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Should I Go?


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Ok, sorry to be a bother, but I need some 3rd party advice.

In the Random Vocations thread, I posted that I rsvp'ed and would be going to final vows...and was very, very, very excited about it!!! Except, I mentioned it to my mom on the phone the other night and she wasn't thrilled. Kind of gave me the "you're so busy, it costs a lot to get there, you were just up there a few months ago, etc."

So now I'm in a pickle. She didn't tell me not to go (which, I pay for everything myself, so it's not like that was really a concern), but I want to make/keep her happy too.

Reasons I want to go:
I'm very much feeling called to this particular community, and it's possible that I might ask for papers this fall or early next year (God willing, obviously, and if the community will let a sinner like me in). I would like to see final vows because it's the big event of "for all my life", just like a wedding is for a vocation to the married life. Also, it gives me a chance to spend some time with the Sisters not during a retreat.
If I'm going to spend the rest of my life there, I'd like to know it as well as possible.

Reasons I'm now hesitant:
Price of gas. ouch. It will be about $100 for the trip.
I can't get 3 days off work to do both First and Final vows, so it would just be final vows, less than a 24 hour trip... with about 5 hrs of driving each way.
Mom sometimes (bless her heart) has the tendency to hold things till later. So, when we go on our Nun Run next month, she might have things to say about that "because you just went on a "nun" trip.

What do you think? And yes, I'm praying about it... but Our Lord is currently being silent on the matter. Maybe the Holy Spirit will speak through one of you :)

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Haha, not sure about the Holy Spirit speaking through me but...

I'd say go. It's part of your discernment. When we're dating someone, we don't just see each other three times, spread out over a long period of time, and then decide to get engaged!! Just so, it's important for us to have frequent interaction with the community that we're seriously discerning with (that's part of the reason that the sisters asked me to come live with them, precisely because I [b]didn't[/b] have very frequent interaction with them). And what a special opportunity!

You made the decision earlier when you RSVP'd, and I know you were already thinking about the pros and cons beforehand... yet you decided to go. Don't let your mum change your mind unless there's a good reason she's offering that you hadn't already thought of (which it doesn't sound like).

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I would go. I have only been to one Solemn profession, and that was while in community so I couldn't actually see anything, but it was the most moving experience of my life - hearing my sister make her vows 'until death'. Even typing this has made me cry :sad: If you can possibly make it, I would say go.

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I would also say go! Of course, 100 dollar of gas is money, but at least you do not need to fly in... As Teresa Benedicta has said, frequent interaction is really something of a lot of worth, even if it are only some hours, but it will be intensive hours!

And final vows - I mean.... That is something great!! I have just been to temporary vows and to some priests ordination, but still that was really moving and also in a way touched me in my vocation.

The community that I will most likely enter next spring is a 8 hour journey away from me and university does not allow me to spend a lot of time with them. But I try to go and visit for short visits as often as I need and can afford. This summer will only be a weekend visit, but with my thesis I just can not spare more time... But it is so important to keep in touch, to call, to talk to the novice responsable ... For me it is really important to be with my community, to see what things are happening there, but also the community told me that it is important for them - if of course it is possible for me - to see me grow and to participate in my life as well. :blush:

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I say go! If I had an opportunity to witness final vows I would definitely not pass it up! I hope I can see my friend take her final vows next year but it seems like it may not happen. Things could change though if I can save my money!

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[size="4"][/size][b]I would say go. $100.00 can be cut back on small things. Most of all, seeing someone else saying YES to God for life, is heaven-shaking.
Mom needs to start letting go.
Just sayin"[[/b]quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1311620781' post='2275786']
Ok, sorry to be a bother, but I need some 3rd party advice.

In the Random Vocations thread, I posted that I rsvp'ed and would be going to final vows...and was very, very, very excited about it!!! Except, I mentioned it to my mom on the phone the other night and she wasn't thrilled. Kind of gave me the "you're so busy, it costs a lot to get there, you were just up there a few months ago, etc."

So now I'm in a pickle. She didn't tell me not to go (which, I pay for everything myself, so it's not like that was really a concern), but I want to make/keep her happy too.

Reasons I want to go:
I'm very much feeling called to this particular community, and it's possible that I might ask for papers this fall or early next year (God willing, obviously, and if the community will let a sinner like me in). I would like to see final vows because it's the big event of "for all my life", just like a wedding is for a vocation to the married life. Also, it gives me a chance to spend some time with the Sisters not during a retreat.
If I'm going to spend the rest of my life there, I'd like to know it as well as possible.

Reasons I'm now hesitant:
Price of gas. ouch. It will be about $100 for the trip.
I can't get 3 days off work to do both First and Final vows, so it would just be final vows, less than a 24 hour trip... with about 5 hrs of driving each way.
Mom sometimes (bless her heart) has the tendency to hold things till later. So, when we go on our Nun Run next month, she might have things to say about that "because you just went on a "nun" trip.

