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Douay Rheimes Vs Rsvce


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[quote name='Maccabeus' timestamp='1314472378' post='2295927']
which verse does it speak about Moses this way?

Cumque descenderet Moses de monte Sinai tenebat duas tabulas testimonii et ignorabat quod cornuta esset facies sua ex consortio sermonis Dei...qui videbant faciem egredientis Mosi esse cornutam sed operiebat rursus ille faciem suam si quando loquebatur ad eos.

"And when Moses came down from the mount Sinai, he held the two tables of the testimony, and he knew not that his face was horned from the conversation of the Lord...And they saw that the face of Moses when he came out was horned, but he covered his face again, if at any time he spoke to them." Exodus 34:29,35

sources: [url="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=exodus%2034:29-34:35&version=VULGATE"][1][/url][url="http://drbo.org/cgi-...h=34&l=30&f=s#x"][2][/url]

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Its the verse that speaks of Moses being so radient that he needed to veil his face, it apparantly more literally translates as 'his face shone forth beams of light' which was mistakenly translated as 'his face showed horns'.

[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1314472744' post='2295931']

Cumque descenderet Moses de monte Sinai tenebat duas tabulas testimonii et ignorabat quod cornuta esset facies sua ex consortio sermonis Dei...qui videbant faciem egredientis Mosi esse cornutam sed operiebat rursus ille faciem suam si quando loquebatur ad eos.

"And when Moses came down from the mount Sinai, he held the two tables of the testimony, and he knew not that his face was horned from the conversation of the Lord...And they saw that the face of Moses when he came out was horned, but he covered his face again, if at any time he spoke to them." Exodus 34:29,35

sources: [url="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=exodus%2034:29-34:35&version=VULGATE"][1][/url][url="http://drbo.org/cgi-...h=34&l=30&f=s#x"][2][/url]

Beat me to it, and far better said too!

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1314472839' post='2295932']
Its the verse that speaks of Moses being so radient that he needed to veil his face, it apparantly more literally translates as 'his face shone forth beams of light' which was mistakenly translated as 'his face showed horns'.

Beat me to it, and far better said too!
I gave the verse, you gave the commentary. Win.

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[quote name='Byzantine' timestamp='1314476817' post='2295954']
Does it do that every time you type the word "tacos, so very tasty and good for you,, so very tasty and good for you,?"
Yup. If you quote someone it'll repeat again, ad infinitum.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='ardillacid' timestamp='1314466136' post='2295872']
Whew! That was a close call :o


[quote name='Byzantine' timestamp='1314472214' post='2295926']
-1000 for comic sans.

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