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Right Wing Terrorism


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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1312148801' post='2279311']
The "Political Compass" is an incredibly simplistic and inadequate analysis of political viewpoints.

Ok. It is, though, better than saying he's right wing, or left wing. it's a little more precise. And if you have anything better, please, i'm interested. That's the best thing that I've seen.

Edited by Amppax
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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1312148536' post='2279301']
"Right wing" and "Left wing" are labels and mean different things in different times and places.

And "right-wing" does not always necessarily equal conservative.

sure, thats true enough.

(For instance, "Extreme Right-wing" in Europe commonly refers to racist pseudo-fascist groups, whereas in the U.S.A., it's commonly used to refer to anyone who opposes going deeper into national debt, or attends pro-life rallies, or commits other such unspeakable atrocities.)

really? do you even bother being honest? when people refer to extreme right wing in america, they are not referring to people who hold a fiscal conservative position.

That Norwegian nut's actions have about as much to do with American conservatism as those of Joseph Stalin have to do with the typical American or Canadian bleeding heart liberal.

you know, mentioning the word "liberal" or "canadian" without immediately preceding them with "bleeding heart" would be a real improvement for you.
you dont see me going around saying "arsehole", or "soulless", or "Fat-Cat" or "warmongering" before every mention of "Republican" or "American". save it for the special occassions.

Not that that will stop the Left from having a field day with it in the media.

yes, because the Right wasnt frothing and the mouth and jumping all over themselves labelling this guy as a "typical muslim terrorist" and shouting for such retribution as "bombing another arabic country" immediately after the news of a bombing came out.

of course, the immediate silence from every last one of them after it became known that this was a white guy, and even moreso, politically and socially right wing was very satisfying, and in my mind hilarious.

[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1312148683' post='2279303']
Disagreeing with Dear Leader, and not wanting to increase the burden of debt on future generations = deliberate mass-murder

Gotta love the Left . . .

Gotta love jerks who cant stop making sweeping generalizations, and "us against them" posts at every possible opportunity.

[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1312148801' post='2279311']
The "Political Compass" is an [b]incredibly simplistic and inadequate analysis of political viewpoints.[/b]

wow. you posted this immediately after your previous post(the one i quoted above) which was absolutely riddled with incredibly simplistic and blatantly inadequate analysis(even that word is a stretch) of political viewpoints.

Do you even notice the stuff you say, or is it all just firing from the hip?

Edited by Jesus_lol
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I think you should have used "aim" instead of "notice" if you're going to use the firing from the hip imagery.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1312217750' post='2279738']
I think you should have used "aim" instead of "notice" if you're going to use the firing from the hip imagery.

Did anyone ever mention to you your username contains win? :)

I find it hilarious how messed up the notions of the left and right are, and how ridiculous it is to be calling the GOP and the DFL right and left respectively, when neither party fits either definition even remotely cleanly. Even more hilarious is the notion of being "centrist." As if that means anything other than "I haven't been paying attention to politics in a while, so I haven't formed an opinion yet."

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[quote name='arfink' timestamp='1312219963' post='2279754']

Did anyone ever mention to you your username contains win? :)

I find it hilarious how messed up the notions of the left and right are, and how ridiculous it is to be calling the GOP and the DFL right and left respectively, when neither party fits either definition even remotely cleanly. Even more hilarious is the notion of being "centrist." As if that means anything other than "I haven't been paying attention to politics in a while, so I haven't formed an opinion yet."
I'm reading that, right now. Interesting view, he's got.

Centrist seems to mean the willingness to let the government plunder, but on limited terms.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1312217750' post='2279738']
I think you should have used "aim" instead of "notice" if you're going to use the firing from the hip imagery.

I kind of had two sets of imagery mocked up and went with a horrible cross between the two. Its still fairly easy for anyone with a frontal lobe to deduce what i am saying.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1312244541' post='2280029']

I kind of had two sets of imagery mocked up and went with a horrible cross between the two. Its still fairly easy for anyone with a frontal lobe to deduce what i am saying.
We can all understand Harry Potter, as well; that doesn't excuse the writing.

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So far Winchester has been getting just about all my likes. Be funnier people.

Everything Winchester says is funny to me.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1312248617' post='2280080']
From my cold, dead hands.

Makes sure it's a Colt Peacemaker or 1911, more dramatic and symbolic that way.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1312183916' post='2279640']

sure, thats true enough.

really? do you even bother being honest? when people refer to extreme right wing in america, they are not referring to people who hold a fiscal conservative position.[/quote]

Congressmen who oppose raising the debt ceiling are "terrorists," remember?

