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An Evil God


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say that the God we believe in didn't exist, but there was instead an obviously evil god who was all powerful, who had his followers do wicked things to cause suffering for no reason, to lie and murder and steal, and if you didn't submit to him you would be eternally punished with no hope of ever ending the suffering. you die and are given the choice: serve the evil god, and be a part of directly causing evil things to happen, or suffer eternally for your moral stance against him. what do you do?

would anyone have the strength to be good in a topsy-turvy world where evil was so powerful? discuss.

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Wow. That is a pretty incredible idea. As much as I would like to say that I would be good in such a backwards world, I would have to admit that I probably couldn't. As for the if anyone would, I would say yes. But because the nature of most people is to be self-serving, i think this number would be very limited indeed. However, looking through history, there are obvious examples of people who completely went against their own self interest to do what they knew was right. So it is clear that people are capable of doing good. These circumstances would obviously try even the strongest people though. I honestly don't know how I think people would act.

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DISCLAIMER: My capitalization of the word 'God' is based on the concept of the creator, sustainer, and arbiter of reality of a universe, be it real or hypothetical. Only pronouns that stand for God Himself will be capitalized respectively.

It's interesting that you call this 'God' evil. If he is God the same way the God who revealed Himself to us is God, then what constitutes evil and good? If this is a topsy-turvy universe, wouldn't good ultimately exist in this God? Can one use the concepts of this universe to define those of a hypothetical universe that is somehow inverted? If the God whom we serve did not exist and instead another God existed in place of Him, and I were in this universe and this God promoted what we call evil, I would be justified in committing acts that we call evil, certainly. I, however, would not be justified in acting in a way that we call moral. To what could I appeal to say with confidence that what we call goodness is actually good? Objectively speaking, if I were what we call good, I wouldn't need strength, virtue, or morality to uphold me because the truth would be against me.

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This thread obviously touches (ok, more like jumps right into) the issue of whether morality exists separately from God or whether it is dependent on Him. I would say in this crazy world we are imagining (although our own is pretty whack itself) I would be comforted by the idea of a morality that exists independent of this god, but at the same time, I couldn't admit to that idea without at the same time morality is independent of God, which is something that I'm pretty sure i don't believe (as in, morality is dependent on the existence of God)

Edited by Amppax
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everything is the same except this god promotes hate instead of love, death instead of life, falsity instead of truth. but he's still the creator and sustainer in this hypothetical. so then, is morality just what God says it is? those who get to go to heaven have to kill innocent babies and make sure those babies' souls suffer in hell eternally. but the god says it's okay. is it wrong to stand against such a god?

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[quote name='Amppax' timestamp='1312864106' post='2284572']
This thread obviously touches (ok, more like jumps right into) the issue of whether morality exists separately from God or whether it is dependent on Him. I would say in this crazy world we are imagining (although our own is pretty whack itself) I would be comforted by the idea of a morality that exists independent of this god, but at the same time, I couldn't admit to that idea without at the same time morality is independent of God, which is something that I'm pretty sure i don't believe (as in, morality is dependent on the existence of God)


Because all things that exist were created by God (visible and invisible), there's no way that moral truths can exist apart from Him.

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1312864278' post='2284580']
everything is the same except this god promotes hate instead of love, death instead of life, falsity instead of truth. but he's still the creator and sustainer in this hypothetical. so then, is morality just what God says it is? those who get to go to heaven have to kill innocent babies and make sure those babies' souls suffer in hell eternally. but the god says it's okay. is it wrong to stand against such a god?

Based on what you said, I think it would be wrong to defy this hypothetical God.