What do you think? And yes, I'm praying about it... but Our Lord is currently being silent on the matter. Maybe the Holy Spirit will speak through one of you :)

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I say go!! Attending professions is not only mostly a once in a lifetime experience, and is really important in discernment! And since you feel the DSMME might be the order for you, I say go!


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I would definitely say go. I think TB said it perfectly when she said it is part of your discernment. You would be amazed at how much partaking in something like that affects you (in a good way of course) This is all part of the process of getting to know the community so I would definitely say go for it. I know you are worried about the cost of gas but if the Lord is calling you to this community, you should do all you can to keep your discernment with them going.

Praying that your mom comes around.

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Always go.
The more information you have, the better your future decision will be.

TB used the comparison to dating - this is like meeting the whole family at a family reunion.

Tell Mom you've already compromised by choosing to attend only the final vows ceremony and giving up the first professions.

Bring back a nice present for Mom.

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1311620781' post='2275786']
Reasons I'm now hesitant:
Price of gas. ouch. It will be about $100 for the trip.
I can't get 3 days off work to do both First and Final vows, so it would just be final vows, less than a 24 hour trip... with about 5 hrs of driving each way.
Mom sometimes (bless her heart) has the tendency to hold things till later. So, when we go on our Nun Run next month, she might have things to say about that "because you just went on a "nun" trip.

What do you think? And yes, I'm praying about it... but Our Lord is currently being silent on the matter. Maybe the Holy Spirit will speak through one of you :)

Honey, I feel yuh big time. My nun run is going to cost quite a bit on the gas side... but praise God that I'm being able to stay overnight with the FSPs.

In addition to prayer cards for Carmel, I might do a small painting for the FSPs. Meep!

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Go for it!
I also have difficulties with my mom and over and over again I have been told by many different people is "Ultimately you have to do what YOU feel is right". Obviously you feel like this is something you should do because why else would you have RSVP'd, budgeted for it, asked for time off work etc. Don't let these last minute doubts stop you from going!

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1311620781' post='2275786']
Ok, sorry to be a bother, but I need some 3rd party advice.

In the Random Vocations thread, I posted that I rsvp'ed and would be going to final vows...and was very, very, very excited about it!!! Except, I mentioned it to my mom on the phone the other night and she wasn't thrilled. Kind of gave me the "you're so busy, it costs a lot to get there, you were just up there a few months ago, etc."

So now I'm in a pickle. She didn't tell me not to go (which, I pay for everything myself, so it's not like that was really a concern), but I want to make/keep her happy too.

Reasons I want to go:
I'm very much feeling called to this particular community, and it's possible that I might ask for papers this fall or early next year (God willing, obviously, and if the community will let a sinner like me in). I would like to see final vows because it's the big event of "for all my life", just like a wedding is for a vocation to the married life. Also, it gives me a chance to spend some time with the Sisters not during a retreat.
If I'm going to spend the rest of my life there, I'd like to know it as well as possible.

Reasons I'm now hesitant:
Price of gas. ouch. It will be about $100 for the trip.
I can't get 3 days off work to do both First and Final vows, so it would just be final vows, less than a 24 hour trip... with about 5 hrs of driving each way.
Mom sometimes (bless her heart) has the tendency to hold things till later. So, when we go on our Nun Run next month, she might have things to say about that "because you just went on a "nun" trip.

What do you think? And yes, I'm praying about it... but Our Lord is currently being silent on the matter. Maybe the Holy Spirit will speak through one of you :)


I think it is important that you attend this event as you said - "it is important to the rest of your life." You deserve to become as enlightened as possible about your future home. I believe that God has placed this event and the timing of it in your grasp. You will meet families, other discerners, aspirants for 2011 and only God knows who he has planned for you to meet. There will be members of other communities as well as Sister home for the Summer. The opportunities are endless.

Pray about, ask your mother to pray and if applicable ask her to go. It could be a picture of your future she can carry with her until you reach that pinnacle.


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I'm going!!!!!!! Leaving right after work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only 7 hours to go!!!!!!!!!

By the way, pray for these Sisters making vows:

[u]Final Vows (Aug 2):
[/u]Sr. Mary Grace Kamp, O.P.
Sr. Joseph Maria Lawson, O.P.
Sr. Hyacinth Hayward, O.P.
Sr. Jude Andrew Link, O.P.

[u]First Vows (Aug 4):
[/u]Sr. Teresa Christi Balek
Sr. Elizabeth John Wrigley
Sr. Mary Ignatius Nesbit
Sr. Mary Lawrence Payne
Sr. Immaculata Rowe
Sr. Maria Jerome Poelman
Sr. Gianna Marie Borchers

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