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Final Vows


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Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist


I've met a few of these sisters and they're very smart. But I think that habit must be part of their perpetual penance. Or maybe others like it. I think it's unflattering, uncomfortable looking and the pillbox veil always reminds me of widows.

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Congratulations to Sister on her final vows. This seems like such a wonderful, loving and thriving new community.
Though I usually hesitate to comment on habits, I must say that though I am glad they have one, it is one that is very unflattering to everyone whom I have seen in it. It seems to accentuate the chest, and if anyone is overweight, I think it adds to their girth. All might be fixed with the addition of a tunic. And what can you say about the hat, again not too flattering. A simple short veil would be a great improvement. Is it the Franciscans of Perpetual Adoration, who have such a lovely, simple habit, and everyone looks good in it. They just were on the board with 2 new Junior sisters. Beautiful habit, and again beautiful community.

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really, it doesn't even need a scapular - if they'd just add some darts or a few generous pleats to the bodice, like the Whitesville Passionists, the whole thing would look better, hang better and give a little more room across the chest.

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She looks happy, but just think how much happier she would look if she could be all decked out in a Phatmass-approved, high-fashion habit, designed by all the experienced lay nuns who choose their vocations based on the cut of the cloth.

And that HAT! My God in heaven! How could ANYONE think to wear something like THAT for the rest of her life?! Most assuredly they do so to get time out of purgatory!

Indeed they do look like widows. And since religious congregations originally began as congregations of widows... Oh but that was centuries ago! They shouldn't look like widows now!

Vanity of vanities. All is vanity.

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1313125446' post='2286417']
How could ANYONE think to wear something like THAT for the rest of her life?! Most assuredly they do so to get time out of purgatory!

Oh Luigi! :hehe2:

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1313125446' post='2286417']
She looks happy, but just think how much happier she would look if she could be all decked out in a Phatmass-approved, high-fashion habit, designed by all the experienced lay nuns who choose their vocations based on the cut of the cloth.

And that HAT! My God in heaven! How could ANYONE think to wear something like THAT for the rest of her life?! Most assuredly they do so to get time out of purgatory!

Indeed they do look like widows. And since religious congregations originally began as congregations of widows... Oh but that was centuries ago! They shouldn't look like widows now!

Vanity of vanities. All is vanity.

I see you are not a woman...you should know women like to be well dressed even if they are nuns! :)
Is it all that bad?

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