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interesting. I think that demanding obedience to such a god is akin to saying that 'might makes right'. such a being would be omnipotent, and the source of the whole universe, but if that being demanded that I torture an innocent man or murder a baby, I would not consider that to be moral even if the being said that it was. so I guess that comes across as me holding to a principal of morality that is not dependent upon God, ie that I have a morality that I would follow whether or not an omnipotent being said I should or not; indeed, whether an ultimate god was moral or not, I would want to be moral, whether a God existed at all or not, I would have morality

of course, in our reality I do hold that God is by His nature Goodness itself. things aren't good just because God decides they are by whim, things are good because God is good by nature and He created the other good things. and I love God not just because He's omnipotent and the source of all creation, I love Him for being so good. but all of that would not exist in a world where the only difference was that the god was evil; I would hate the god who was evil even if that god was the omnipotent source of all existence and the creator and sustainer of all things.

anyway, I started this thread thinking there might be some interesting discussion generated between theists and atheists on the phorum by this particular hypothetical :cool: :smokey: I'll wait for more replies before I offer more thoughts, kind of want to see where the discussion goes on its own.

Edited by Aloysius
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[i]Non serviam! [/i]Basically the proverbial middle finger. Existence would be ultimate terror and despair, might as well be pissed about it. Hell would be all there is I guess.

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Would it be worth trying to hope and live as though there is some lasting good in existence, even if this probably wasn't so? I mean, isn't some hope, no matter how minuscule, better than total despair?

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1312885822' post='2284659']
interesting. I think that demanding obedience to such a god is akin to saying that 'might makes right'. such a being would be omnipotent, and the source of the whole universe, but if that being demanded that I torture an innocent man or murder a baby, I would not consider that to be moral even if the being said that it was. so I guess that comes across as me holding to a principal of morality that is not dependent upon God, ie that I have a morality that I would follow whether or not an omnipotent being said I should or not; indeed, whether an ultimate god was moral or not, I would want to be moral, whether a God existed at all or not, I would have morality

of course, in our reality I do hold that God is by His nature Goodness itself. things aren't good just because God decides they are by whim, things are good because God is good by nature and He created the other good things. and I love God not just because He's omnipotent and the source of all creation, I love Him for being so good. but all of that would not exist in a world where the only difference was that the god was evil; I would hate the god who was evil even if that god was the omnipotent source of all existence and the creator and sustainer of all things.

anyway, I started this thread thinking there might be some interesting discussion generated between theists and atheists on the phorum by this particular hypothetical :cool: :smokey: I'll wait for more replies before I offer more thoughts, kind of want to see where the discussion goes on its own.
How would you recognise that a god were evil?

An evil god may inspire people to write scripture, to make deceptive assertions that it is Good. It may even confuse you by telling stories of how it went about killing almost every human, animal and plant on the planet, however you would still love it and think it is perfect and good.
It could tell of stories of setting bears onto small children for the crime of teasing a man about his bald head and yet you still would think this god is Good.
It may make bold statements that gay people should be put to death or that people who work on Sunday should be put to death or people who have sex out of wedlock or with people who are already married to someone else should be put to death. You would still think this god is Good.
It may tell stories of gambling on someone's life, even knowing that the outcome of that gamble would result in this person's loved ones being killed, and you would still think this god is Good.
It could kill all the first born of a race of people just to prove that it is god and powerful, and you would think it is Good.

I don't think any Christian could think the god of the bible is anything but Good regardless of whether the bible was inspired by god or the devil.

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1312887688' post='2284664']
How would you recognise that a god were evil?

An evil god may inspire people to write scripture, to make deceptive assertions that it is Good. It may even confuse you by telling stories of how it went about killing almost every human, animal and plant on the planet, however you would still love it and think it is perfect and good.
It could tell of stories of setting bears onto small children for the crime of teasing a man about his bald head and yet you still would think this god is Good.
It may make bold statements that gay people should be put to death or that people who work on Sunday should be put to death or people who have sex out of wedlock or with people who are already married to someone else should be put to death. You would still think this god is Good.
It may tell stories of gambling on someone's life, even knowing that the outcome of that gamble would result in this person's loved ones being killed, and you would still think this god is Good.
It could kill all the first born of a race of people just to prove that it is god and powerful, and you would think it is Good.

I don't think any Christian could think the god of the bible is anything but Good regardless of whether the bible was inspired by god or the devil.
Hahaha. [i]Go on up, you bald head! [/i]

Srsly though, meesa thikin you hijackin Al's fun thread a bit here. Maybe.

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There should be a spell in WoW or something called [b]Summon She-Bears[/b]. When elite clerics are really mad...









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