, ds! :raccoon: <-- the closest we have to that care bear I want to see back!! :smile4:

[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1314628291' post='2296878']
So you are the reason I had to make MT my screen name... I had wanted Margaret Clare! :hehe: rotfl

It's all good

Maybe it's a sign ... I should be the one discerning Poor Clares, and you Carmel! :shock: .. :hehe: St. Teresa and St. Clare are after us! :detective:

[quote name='Francis Clare' timestamp='1314629315' post='2296882']
How do you go about getting an avatar? I can't stand that little black and white thingy in the box!!

LOL, black and white thingy?! It's the Holy Father! :rotfl2: Seriously though, I hope you can figure it out. Had trouble there too. No worries, you can all discuss accounts all you like here :)

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1314637705' post='2296930']
I have actually discerned both... but I'm in love with the FSPs
Are the FSPs the Paulines? I can never remember this one...

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[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1314638224' post='2296938']

Are the FSPs the Paulines? I can never remember this one...

Yes they are. Filiae of Saint Paul

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1314638313' post='2296942']
Yes they are. Filiae of Saint Paul

Ok, I'll try to remember! Thanks! :)

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1314637705' post='2296930']
I have actually discerned both... but I'm in love with the FSPs

I [i]love[/i] Sr. Helena Burns, FSP!!! She is so aw.esome!! :nun3:

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I didn't know you in your former incarnation, but Im pleased you felt able and ready to let everyone know. God bless you and your journey.

Edited by faithcecelia
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[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1314755862' post='2297837']

I [i]love[/i] Sr. Helena Burns, FSP!!! She is so aw.esome!! :nun3:

All of them I've met are awe'some

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