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Any Chance This Could Be True?


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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1313257364' post='2287063']
It also has articles on protestantism and Hinduism. Just because it reports on what the theories/beliefs believe does not mean it is endorsing them as fact.
I was just messing with you...hence the smiley. :)

Edited by peach_cube
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Vincent Vega

My mistake, do forgive me. There are two things that get me riled up: people cutting on wikipedia and people cutting on Miss Manners.

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Okay... so here's my major problem with this whole thing. I stated it above, but I'm going to state it a little differently here. If anyone is elected to the office of the papacy, it is my assumption that the Holy Spirit chose him for a reason. Now, why would a person chosen by the Holy Spirit STAY MUM for DECADES and have Christ's Church led astray and millions (nay BILLIONS) of souls with her? A person in such a position is responsible for ALL of those lost souls. Come Hell or high water, if *I* were in that position, I would make it KNOWN and LOUDLY! Look at how loudly Al Gore and his followers complained that George W. Bush "stole" the election in 2000. And that's not nearly as important as the Shepherding of the Church.

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[quote name='bernard' timestamp='1313207876' post='2286836']
We don't know how much choice he had.

Croutons. If he was chosen he would have fought tooth and nail for it and raised a major storm over it. If the SSPX can freak out over the Novus Ordo, then I think he would have had a total meltdown. But we're not going to convince you of that, just as you have realized you are NOT going to turn us against Christ's church with propaganda videos saying that the Vicar of Christ's election was subverted by agents of Satan. As for the state of the Church, I have it on the ultimate authority that the gates of Hell will not prevail against it, and that we will have troubles in this life because we follow Jesus Christ.

Perhaps the only thing, besides decent fiction mysteries, that I've ever agreed on with Fr. Andrew Greeley is that if Christ wanted His Church to be perfect, He would have left it in the hands of angels. Because no matter what scandals arise, no matter what troubles occur, no matter what tumultuous times the Church exists in, it continues to survive. It could not do that without the blessing of almighty God, and as I said before, I have it on unparalleled authority that the gates of Hell won't prevail.

[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1313269318' post='2287141']
Okay... so here's my major problem with this whole thing. I stated it above, but I'm going to state it a little differently here. If anyone is elected to the office of the papacy, it is my assumption that the Holy Spirit chose him for a reason. Now, why would a person chosen by the Holy Spirit STAY MUM for DECADES and have Christ's Church led astray and millions (nay BILLIONS) of souls with her? A person in such a position is responsible for ALL of those lost souls. Come Hell or high water, if *I* were in that position, I would make it KNOWN and LOUDLY! Look at how loudly Al Gore and his followers complained that George W. Bush "stole" the election in 2000. And that's not nearly as important as the Shepherding of the Church.

Ditto. Like I said, if I was chosen by the Holy Spirit to lead the Church, I would fight for my Papacy. You do not turn your back on the Holy Spirit's decision, even if you do feel entirely unworthy.

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This thread needs more :bananacorn:

besides if something as inane as bunchie can never really leave phatmass Im pretty sure Jesus (true God and true man) will keep His word and never leave His Church, His bride, His love.

Edited by vee8
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As i stated before Innocent II was elected pope in 1130 and was cast aside while Anacletus II took the throne. Innocent II went and hid in France for 8 or 9 years and it wasn't until St. Bernard gathered sufficient support for him that he was able to return to Rome and take the papal Chair.

This is an historical fact. You can look it up in any Catholic encyclopedia.

Did thee gates of hell prevail then? obviously not.

If Siri would have done as you suggest he should have he would have died of a "heart attack," there would of been a little blurb on the news and that is the last anyone would have heard of him.

The record is clear that he did damage control, he even collapsed at the second Vatican council while defending the primacy of Peter.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='bernard' timestamp='1313291489' post='2287395']
As i stated before Innocent II was elected pope in 1130 and was cast aside while Anacletus II took the throne. Innocent II went and hid in France for 8 or 9 years and it wasn't until St. Bernard gathered sufficient support for him that he was able to return to Rome and take the papal Chair.

This is an historical fact. You can look it up in any Catholic encyclopedia.

Did thee gates of hell prevail then? obviously not.
You don't happen to see any slight differences between these two situations? (Spoiler: check how they ended.)

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1313291742' post='2287401']
You don't happen to see any slight differences between these two situations? (Spoiler: check how they ended.)

Dude, new conspiracy theory! Siri's coming back!

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[quote name='bernard' timestamp='1313152330' post='2286486']

Do you believe...
John Lennon
Gandhi and

were all shot by deranged loners.
Absolutely not!

Those men were all killed by same sinister cabal of interdimensional alien Jewish lizard-men as part of a complicated plot to control the world's money supply, create a race of human-alien hybrids, and take over the Vatican.

If you believe otherwise, you're a brainwashed dupe of the New World Order.

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What bothers me about this topic is the duplicity of the title - an innocent question...any chance this could be true?... asked as if the poster has just read this new-to-him theory and is trying to think it through by asking for some outside perspectives....

When, in fact, the poster has studied this topic to a fine fare-thee-well, with obscure historical references, book titles & authors, videos, etc., all lined up in a defensive arsenal ready to be launched against those who disagree with him.

My guess is this was an assignment given to him by his SSPX priest.

You bore me kid. Why don't you go play with kids your own age?

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1313291742' post='2287401']
You don't happen to see any slight differences between these two situations? (Spoiler: check how they ended.)
In my brief reading on him, it also looks like he didn't just lay low & accept another Pope, but sought, and got, support from the French, German, and English monarchs. This was within a couple of years of being elected and fleeing Rome. Given travel conditions of the time, I'd say that was fairly speedy, really. It took another few years before he was able to claim the papacy, but he didn't just sit quietly and deny his claim to it.

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Point is the throne was usurped. A man who was not the pope was nearly universally recognized as pope.
If it can happen for 9 years it can happen for 53 years.

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1313305864' post='2287551']
What bothers me about this topic is the duplicity of the title - an innocent question...any chance this could be true?... asked as if the poster has just read this new-to-him theory and is trying to think it through by asking for some outside perspectives....

When, in fact, the poster has studied this topic to a fine fare-thee-well, with obscure historical references, book titles & authors, videos, etc., all lined up in a defensive arsenal ready to be launched against those who disagree with him.

My guess is this was an assignment given to him by his SSPX priest.

You bore me kid. Why don't you go play with kids your own age?
If you are bored why do you keep coming back to the thread and posting.

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[quote name='bernard' timestamp='1313324844' post='2287587']
Point is the throne was usurped. A man who was not the pope was nearly universally recognized as pope.
If it can happen for 9 years it can happen for 53 years.

but again... its been pointed out that it was a bad analogy. Considering that Pope Innocent took steps to gain the papacy that was rightfully his... and Cardinal Siri didn't... this would lead me to believe Siri wasn't the rightful Pope.

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