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Mormonism " Christianity " And American Goverment.


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Basilisa Marie

Delivery Boy, I can understand being frustrated with the Mormon church - I have personal experience with apologetics and Mormons, and although I have a great distaste for their theology, I find it extremely difficult to fault their general ethics. The Mormons I know act like better Christians than most Catholics I know. But this thread seems to be getting close to violating the phorum guidelines:
[quote][color=#8B0000][b]NEGATIVE CRITICISM OF OTHER RELIGIONS -[/b][/color] A post or comment that negatively criticizes a different religion in a way that is harmful to open ecumenical dialogue.[/quote]

The best thing you can do to evangelize them is to be the absolute best example of Christ you can be and in the meantime write your congressman.

Edited by Basilisa Marie
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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1311712355' post='2276310']
The Mormons I know act like better Christians than most Catholics I know.

This is very, very true. Sad that most Mormons act more "Catholic" than many Catholics nowadays, or even follow some Catholic doctrines (albeit unknowingly, of course) better than most Catholics!

We have some very good Mormon friends. They are sincere. Their theology is not based on reason, so it can be very difficult to have a conversation with them about it (for example, they believe the Scriptures are not complete and have some errors which the Book of Mormon fills, so if you quote Scripture to them, it doesn't really matter because it's the Book of Mormon that has the "final answer" for them on the subject, anyway.)

The best thing is to pray for their conversion. Sure, they're often bent on converting people (particularly Catholics, as some Mormons have heard the phrase, "Catholics make the best Mormons" and lapsed Catholics are among the highest convert rates) ... but that's because they are truly and firmly convinced they have the truth. I don't fault them for that; they may be misguided, but their intentions are admirable.

Truly, this is a situation that calls for "prayer and fasting," as Our Lord advised. The Truth will prevail. It can be extremely frustrating in the meantime, but the Truth will prevail. It might help to search for some stories of Mormon converts to Catholicism - that always serves to inspire me to keep being an example to my friends and pray for them!

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