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Ron Paul Is The Only Choice For Catholics


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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1314657541' post='2297114']
Unfortunately, Ron Paul sees no problem with Iran having nuclear weapons (see starting at 1:05:45):
I tried to watch it but was soon reminded that my speakers are being borrowed. Dang. I'll check it out later but I have to say that I don't agree with RP on many significant things and yet I still consider him to be a desirable candidate compared to the cherry picked democrat and republican people for various reasons.

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1314657541' post='2297114']
Unfortunately, Ron Paul sees no problem with Iran having nuclear weapons (see starting at 1:05:45):
That's not what he said, but okay.

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Thank you for the reminder that silly season on Phatmass is coming very soon. I'll now retrat to the Immature Fan Club. :like:

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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1314661500' post='2297155']
Thank you for the reminder that silly season on Phatmass is coming very soon. I'll now retrat to the Immature Fan Club. :like:
I don't get it. What do you mean?

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1314657541' post='2297114']
Unfortunately, Ron Paul sees no problem with Iran having nuclear weapons (see starting at 1:05:45):


Well, somehow I find that irrelevant to how that effects Ron Paul's candidacy in the face of all the other candidates.

And for that matter does it matter if Iran has them? (Yes, I know the repercussions and etc) but I mean I see no real reason of disobeying a country from having them if they can make them...

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[quote name='arfink' timestamp='1314597495' post='2296788']
If Ron's on the ballet he's getting my vote. If he's not, he's getting my vote.

I would love to see old Ron in a ballet, maybe [i]the Nutcracker[/i]?

btw TPO, we need to chill sometime soon.

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I don't believe Ron Paul is a good choice for Catholics because I don't agree with his views on how to legislate marriage. He said that in an interview a few years ago that he wouldn't stop same-sex marriage or try to protect traditional marriage between one man and one woman. He said that it should be left up to the state government level to decide to legalize same-sex marriage.

[url="http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2011/05/05/177394/ron-paul-marriage-gop-debate/"]Ron Paul on Same Sex Marriage and Abortion[/url]

Catholics really need to read [url="http://www.caaction.com/pdf/Voters-Guide-Catholic-English-1.pdf"]The Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics[/url]. There are 5 non-negotiable stances held by the Church and one of them is protecting traditional marriage.

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1314810599' post='2298128']
I don't believe Ron Paul is a good choice for Catholics because I don't agree with his views on how to legislate marriage. He said that in an interview a few years ago that he wouldn't stop same-sex marriage or try to protect traditional marriage between one man and one woman. He said that it should be left up to the state government level to decide to legalize same-sex marriage.

[url="http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2011/05/05/177394/ron-paul-marriage-gop-debate/"]Ron Paul on Same Sex Marriage and Abortion[/url]

Catholics really need to read [url="http://www.caaction.com/pdf/Voters-Guide-Catholic-English-1.pdf"]The Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics[/url]. There are 5 non-negotiable stances held by the Church and one of them is protecting traditional marriage.
Paul's voting record has been consistently against gay marriage and I don't see how his views on State's rights translate to a reason not to vote for him. As president, would he promote same-sex marriage? Quite the opposite I think. Why exactly should I deny Paul my vote based on this issue? I think his view, in practical terms, goes against the gay marriage agenda. "In a best case scenario, governments [i.e., States] would enforce contracts and grant divorces but otherwise have no say in marriage."

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I think what Ron Paul is saying is that he'll vote against gay marriage, but ultimately it's not really his place in a Federal position to do that. He wants to return that power to the people it rightly belongs to. I think I can safely support that, since even though he'd not outright ban it from the Federal level it would give the gay-agenda people one heck of a hard time further down the road. Then they wouldn't just have to win over a critical few politicians and get it under the door- they'd have to win the entire nation, which isn't going to happen.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1314818455' post='2298184']
Paul's voting record has been consistently against gay marriage and I don't see how his views on State's rights translate to a reason not to vote for him. As president, would he promote same-sex marriage? Quite the opposite I think. Why exactly should I deny Paul my vote based on this issue? I think his view, in practical terms, goes against the gay marriage agenda. "In a best case scenario, governments [i.e., States] would enforce contracts and grant divorces but otherwise have no say in marriage."

Maybe I'm forgetting my American History classes, but is it against the Constitutional rights to ban same-sex unions across the country instead of leaving it at state level? It seems more and more states are allowing same-sex unions these days which is why I'd like to see an outright ban and someone who is going to staunchly protect traditional marriage.

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1314819395' post='2298197']

Maybe I'm forgetting my American History classes, but is it against the Constitutional rights to ban same-sex unions across the country instead of leaving it at state level? It seems more and more states are allowing same-sex unions these days which is why I'd like to see an outright ban and someone who is going to staunchly protect traditional marriage.
I really don't know much about it, but that's funny because I have the opposite fear; namely, that a federal law would impose gay marriage on all the states. I think even favorable federal legislation could be a bad precedent. Either way, I don't see how this makes Paul a non-option for Catholics. He's not implicated in a pro-gay marriage agenda and the impact that his presidency would have on that agenda is unclear, but not likely favorable imo.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1314819723' post='2298199']
I really don't know much about it, but that's funny because I have the opposite fear; namely, that a federal law would impose gay marriage on all the states. I think even favorable federal legislation could be a bad precedent. Either way, I don't see how this makes Paul a non-option for Catholics. He's not implicated in a pro-gay marriage agenda and the impact that his presidency would have on that agenda is unclear, but not likely favorable imo.

I'm terrible at all this political stuff. I usually only read about the candidates when it is time to vote because I can't stand the heated debates. I'm still not 100% sure who I'll vote for. Thankfully, we still have time to decide. :)

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1314820217' post='2298207']

I'm terrible at all this political stuff. I usually only read about the candidates when it is time to vote because I can't stand the heated debates. I'm still not 100% sure who I'll vote for. Thankfully, we still have time to decide. :)
Haha. Me too! :)

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if we make a federal law that makes same-sex marriage illegal, that would set a precedent for the federal government defining marriage (which, to my knowledge, it does not; marriage is currently a state thing). with that precedent, a law could be set which requires all states to accept same sex marriage.

basically, under the guise of fear of same sex couples, you are asking the Federal Government to get into the marriage business. bad idea. keeping the Federal Government out of the marriage business would be a good thing, IMO.

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Doctor No is the only choice for Catholics? Times are getting tough.

I am generally a liberal libertarian, so I find myself enjoying many of the positions of Ron Paul as a conservative libertarian.

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