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Ron Paul Is The Only Choice For Catholics


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I'd like to hear some thoughts on Ron Paul. I think he is the only real choice, with anyone else it will be more of the same.
Rick Perry was trying to force school girls to get HPV vaccines on behalf of big pharma. Mitt Romney? No thanks.
Please suggest any candidate (who has a chance of winning) that you think would be a better choice. Or, if you agree with me, please explain why you like Ron Paul from a Catholic perspective.

Here are a few clips of Dr. Paul with his views on abortion.


Edited by bernard
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Here is President Obama's stance on the abortion issue. The fact that he is talking in front of Planned Parenthood, who aborts highly disproportionate number of black babies, makes you wonder why how much of a friend this man is to the black community.


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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Ron Paul, by definition, is the only possible choice for a conservative to make. Now what I mean by this is that a conservative either picks a Republican to vote for who is just more of the same of Ron Paul. The other candidates have the same philosophy as President Bush and have the same general foreign policy ideas. The differences between them is ultimately a difference of flavor within a political philosophy. However, Ron Paul actually has a difference in philosophic opinions and thus a difference of policy. He really is a choice in a way that choosing between the other candidates is not.

But why would anyone in their right mind want to vote for Ron Paul?!? I mean who wants a ideologically consistent, 12 term congressman that wants to bring the troops home, end our multiple and numerically increasing foreign wars, stop subsidizing foreign governments, and will only pass a balanced budget???!!!??? Simply ridiculous! I personally would much rather any of those cookie cutter Republican candidates that will all give you the same thing no matter who you vote for.

Though all sarcasm aside, the Republican field seems rather weak. It is as if they are doing everything possible to ensure that President Obama gets elected again. I can't stand either of those blasted parties. BAH!!

Edited by Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
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Basilisa Marie

Last time I checked, the Church wasn't against vaccines that prevent cervical cancer. And my choice for president would probably get me chased out of here with rotten fruit. :) As far as I'm concerned, most of the Republican candidates are probably more concerned with beating Obama than thinking about what's best for the long-term health of our country.

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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1314583577' post='2296671']
Last time I checked, the Church wasn't against vaccines that prevent cervical cancer.

off topic:: i was under the impression that this vaccine was against HPV (an STD) and had bad side effects..

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ron paul i think thinks abortion should be left tothe state.
that's somewhat 'prochoice'. choice of the state as to whther to allow the abortions to occur. very similar to the reasoning to allow women... local autonomy.
there is a big difference in that the state doesn't do the abrotion, as the woman does, but still.

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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1314594513' post='2296759']
ron paul i think thinks abortion should be left tothe state.
that's somewhat 'prochoice'. choice of the state as to whther to allow the abortions to occur. very similar to the reasoning to allow women... local autonomy.
there is a big difference in that the state doesn't do the abrotion, as the woman does, but still.

On most things, Rom Paul does in fact think that the states should decide things, since they, under the original structure of the Constitution, were the protectors and guarantors of the rights of the citizens; however, the right to life is not one of those things he believes falls under that since in his view it is a basic right that makes all other things possible and is not one of those prudential decisions that should be left up to the states.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1314594513' post='2296759']
ron paul i think thinks abortion should be left tothe state.
that's somewhat 'prochoice'. choice of the state as to whther to allow the abortions to occur. very similar to the reasoning to allow women... local autonomy.
there is a big difference in that the state doesn't do the abrotion, as the woman does, but still.

Ron Paul quotes:

“I am strongly pro-life. I think one of the most disastrous rulings of this century was Roe versus Wade. I do believe in the slippery slope theory. I believe that if people are careless and casual about life at the beginning of life, we will be careless and casual about life at the end. Abortion leads to euthanasia. I believe that.”

“As an O.B. doctor of thirty years, and having delivered 4,000 babies, I can assure you life begins at conception. I am legally responsible for the unborn, no matter what I do, so there’s a legal life there. The unborn has inheritance rights, and if there’s an injury or a killing, there is a legal entity. There is no doubt about it.”

“The first thing we have to do is get the federal government out of it. We don’t need a federal abortion police. That’s the last thing that we need. There has to be a criminal penalty for the person that’s committing that crime. And I think that is the abortionist. As for the punishment, I don’t think that should be up to the president to decide.”

For many years, Ron Paul has been speaking up for babies’ rights. He passionately defends those who cannot speak for themselves because they haven’t been born yet.[/size]
In order to [i]“offset the effects of Roe v. Wade”[/i], Paul voted in favor of the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. He has described partial birth abortion as a [i]“barbaric procedure”[/i].[/size]
At the same time, Ron Paul believes that the ninth and tenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution do not grant the federal government any authority to legalize or ban abortion. Instead, it is up to the individual states to prohibit abortion.[/size]

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1314593143' post='2296755']

off topic:: i was under the impression that this vaccine was against HPV (an STD) and had bad side effects..
Yes, the vaccine is for the most common strains of HPV. Most cervical cancer is caused by HPV, thus why it's marketed as a vaccine for cervical cancer, though it's somewhat misleading. However, following Church teaching on sexual morality will also keep you from HPV, without all the side effects that have been documented with Gardasil.

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Unfortunately, Ron Paul sees no problem with Iran having nuclear weapons (see starting at 1:05:45):


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