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Any Chance This Could Be True?


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[quote name='bernard' timestamp='1313207876' post='2286836']

We don't know how much choice he had.
You're the one who believes the alternate telling of the tale, where's the proof? Saying he had suffered greatly, but had trust in God's mercy is something that anyone could say at the end of their lives. It is not evidence that he was elected Pope.

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[quote name='bernard' timestamp='1313210251' post='2286848']
Siri confronted

The first part of the video is just speculation, not any proof. In regards to the second, the catholic group that the priest was representing wouldn't happen to be the self described "Sirianists" from Houston? Where are the primary sources? Surely you don't expect me to believe something because it is in a Youtube video? Especially one from the same source that has already used untrusted sources and twisted things to meet their agenda.

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Well if you're completely convinced that there is nothing to it after what has been discussed here then I don't think too much will convince you. It's not like they would video tape themselves stealing the papacy with a full explanation of how they did it. We had a Pope and a Mass in October of 1958, then all of a sudden we had a pope who wanted to call a council and he paved the way for the next one who destroyed the mass.

Was there any thing significant that happened after the death Pius XII and the election John XXIII? Yes, a five minute white smoke signal signifying that a pope had been elected.

Maybe the stove just had a mind of its own, or maybe the real pope was elected that night.

If you folks are comfortable with all these facts and the current state of the church well I guess there's nothing more to say.

I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts.

Edited by bernard
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how can you say the Mass was "destroyed?" why is it that peeps can't get it through their heads that the Latin Rite is NOT the only rite? If I'm not mistaken, there are over 20 rites!

regardless of the puny opinions of men, Jesus Christ never left the Catholic Church, He never abandons her, and if men even wanted to mess with the election of the Pope, God is in total control, and His Authority cannot be usurped.

"...the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."----Jesus Christ

anyone who thinks otherwise is not a believer, nor trusts in Christ's words ...

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Really, that video is pure propaganda. Anyone with sense can see that the intent is to manipulate information. I especcially enjoyed how he would claim that the smoke was white for 5 minutes, show a few seconds of white smoke, and then go to a still shot of white smoke. Show me 5 minutes of smoke or give me corroborated eye witness testimony. Otherwise, I feel like I'm being misled.

The papacy is intact and shall endure until the end of time.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='bernard' timestamp='1313207238' post='2286829']
I don't know if he was elected four times. I do think he was elected in 1958, other people say he was elected in 1963. There is a New York Times article that says he would have been elected in 1978 if he had of accepted Cardinal Benelli as his secretary of state.

Because when I need reliable information about the Church, the first place I go is to our friends and allies at the New York Times. When has the secular media ever reported anything suspect or flat-out false about the Church?

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1313246253' post='2286974']

Because when I need reliable information about the Church, the first place I go is to our friends and allies at the New York Times. When has the secular media ever reported anything suspect or flat-out false about the Church?

Wait, i thought that we only believed stuff if it was on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, or if it was written in the Times. I'm so confused. What exactly do I believe again?

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[quote name='bernard' timestamp='1313215722' post='2286866']
Well if you're completely convinced that there is nothing to it after what has been discussed here then I don't think too much will convince you. It's not like they would video tape themselves stealing the papacy with a full explanation of how they did it. We had a Pope and a Mass in October of 1958, then all of a sudden we had a pope who wanted to call a council and he paved the way for the next one who destroyed the mass.

Was there any thing significant that happened after the death Pius XII and the election John XXIII? Yes, a five minute white smoke signal signifying that a pope had been elected.

Maybe the stove just had a mind of its own, or maybe the real pope was elected that night.

If you folks are comfortable with all these facts and the current state of the church well I guess there's nothing more to say.

I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts.
So you can't provide any reliable primary sources. Just second hand Youtube propaganda. Youtube is like wikipedia - anyone can put whatever croutons on there that they want.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='peach_cube' timestamp='1313247290' post='2286981']
So you can't provide any reliable primary sources. Just second hand Youtube propaganda. Youtube is like wikipedia - anyone can put whatever croutons on there that they want.
Leave wikipedia out of this. An article filled with stuff like this wouldn't last 48 hours on Wikipedia.

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[quote name='peach_cube' timestamp='1313247290' post='2286981']
So you can't provide any reliable primary sources. Just second hand Youtube propaganda. Youtube is like wikipedia - anyone can put whatever croutons on there that they want.

this better rotfl


sorry, I'm having way too much fun with this.

Edited by Amppax
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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1313247384' post='2286982']
Leave wikipedia out of this. An article filled with stuff like this wouldn't last 48 hours on Wikipedia.
I beg to differ. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siri_Thesis


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Vincent Vega

[quote name='peach_cube' timestamp='1313257263' post='2287062']
I beg to differ. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siri_Thesis"]http://en.wikipedia....iki/Siri_Thesis[/url]

[quote name='Wiki']The [b]Siri Thesis[/b] is the [i][u]belief [/u][/i][/quote]
It also has articles on protestantism and Hinduism. Just because it reports on what the theories/beliefs believe does not mean it is endorsing them as fact.

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