I live in America, and liberal Democrats commonly refer to anyone who disagrees with them as "extreme right wing." (including Republican politicians who aren't all that conservative.) Maybe things are different north of the border, I don't know.

[quote]you know, mentioning the word "liberal" or "canadian" without immediately preceding them with "bleeding heart" would be a real improvement for you.

you dont see me going around saying "arsehole", or "soulless", or "Fat-Cat" or "warmongering" before every mention of "Republican" or "American". save it for the special occassions.[/quote]
Learning reading comprehension would be a real improvement for you.

Note carefully that I said "[b]American[/b] or Canadian bleeding heart liberal," with "American" coming first. Are you going to accuse me of making a slur against Americans there?

(Though I do realize Canadians have thinner skins that normal people. Next time, I'll make sure I eliminate "Canadian" and just say "American," so no delicate Canadian feelings are hurt. I promise.)

And if you read further, you'd note my sentence, "That Norwegian nut's actions have about as much to do with American conservatism as those of Joseph Stalin have to do with the typical American or Canadian bleeding heart liberal," implied that said liberals do [i]not[/i] have anything to do with Stalin's actions.

If I were being a soulless arsehole right-winger American pig meanie-pantaloons, I would have no doubt linked your leftist beliefs to Uncle Joe's bloody behavior.

So peace out, Napoleon.

[quote]yes, because the Right wasnt frothing and the mouth and jumping all over themselves labelling this guy as a "typical muslim terrorist" and shouting for such retribution as "bombing another arabic country" immediately after the news of a bombing came out.

of course, the immediate silence from every last one of them after it became known that this was a white guy, and even moreso, politically and socially right wing was very satisfying, and in my mind hilarious.[/quote]
No more hilarious than all the left-leaning talking heads immediately labeling that nutjob in Arizona who shot Giffords as some right-wing conservative Sarah-Palin-lovin' Tea-party-type, when in fact he was nothing of the sort.

And that wasn't "the Right," but a few commentators. Media talking heads of every stripe spout idle speculation before the fact. It's part of what the chattering class is paid to do. But given that most similar bombings in recent times have in fact been the work of Islamic radicals, such a guess isn't quite so off-the-wall.

And sorry, but I guess I just don't find anything tied to a tragic mass-murder "satisfying" or "hilarious," but I guess I'm just kind of humorless like that.

[quote]Gotta love jerks who cant stop making sweeping generalizations, and "us against them" posts at every possible opportunity.[/quote]
If you meet any, let me know, so I can go whop them upside the head.

We need more un-biased types like yourself on here.

[quote]wow. you posted this immediately after your previous post(the one i quoted above) which was absolutely riddled with incredibly simplistic and blatantly inadequate analysis(even that word is a stretch) of political viewpoints.

Do you even notice the stuff you say, or is it all just firing from the hip?[/quote]
Actually, it's fired from a precisely-calibrated and aimed sniper rifle from high in an abandoned building, but I'm glad you're impressed with my marksmanship. Wish I could shoot from the hip and be so on-target, but alas, I'm no Annie Oakley.

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[quote name='Marie-Therese' timestamp='1312334360' post='2280567']
Socrates, your obsession with Canadians seems a little...unhinged.
What do you have against Canadians?

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1312334523' post='2280569']
What do you have against Canadians?

I don't have anything against Canadians. What I do have is an extreme irritation with people who are, I presume, grown men, but who behave as though they are in a third-grade pissing match.

Nice little switcheroo on the avatar, btw. For anyone who's curious what I mean, Socrates' original tagline, after assuming J_lol's avatar, read "Shouldn't be confused for a Canadian." Now it reads "Shouldn't be confused for a liberal." (Edit: now the avatar has reverted to the original. Cute.)

This thread could be a fruitful debate about the essence of the presumptions about left and right, conservative and liberal. It could lead to considerable discourse on the entire concept of political labeling and the effect that those labels have on public policy, interpersonal discussions and the larger world of statist politics and fringe radicalism. Instead, what we have now is a thread reeking of vinegar and water.

Your posts are condescending. Your tone is annoying. Were I a potential convert or a fledgling Catholic and my exposure to Catholic charity was reading your posts, I'd be convinced that Catholicism makes people into pedantic misanthropes. If I was reading your posts looking for information, even if your points were one hundred percent correct one hundred percent of the time, I would have a very hard time taking anything you said seriously, simply because you act like a child who got kicked in the shins and decided to pee in someone's chocolate milk to retaliate.

You want to refute someone's ideas? Great. Go for it. Just try to stick to debate and leave your arrogance at home in your other pocket.

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