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Mormonism " Christianity " And American Goverment.


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I think its coming. Radical rightwing politcal mormons teaming up with anticatholic political protestants. People like Glenn Beck. Wolves in sheep clothing. Making a push towards one world government and currency. All the while claiming to be doing it in Gods name. Perhaps this is where the false prophet will arise from along with the antichrist. Of course the Catholic church will be against it but no one will listen. And the irony will be that all the conspiracy people were right yelling one world government and new world order. They will have just named the wrong church. All along they thought the Catholic Church would be the church desrcibed in revelations as the whore. And that the pope would be the antichrist. But they were wrong. Because the gates of hell cannot previal against the Catholic Church.

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20 million mormons. And they believe in Jesus. Just not the Jesus of the Bible. Paul warns in the FINAL CONFLICT super apostles will arise preaching a different Jesus then from the gospel. Exactly what mormonism does. Some protestant sects do this too. Very anticatholic ones. But mormonism does this full head on. And they are 20 million deep and growing.

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You combine that 20 million with the number of protestant christians who are anticatholic or would be if push came down to shove. And pretty soon you have a huge following.

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The mormon church is a 100 % enemy of the Catholic Church and Christianity. And yet it claims to be christian and to believe in jesus and his resurrection. Its satan at work at his best.

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And the two of them may be responsible for setting up the churches that the false prophet and antichrist will use to decieve the world and even the elect. As the Bible in Revelations states. Let those who have ears hear.

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Bro, you need to breathe and chill.

Crusader talk isn't cool anymore.

Not trying to be sarcastic or whatever just sayin'.

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[quote name='ThePenciledOne' timestamp='1311692645' post='2276200']
Bro, you need to breathe and chill.

Crusader talk isn't cool anymore.

Not trying to be sarcastic or whatever just sayin'.
Speak for yourself.

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' timestamp='1311692826' post='2276201']
Speak for yourself.

Well, I know was Christians we aren't called to condem....

And on top of that all Protestants arose from the Catholic Church, in which heresys arise all the time.

It wouldn't be proper to assume how Revelation will turn about, and honsetly you sound like a [size="2"]f[/size][font="Times New Roman"][font="Arial"][size="2"]undamentalist[/size][/font][size="3"].
Sorry bro, I don't have a lot of paitence for topics like this, but when Catholics act like this it irritates me to no end.

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are you on a kick or something. first you wanted to burn heretics at the stake and now your talking about others being the work of satan. what is going on man?

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1311694075' post='2276208']
are you on a kick or something. first you wanted to burn heretics at the stake and now your talking about others being the work of satan. what is going on man?
Ya you're pry right. My points are valid. I'm done though. I need to chill. Peace.

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When one poster posts multiple times in a row in their own thread, it seems like a crazed rant.
but when you read the content of those posts....

Well, it seems DB's message is a message of crazed hate.
But at least it is better he talk about his issues than pick up a gun. Hopefully he will listen as well to what his fellow Catholics are telling him.

Relax and embrace love.

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