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So My Mom Made Me Cry... :)


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[quote name='Pax_et bonum' timestamp='1312516080' post='2281744']
I'm actually facebook messaging with Mother. I could keep writing, and my parents would never know. I just don't know if I want to disobey them like that, at least right now. I turn 18 in November; if I'm still discerning Poor Clare life, I'll probably start writing again then. I'm praying for you, too.

I thinks this shows wisdom and maturity. You are still, tehnically, a child and it is right to be obedient to your parents at this point of time - it will stand you in good stead for religious life! God will bless this obedience too. November isnt long, I will pray for grace and peace while you wait it out, and for your mother to have a change of heart and be accepting of your calling.

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A friend of mine who is a very good guy who helps lots of persons in their discernment with his wise and spiritual advices suggest that, according to st. Alfonso Maria de' Liguori when you are 18, if your parents don't extremely need you for health or economical problems, God's call comes first than obedience to parents. So if they do not want that you follow your vocation you can act agaisnt their will, and it is not a sin.
Prayers for you.

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I do not think that my dad is really happy that I might one day be a sister one day, because I am his oldest daughter. I think it will be more on my dad then on my mom because I might not even have children for him to hug or giggle with him.

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I was reading an article on GetReligion that discussed parents not supporting their children's vocations


It talked about how more parents are not supportive, and how most parents were YEARS ago.

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