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The Texas Unmiracle


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Brother Adam

No really, why don't we like Perry? I have no opinion. If there are "C"atholics who would not vote for him I would like to know why.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1313412667' post='2288292']

As expected, Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, has announced that he is running for president. And we already know what his campaign will be about: faith in miracles. Some of these miracles will involve things that you’re liable to read in the Bible. But if he wins the Republican nomination, his campaign will probably center on a more secular theme: the alleged economic miracle in Texas, which, it’s often asserted, sailed through the Great Recession almost unscathed thanks to conservative economic policies. And Mr. Perry will claim that he can restore prosperity to America by applying the same policies at a national level.
[size=4][b]DEFEND CHANGE!!!![/b][/size]

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[quote name='Marie-Therese' timestamp='1313427323' post='2288404']

Good article, however I take issue with this statement:

Nope. The author makes it seem as though if only there were large-government policies in place, somehow the heath insurance issue would be moot. The problem is that the small-government policies are combined with the same problems everyone in American experiences: unjust taxation, hyper-manipulation of the economy by government interests, and a fundamental inability for the citizens to choose how they are governed because of the mutation of the state and federal governments into a massive, bickering nanny state.[/quote]
The author's a typical NY Times big-government "liberal." ("Liberal" is in quotes because today's American nanny-state tax-and-spend big-gov "liberals" are anything but.)

And while I don't think anyone can honestly claim Texas went through the recession unscathed it's in much better shape economically than most other states, particularly with regards to unemployment and the jobs market. And Texas' comparative economic success can't be dismissed as simply the result of oil, etc. Texas is known for low regulation and business-friendly policies, including no state income tax. While the author lists population growth among the factors responsible, a lot of people are moving to Texas from elsewhere because of the job opportunities.

Perry's far from an ideal candidate, though I'd take him over Obama or Romney any day.

[quote]Otherwise though, good article. Could have been written about pretty much any of the candidates though. While Texas might have some flattering statistics, the same issues involve every state in the union on some level. Whenever I see some of these quotes touting one or another positive government intervention I always remember the "lies, damned lies and statistics" quote.[/quote]

The fact remains that across the country, states and cities that have low taxation and less government regulation of the economy are fairing better economically than those with heavy taxes and government regulation. A recent survey of American cities showed Dallas and other cities with low taxes and regulation to have the least unemployment, while liberal high-tax cities had the most unemployment.

If the Obama-loving big government liberals really want to make a case, rather than just poo-pooing the relative success of "conservative" states like Texas, they should give some real examples of states or cities prospering due to high-taxation liberal Democrat governance.

These "liberals" expect us to believe that what has failed miserably on the state and local level will somehow be a glorious success on the national level.

That's "faith in miracles" indeed.

[quote name='LinaSt.Cecilia2772' timestamp='1313438466' post='2288539']
I would say some things, but i'm restraining myself from doing so. All i have to say is that if i was old enough to vote, i wouldnt vote for Perry.
Who would you vote for?

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1313421794' post='2288373']
yeah, cause that went real well the first time "y'all" tried that.....
Don't mess with Texas, man.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1313446144' post='2288603']
The author's a typical NY Times big-government "liberal." ("Liberal" is in quotes because today's American nanny-state tax-and-spend big-gov "liberals" are anything but.)

And while I don't think anyone can honestly claim Texas went through the recession unscathed it's in much better shape economically than most other states, particularly with regards to unemployment and the jobs market. And Texas' comparative economic success can't be dismissed as simply the result of oil, etc. Texas is known for low regulation and business-friendly policies, including no state income tax. While the author lists population growth among the factors responsible, a lot of people are moving to Texas from elsewhere because of the job opportunities.

Perry's far from an ideal candidate, though I'd take him over Obama or Romney any day.

The fact remains that across the country, states and cities that have low taxation and less government regulation of the economy are fairing better economically than those with heavy taxes and government regulation. A recent survey of American cities showed Dallas and other cities with low taxes and regulation to have the least unemployment, while liberal high-tax cities had the most unemployment.

If the Obama-loving big government liberals really want to make a case, rather than just poo-pooing the relative success of "conservative" states like Texas, they should give some real examples of states or cities prospering due to high-taxation liberal Democrat governance.

