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Contacting Orders (Advice Needed)


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I've finally decided that it is time for me to actually start contacting orders.I'me kind of nervous about this as I really don't know what I am doing. So I have a few questions for you all.
I know a few of you on here have contacted the DSMME and/or the Nashville Dominicans in the past. For the Nashville sisters is it good to use their Inquiry form or is it better to just e-mail their VD? Is emailing her an ok thing to do for a first contact? I've read pretty much everything on their websites, met a sister (or two) from both the orders so I guess that I am looking for a bit more detailed information. Not exactly sure what though. I exchanged a couple of e-mails with the VD of the DSMME a long time ago but since I wasn't officially part of the Church at that time I didn't pursue anything beyond that. I'm thinking of just sending her another e-mail.
I e-mailed the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma and my letter was about a page long. I wrote a quick bio and my faith journey. I asked a couple of questions but nothing too specific. Is that too long/not enough?
Any advice would be wonderful and greatly appreciated!

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I have emailed almost every time, one or two I wrote. I only write a paragraph or two, just enough to let them know I am discerning. Almost always, they reply will ask for the information they actually want at that point, rather than me waffling on!

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I've emailed both the Ann Arbor Dominicans and the Nashville Dominicans and both were pretty quick in their response. As far as the Ann Arbor Dominicans, Sr. Joseph Andrew keeps her Blackberry with her at all times so she can answer emails from anywhere. Email is always the best way to contact them.

For the Nashville Dominicans, the inquiry form, in my opinion, is best because Sr. Mary Emily asked me all the same questions that were on it when I sent her email instead. If you fill it out in advance, it saves time and energy replying to email in a long format.

For the Religious Sisters of Mercy, I'm not sure what way of contact is best. I've contacted them by email before and it always took Sr. Catherine Marie a long time to respond since she was always so busy. I think that if I do get in touch with them again, it will either be by phone or by a snail-mail letter. I think what you have written to their VD is long enough. She'll more than likely have more questions for you in her email response. :)

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I think that in general, the purpose of the initial inquiry is to share a little bit about yourself, and simply express some level of interest in their community. If you don't have specific questions yet, you could always pick the aspect of their order that you find most appealing and say something like, "I'd like to learn more about your apostolate/prayer life/locations/discernment visits" or whatnot. Don't worry about saying everything in your initial contact! If you're afraid you've given the wrong impression or not come across clearly enough, you may consider allowing someone to proofread it for a second opinion. But this isn't a college application essay! Don't stress too much. Be concise, but make it clear that you are in the process of discerning their order. Good luck!

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Yup- just a quick intro e-mail that says you're discerning and feel an attraction to that specific order. You can even say that you're not really sure what to do/where to go from here, but that the Holy Spirit has prompted you this far, at least. Then leave it in the Vocation Director's hands... she'll know what to do ;)

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Actually, thinking about the very first time I ever emailed a community, I think all I said was 'I don't really know what I am doing but I think I might have a vocation, so can I visit you?'!!!!!

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1314384652' post='2295346']
Actually, thinking about the very first time I ever emailed a community, I think all I said was 'I don't really know what I am doing but I think I might have a vocation, so can I visit you?'!!!!!

Pretty much, LOL.

Vocation Director's are used to every sort of contact you can imagine- from something like this to a person's full life story!

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[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' timestamp='1314384930' post='2295349']

Pretty much, LOL.

Vocation Director's are used to every sort of contact you can imagine- from something like this to a person's full life story!

I'm definitely guilty of sending my full life story to VDs on first contact. So much so, that Sr. Louise from the SsEWs didn't have much to ask me since I had covered most of it in my email. LOL!

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Thanks guys. I tend to overly complicate things.
[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1314384652' post='2295346']
Actually, thinking about the very first time I ever emailed a community, I think all I said was 'I don't really know what I am doing but I think I might have a vocation, so can I visit you?'!!!!!
LOL That is great Faith. I'm not quite at the "can I visit you?" stage yet.

Oh I forgot to mention I filled out the Nashville Sister's form so waiting to hear back from them now. I think I will keep my e-mail shorter with Sr Joseph Andrew. I can only imagine trying to read people's life stories in emails on a Blackberry!

Edited by TheresaThoma
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I email Sr. Mary Emily yesterday and asked to go on the May Retreat!!!

My parents said I could go!!!! So email works, but sometimes Dominican Communications is a bit slow, but school DID just start and there were a ton of ND postulants...so it's completely understandable!

The DSMME reply REALLY FAST to emails. I mean, at least for me, it was a day. Not even, actually, it was the day I emailed them. The Sisters of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus reply the same day or the next day, too..

Good luck! And it doesn't have to be a long email either. Mine tend to be a few sentences, because I'm so nervous. :)

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I contacted the Nashville Dominicans last year,
Because I was so young they asked me to continue living my life out as a teen. But I did recieve a package in the mail after i sent an e-mail with a personal letter and some discerning goodies!

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[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1314392428' post='2295439']
I email Sr. Mary Emily yesterday and asked to go on the May Retreat!!!

My parents said I could go!!!! So email works, but sometimes Dominican Communications is a bit slow, but school DID just start and there were a ton of ND postulants...so it's completely understandable!

The DSMME reply REALLY FAST to emails. I mean, at least for me, it was a day. Not even, actually, it was the day I emailed them. The Sisters of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus reply the same day or the next day, too..

Good luck! And it doesn't have to be a long email either. Mine tend to be a few sentences, because I'm so nervous. :)

I received a response back from Sr. JA the same day, too! It was not even an hour later, and it was really surprising to receive a response so quickly. :hehe:

I'm happy that you get to attend the ND retreat. I wish I could attend a retreat with the SsEWs in Alabama, but I am still saving up money. Someday, I'll get there!

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1314408088' post='2295602']

I received a response back from Sr. JA the same day, too! It was not even an hour later, and it was really surprising to receive a response so quickly. :hehe:

I'm happy that you get to attend the ND retreat. I wish I could attend a retreat with the SsEWs in Alabama, but I am still saving up money. Someday, I'll get there!

Unfortunately, I haven't heard back from St. Mary Emily, so I don't know if I'm signed up or not :(

But I'm hoping she'll email me tomorrow or early next week. I kept checking obsessively--and I pretty sure everyone thought I was crazy!

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I, too, have found the RSM to take a while to email back as Sister is very busy. I think if I seriously discern with them after the SsEW, I should send my bio by email, because with the SsEW, when I sent snail-mail, it took much longer to hear back, and I suspect that could happen with any Order.

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