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Causes For Canonisation?


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Hi all,

Just curious to find out which Causes for Canonization you support?

I frequently pray for favours to be granted by the intercession of [url="http://www.johnbradburne.com/"]John Bradburne[/url] , [url="http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARY/TITUSLIF.HTM"]Blessed Titus Brandsma[/url], [url="http://www.piercedhearts.org/theology_heart/life_saints/bartolo_longo.htm"]Blessed Bartolo Longo[/url] and Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

But I am always interested to hear about others, so wondered if you had any to share? :)


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Father Rother, Oklahoma priest martyred in Guatemala.
Catherine Doherty, founder of the Madonna House Apostolate.

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The Foundress of my former community: [url="http://www.ascjus.org/our-foundress/canonization-process/index.aspx"]Mother Clelia Merloni[/url] She was quite a woman, even exiled from the community that she founded!

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I have a great admiration for Fulton Sheen. With the beatification of Blessed Chiara Badano, I have come to really admire her, as a witness to the young people of her charity for souls and her purity too.

There are many more, but I can't recall all of their names.

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[quote name='the_rev' timestamp='1311822424' post='2277323']
I have a great admiration for Fulton Sheen. With the beatification of Blessed Chiara Badano, I have come to really admire her, as a witness to the young people of her charity for souls and her purity too.

There are many more, but I can't recall all of their names.
I always forget about Fulton Sheen, though I find him amazing!

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Just ran into this .. [url="http://www.discalcedcarmel.com/vernoticia.php?Id=3185"]http://www.discalced...cia.php?Id=3185[/url] :clap:

others .. [url="http://chiquitunga.jimdo.com/"]http://chiquitunga.jimdo.com/[/url] & [url="http://www.roseprincecatholic.net/"]http://www.roseprincecatholic.net/[/url] <-- saw [url="http://www.standrewschurchsupply.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/1760"]this[/url] documentary on EWTN, inspiring!!

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Archbishop Sheen (for all the reasons mentioned)

Charlene Richard

Bl. Kateri

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I'd also like to add:

Venerable Catherine McAuley (foundress of the Religious Sisters of Mercy in Ireland)
Blessed Andre Bessette (I read his story in "The Word Among Us" and thought he was amazing)
[b]Bl. John Paul II (I want him to be a saint more than anything)[/b]
[b]Bl. Louis and Zelie Martin (they are saints in my eyes)[/b]
Bl. Mother Maria Teresa of St. Joseph (foundress of the Carmelites DCJ)

**ones bolded are the ones I'd love to see made into saints very soon**

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1311913132' post='2277943']
I'd also like to add:

Venerable Catherine McAuley (foundress of the Religious Sisters of Mercy in Ireland)
Blessed Andre Bessette (I read his story in "The Word Among Us" and thought he was amazing)
[b]Bl. John Paul II (I want him to be a saint more than anything)[/b]
[b]Bl. Louis and Zelie Martin (they are saints in my eyes)[/b]
Bl. Mother Maria Teresa of St. Joseph (foundress of the Carmelites DCJ)

**ones bolded are the ones I'd love to see made into saints very soon**

How could I forget about the Martins, JPII, and Catherine McAuley? They belong on my list, too.

I really like Catherine McAuley. There was this book called [i]Courageous Catherine[/i] about a young Sister of Mercy who entered the order and went to America from Ireland. It was one of those elementary school Catholic books. It was wonderful. The description of Catherine McAuley was great!

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[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1311885512' post='2277698']
Just ran into this .. [url="http://www.discalcedcarmel.com/vernoticia.php?Id=3185"]http://www.discalced...cia.php?Id=3185[/url] :clap:

Oh yay, yay, YAY!!!!!! i always think of her as a saint anyway, even though she isn't canonised yet, so this will be absolutely wonderful :saint2: Her writings were the first of the Carmelite writings I really got on with - I found St Therese too saccharine and St Teresa (who is now by far my favourite) just too hard to get into. Whilst undoubtably a woman of her time, I find Elizabeth a far more approachable writer than many. I admire the way she faced the delay in entering Carmel, her honesty with her struggles and her very sensible decision that she would have returned to her mother had the community needed to flee due to the political situation. Oh I do hope this happens soon :love:

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[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1311885512' post='2277698']
Just ran into this .. [url="http://www.discalcedcarmel.com/vernoticia.php?Id=3185"]http://www.discalced...cia.php?Id=3185[/url] :clap:
So exciting!!!

others .. [url="http://chiquitunga.jimdo.com/"]http://chiquitunga.jimdo.com/[/url] & [url="http://www.roseprincecatholic.net/"]http://www.roseprincecatholic.net/[/url] <-- saw [url="http://www.standrewschurchsupply.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/1760"]this[/url] documentary on EWTN, inspiring!!

Very cool!!!

I was introduced to [url="http://blessedmariannecope.org/"]Bl. Marianne Cope [/url] this year. :) She worked with St. Damien of Molokai :yahoo:

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Pax_et bonum

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1311913132' post='2277943']
Blessed Andre Bessette (I read his story in "The Word Among Us" and thought he was amazing)
You will be happy to know that Br. Andre was canonized this past October! I go to a Holy Cross parish and school so we had banners up for the rest of the school year I believe celebrating his elevation to sainthood :saint:

[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1311912435' post='2277935']
Bl. Kateri
Yes! She's my confirmation saint :love:

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