These "liberals" expect us to believe that what has failed miserably on the state and local level will somehow be a glorious success on the national level.

That's "faith in miracles" indeed.

Hence my saying this:

[quote name='Marie-Therese' timestamp='1313427323' post='2288404']

The problem is that the small-government policies are combined with the same problems everyone in American experiences: [b][i]unjust taxation, hyper-manipulation of the economy by government interests, and a fundamental inability for the citizens to choose how they are governed because of the mutation of the state and federal governments into a massive, bickering nanny state.[/i][/b]

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam' timestamp='1313436839' post='2288524']

The best thing to come out of Texas is I-10 East.
i lold
[quote name='LinaSt.Cecilia2772' timestamp='1313438671' post='2288542']

because i dont want to offend anyone. i'm not particularly a Perry fan, me being a texas resident and all.
What a silly reason not to say something. Say it and to hell with the whiners if they're offended.

Edited by USAirwaysIHS
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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1313453854' post='2288702']
I guess I missed the part where you actually engaged with Krugman's argument, Socrates.

He does that.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' timestamp='1313441558' post='2288572']
No really, why don't we like Perry? I have no opinion. If there are "C"atholics who would not vote for him I would like to know why.

Well the main thing that i dont like him for is that in texas he cut alot of money from the public education system. Me being a student in public school, it has affected my education, the teachers' job that educate me and fellow students, and many other school district jobs within the state. Including my mom's job. Thats the main reason why i dont like him. If he cant help the education system in the state he governs, how in the world is he going to do this on the national level with added college education reform and such??? Im sorry but education is way too valuable to cut money from. Im not saying i disagree with everything he has done, but the majority of what he has done within texas has not been successful.

I dont understand what you mean by "C"atholics?

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[quote name='LinaSt.Cecilia2772' timestamp='1313458543' post='2288790']

Well the main thing that i dont like him for is that in texas he cut alot of money from the public education system. Me being a student in public school, it has affected my education, the teachers' job that educate me and fellow students, and many other school district jobs within the state. Including my mom's job. Thats the main reason why i dont like him. If he cant help the education system in the state he governs, how in the world is he going to do this on the national level with added college education reform and such??? Im sorry but education is way too valuable to cut money from. Im not saying i disagree with everything he has done, but the majority of what he has done within texas has not been successful.

I dont understand what you mean by "C"atholics?
you know, as opposed to "c"atholics :like:

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[quote name='LinaSt.Cecilia2772' timestamp='1313458543' post='2288790']

I dont understand what you mean by "C"atholics?

Those would be Catholics who pass Bro. Adam's purity test, I believe.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1313458701' post='2288796']

Those would be Catholics who pass Bro. Adam's purity test, I believe.

the purity test being adhering to the Church's authority, unless I've been misunderstanding Bro all this time.

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[quote name='Amppax' timestamp='1313459012' post='2288804']

the purity test being adhering to the Church's authority, unless I've been misunderstanding Bro all this time.

ohhhh now i get it. thanks for fillin me in!! =)

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[quote name='LinaSt.Cecilia2772' timestamp='1313459630' post='2288818']

ohhhh now i get it. thanks for fillin me in!! =)
no problem.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='LinaSt.Cecilia2772' timestamp='1313458543' post='2288790']

Well the main thing that i dont like him for is that in texas he cut alot of money from the public education system. Me being a student in public school, it has affected my education, the teachers' job that educate me and fellow students, and many other school district jobs within the state. Including my mom's job. Thats the main reason why i dont like him. If he cant help the education system in the state he governs, how in the world is he going to do this on the national level with added college education reform and such??? Im sorry but education is way too valuable to cut money from. Im not saying i disagree with everything he has done, but the majority of what he has done within texas has not been successful.

Oh he's one of those.
We have one of those. Except he's also a criminal.

I'm seriously considering voting democrat next gubernatorial election. This guy and his predecessor have been arse hats.

I miss Jeb. :(

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1313459945' post='2288822']
Oh he's one of those.
We have one of those. Except he's also a criminal.

I'm seriously considering voting democrat next gubernatorial election. This guy and his predecessor have been arse hats.

I miss Jeb. :(

yeah im weird. im not republican, but im not democrat either. but if i had to give myself a formal label on political party, i would be a VERY conservative democrat.

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