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Which Saints Inspire You?


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This is kind of like a continuation of the "dinner with 4 saints" thread, but enables you to post more than 4 saints that you love. Which saints inspire you and why? You don't need to include the Blessed Virgin Mary--we all know she is amesome!

[u][b]St. Elizabeth of the Visitation[/b][/u] -- after reading the beautiful Joyful Mysteries, I couldn't help but be overcome with love for this beautiful saint; I love the way she greeted our Blessed Mother with such joy and love. She was such a wonderful woman of God who trusted in His Divine Plan and had the joy of raising St. John the Baptist.

[u][b]St. Rose of Lima[/b][/u] -- I have to admit that I like this saint more than St. Catherine of Siena, but they are very similar. St. Rose performed such deep penances and was charitable to the poor and suffering. I think she was a very courageous young woman and very humble and obedient. She wanted to be a Dominican nun, but her father didn't approve so she became a Dominican tertiary instead and made a private vow of perpetual virginity. Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, is devoted to her as well.

[u][b]St. Elizabeth of Hungary[/b][/u] -- I am so inspired by this saint's willingness to give up her riches to serve the poor; she was so humble.

[u][b]Bl. John Paul II[/b][/u] -- he did so much for the Church, especially the youth with the [b][i]Theology of the Body[/i][/b]. I seriously miss him. I love watching movies about his life.

[u][b]St. Therese of Lisieux[/b][/u] -- I admire this saint for her endurance of her illness and to keep pressing on in spite of the darkness that seemed to overcome her life; I remember that she said that if she didn't have God, she would have ended her life; what bravery and courage she showed although she had many trials and temptations.

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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St. Margaret of Scotland. She was a cultured woman who washed up in a foreign land. She wanted to be a nun, but ended up marrying a barbarian King, and proceeded to civilize him. She also spent bunches of his money on building monasteries, and taking care of the poor, pilgrims and orphans.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1314071052' post='2293616']
St. Margaret of Scotland. She was a cultured woman who washed up in a foreign land. She wanted to be a nun, but ended up marrying a barbarian King, and proceeded to civilize him. She also spent bunches of his money on building monasteries, and taking care of the poor, pilgrims and orphans.
I concur with this one. :D She was almost my confirmation saint.

I'm not putting the whole bio thing up now bc most peeps know these:

1. St Clare
2. St Maria Goretti
3. St Paul
4. St Vincent de Paul
5. St Elizabeth Ann Seton
6. St Agnes

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Good question I will have to think more about but right off the bat I love the Jesuits and their martyrs in particular as I find their courage and zeal very inspiring. For the greater glory, and love, of God!

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Joan of Arc. She fought and died for what she believed as a young woman even when the world seemed against her. She had courage and conviction. I want to be like that.

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St Therese of Lisieux, because she insighted that Divine Providence is continually with us leading one to holiness and that through embracing it lovingly, one can acquire sanctity.
Blessed Elizabeth of The Trinity, because of her praise of Glory and her love to be alone to praise the Glory of God.
Sts Augustine and Thomas Aquinas because maybe if I sit down in Heaven with them over a cuppa, I just might be able to understand ALL they had to say.
All the martyrs inspire me too and I pray that I would have such courage.

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St. Therese because she learned to love everyone, despite their flaws which is something I need to learn to put in to practice and also just the little things she did with great care and love.

St. Monica because she prayed so hard for so long for her son and she never gave up hope. She knew it wasn't impossible and eventually her prayers were answered because she had faith.

Blessed John Paul II

St. Rita

St. Joan of Arc

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[size=4][b]Bernadette who after her visions, under Obedience, never spoke of them again until her death.[/b][/size]
[size=4][b]Same with Catherine Laboure, who spent the remainder of her life ministering to old men in a home, never speaking of herself.[/b][/size]
[size=4][b]Charles de Foucauld, lived alone, faithfully and died never seeing any fruit from his labor.[/b][/size]

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St Teresa - she was by nature about the least likely person to be a good religious, but she focused on the important bits and let the little things pass. She was also wonderfully modern and I think a real inspiration for people called to religious life whilst not called to live in a previous century!

Not a saint (yet) but Leonie Martin - in spite of being abused as a child and having all sorts of health problems, she persevered with her vocation, focusing on what God was asking of her rather than listening to those around her.

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Every time I learn about a new saint I get inspired, but to narrow it down to a few;
Saints Serapion, Ignatius of loyola, Camillus de Lelis, Peter Nolasco. Like me they were military men, unlike me they found their niche serving the Church... I look to them for inspiration.

Servant of God Father Vincent Capodanno. I look to him for an example of looking out for others and being selfless.

Blessed Kateri, St. Boniface and St. Patrick. Defended, preached and held on to the Faith despite ridicule, scorn and danger to their lives

St. Bernard - because he was cool

I could go on...

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St. Hubert's is a good story... went out on Good Friday to go hunting... wound up an evangelist and eventually a Bishop. .

Edited by Maximilianus
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St. Catherine Laboure (bien sur!)
St. Hildegard von Bingen
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Cecilia
St Thomas More
Bl. Katarzyna Faron: Most people don't know about her, but she's really cool. I'd love to have dinner with her, especially since I played her in my elementary school's saints play one year. (I also was St. Catherine Laboure the first year.) She was a teacher, ran an orphanage and an outreach center. She was always kind, and never complained. She died in Auschwitz concentration camp in 1944. Look her up on wikipedia, then translate the page from polish. She's really cool!

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[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1314146888' post='2293969']
St. Catherine Laboure (bien sur!)
St. Hildegard von Bingen
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Cecilia
St Thomas More
Bl. Katarzyna Faron: Most people don't know about her, but she's really cool. I'd love to have dinner with her, especially since I played her in my elementary school's saints play one year. (I also was St. Catherine Laboure the first year.) She was a teacher, ran an orphanage and an outreach center. She was always kind, and never complained. She died in Auschwitz concentration camp in 1944. Look her up on wikipedia, then translate the page from polish. She's really cool!

That's amesome that you got to play saints in your school production. My friends from my young adult group have an All Saints' Party every year instead of a Halloween party. I wanted to go really bad last year, but I couldn't find a suitable costume in time. You are supposed to dress up like a saint. This year, I plan to go as either St. Rose of Lima (with a crown of roses) or St. Elizabeth of Hungary. If all else fails, I'll just go as the Blessed Virgin Mary, but a lot of people at the party dress up like her. ;)

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1314148599' post='2293990']

That's amesome that you got to play saints in your school production. My friends from my young adult group have an All Saints' Party every year instead of a Halloween party. I wanted to go really bad last year, but I couldn't find a suitable costume in time. You are supposed to dress up like a saint. This year, I plan to go as either St. Rose of Lima (with a crown of roses) or St. Elizabeth of Hungary. If all else fails, I'll just go as the Blessed Virgin Mary, but a lot of people at the party dress up like her. ;)

That's too cool! I don't think my friends would do something like that, though. :(

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